Rest In Peace

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Rest in peacce🕊️
I know we aren't close to him or related to him in any way.
But this video was complete shock to me, and probably a lot of other fans too.
Technoblade was an awesome content creator, (with Lore as well) an awesome friend (probably, I mean I don't know) and definitely the god of minecraft.
I know this sounds silly but Technoblade always brought me, you and a lot of fans joy. I don't think I'd be the same person I am now without Technoblade.
This news actually made me cry.

I'm sorry for your loss, family of Technoblade.
This must be very hard to take. You are his family and it's even harder to accept that someone from your family died.

Thank you for everything you've done Technoblade.
We will miss you.
Somewhere, deep down, I wish he wasn't dead. I wish this was all a stupid little prank. But I guess this is live.
People come and go, sometimes too soon.
I can't take this..

Technoblade never dies in our hearts❤

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