Chapter 30

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"And prepare to die."

I turned around to Bad, terrified. We shouldn't have trusted him. Now we are here, surrounded by lava with no escape.

I looked around, desperately trying to find an exit bur there wasn't. We were truly trapped. The path from the dining table led to the Egg. Bad walked towards it.

This can't be good.

I heard Puffy laughing. When I turned around I saw that she was standing infront of the place where the hidden chest was put. "You know, Bad. We didn't trust you. That's why we prepared this!" She went to open the chest only to be met with shock. I walked up next to her to peek inside the chest. It was empty.

My face went pale. We really have a problem now. I glanced around the room, looking for an exit once again, but all I could see was the path to the Egg. What are they planning?

Bad laughed, and so did Ponk, Ant and Punz. I saw someone jump down to the table from the ceiling. When the person stepped into the light I could see that it was Tommy. Was he the one who did that with the lava?
"Looking for this, perhaps?" Bad asked, still grinning as he put on the armor Puffy made.
"I'm sorry, Puffy." Hannah said, standing next to Bad. "I had to tell them."
I stared at her in disbelief. How could she?! Why is she on Bad's side so suddenly?? I felt a rush of anger inside me. I wanted to scream right now.

Before I could scream Sam laughed, which caught me off guard. Then I remembered. We still had plan B. The Creeper hybrid vigorously turned his gaze to the Egg standing behind Bad some meters away. He looked like he looked up the ceiling. I knew what was about to happen. Slowly, he put his arms behind him, and looked back at Bad. "You know," he took a step away from Bad. "Thats... unfortunate." He glared at Hannah "But you should always be prepared for a plan B." And with that he pushed a button on a device that was stuffed behind the pockets he had in his black jeans. Just as soon as he did, TNT started to fall down on top of the Egg. I covered my ears, ready for the explosion. "What?!" Bad shouted in shock before it fully went off.

Then it happened. The explosion did went off. However, the Egg didn't seem to take any damage. I heard Bad laugh again.
I ignored it and looked back at the Egg. It seemed to have constructed some kind of shield around it. Everything was covered in obsidian. How odd.

Sam dropped to his knees, not knowing what to do. I walked over to him to try and comfort him. Bad cleared his throat. "Since the accident with Quackity we decided to shield the Egg." He glared directly at Sam with a smile. "Anyways. Lets get to the fun part!" Tubbo shot me a glare of scaredness. He was just as scared as I was. I pushed Sam up and we began walking to the others.

I stood next to my two friends. Both of them seemed to have their faces on Tommy. Speaking of him, the boy was currently standing next to Bad, smiling proudly. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He was being manipulated into thinking that, whatever this Egg really was, was good. I hoped that deep down, there's still good in him.

Bad talked in a singing tone while walking over to the Egg, Ant, Tommy, Punz, Ponk and Hannah followed him with weapons now in hand. Bad held a crossbow. "Now, if you'd be so kind to make your way over here. Then we can prepare for the executions. "WHAT?!" Tubbo screamed, almost crying when the news hit him. He looked over to Ranboo, hugging him tightly. "What about you crying about not wanting to do this anymore? We trusted you!!" Tubbo cried out, not breaking the eye contact he had with Bad's cold, hollow eyes. "I trusted you..." His voice quieted. I could feel the pain he was in right now. Poor Tubbo.

"Oh that?" Bad giggled. "That was to lure everyone down here, of course. Why would you think that I'd ever go against my Egg?" He protested, but kept that smile he had. "You see? The Egg needs something and it's gonna get it from each of you. See, in order for the Egg to hatch it needs energy." He stopped and eyed everyone of us. I felt a chill rundown my spine. I hid behind Ranboo for safety. "And it gets that energy by people dying near it. And that's the role that you guys are going to fill!!" He continued, his voice was full of joy. I backed away once more. Everyone's gasps filled the room. I only stood there, watching how Bad smiled at everyone.

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