Chapter 33

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Ranboo POV

Y/N wasn't responding to me. Something must've happened. I still had the bucket in my inventory. Thankfully, Bad didn't check it or else I'd be dead. 

I had a plan to get out of here. The Egg's vines were all around my body, making it hard for me to escape. I didn't have much room in here because the box I was trapped in didn't have much space. Basically every inch of the box was covered in vines. Luckily, the Egg didn't mess with my head yet. It's probably more fixed on Y/N since they are here for the first time.

I hope they were okay and weren't infected. But if they were then I'd get them out anyway. I couldn't risk losing another friend. Not again.

My hands were tied up. I guess the Egg wasn't that stupid after all. I tried moving them around. It kind of worked and I got rid of a few vines which immedeatly got replaced by new ones. This isn't gonna do it. I'm only wasting my time on this.

I was facing the Egg so when I'm gonna use the bucket it surely will weaken it.
Y/N has been awfully quiet. They haven't said anything in a while. "Y/N?"

No response

I tried again. "Y/N?"

Again no response. I was panicking. Were they okay? Are they dead? Probably not. Bad said the Egg wanted to infect us too because of whatever reason. Speaking of Bad. Where was he? I haven't seen him in a while.

I decided to call for him. "Bad? Hello? Is anyone here?" I asked. No response. My voice wasn't that loud either. Maybe he didn't hear me.

Before I called Bad's name again a voice cutted me off. It wasn't the Egg's voice tho. It was Dream's.

Ranboo :)

I sighed, "What do you want, Dream?" The vines suddenly grew closer to me as if they wanted to quicken the process of me getting infected.

Listen, Ranboo.

I don't want the Egg to control you or your friend.

Your friend isn't infected yet. But they are getting to it.

I nodded, notifying for him that I'm listening. Y/N wasn't infected yet. Good. What does he want to say? The vines started to fully cover me now.

Let's make a deal. :)

If I help you two then you owe me.

"What do you mean, 'owe me'?" I asked. Now the red vines covered my mouth and nose. Like a mask. I tried to breath but soon realised that I couldn't. This is gonna be a problem.

I mean that You and Y/N are helping me when I need your help.

Whatever it is, you two are helping.

You don't need to agree if you want to get infected and most likely die. :)

So, do we have a deal or not?

The way he talked sounded threatening. I didn't fully agree on it but I couldn't care less. If he's helping us, we are helping him. My head started to hurt and my lungs felt like they are getting squeezed.
"Fine... just.. g-et us out!" I coughed out.

Be still :)

I did what he said and my vision blurred. Everything from that moment was just a blurry memory. I don't know what happened next but I could breath again.
The last thing I remembered seeing were purple particles before everything went black.


I brutally shot my eyes open, breathing heavily. I gasped for air first and closed my eyes again. Breath in an out. Like Phil told you. And just like that I slowly breathed in and out and eventually calmed down again. Now, what happened?

The first thing I did was looking around. I saw a lot of blood. Like A LOT of it and soon knew why.

There was Bad laying on the ground, covered in blood. All the other Egg worshippers layed somewhere else. I spotted Tommy in a corner. He wasn't as harmed as the others. I decided to rush  over to Bad. Sure, he might wanted to kill me a few times but it wasn't his fault. He and the rest of the Eggpire got brainwashed.

I reached his body- corpse? Whatever, I kneeled down infront of him and searched for any kind of pulse. There was! He was alive. Good. He was just unconscious. I opened his inventory and took what I could get. His sword, for example.

But what the heck happened here?

I turned around again to the direction f the Egg. I needed to get Y/N and me out.  I didn't see anything so I continued to walk over.

When I reached the other box I noticed that most of the vines let go of them. Quickly, I checked my inventory. The bucket was gone. I guess I used it when I was in my Enderwalk state.

But it seemed like the water had worked. The vines of the Egg layed dead on the ground. But I didn't trust the Egg. Maybe it was trying to fool me.

Don't worry. I got rid of it for now :)

There it was. Dream's voice. I needed to visit him in prison and thank him after this.

I couldn't get distracted now. I needed to get Y/N and me out of here.
They were unconscious, buy breathing normally. I took the sword I took from Bad and slashed the rest of the vines carefully. They made a squishy sound which sounded absolutely disgusting.

After every vine was good I saw how injured Y/N was. Little marks of the vines' thorns could be seen. They were everywhere. "Oh god.." I mumbled as I realised what the Egg has done to them.

I didn't want to hurt them so I tried my best to get them out as careful as a half- enderman could be.

I picked them up with ease. Luckily, they weren't too heavy. They didn't wake up from it. I didn't know if I should've been relieved or worried.

Since I got them now, it was time to get the heck out of here. I felt a lot of energy run through my body. Probably the adrenaline.

I quickly ran through the whole room towards the exit. Everyone was still unconscious. Was it because of the Egg? Maybe.

I ran up the stairs and ran up the second stairs that lead outside. I made sure to not slip over a vine. The path up the stairs was very slippy. I needed to slow down.

And then, finally I was out with Y/N in my arms. The first thing I did was breathing in and out. Fresh air is what I needed.

After that, I messaged Techno. I can trust him after all. Atleast I think so.
I told him that Y/N and I were out of the Egg room and that we wanted to get to them.

After a short wait he answered me, saying that he was in Kinoko Kingdom. Great! Kinoko Kingdom wasn't too far away. I always wanted to see it anyway.

Well then. Next stop: Kinoko Kingdom.

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