Chapter 6

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Tommy woke up in a dark room. His vision was blurry and he couldn't make out where he was or what has happened. It was like a part of his memory vanished. His head was hurting really bad, like someone had thrown a stone down at him. He could feel how his heart was racing really fast.
The blurred vision slowly became clearer and clearer. Soon he realised that he was in a kind of prison? No. Someone had trapped him in a box.
Tommy couldn't feel his arms or legs. They were both numb as if someone had cut them off. He looked down at his hands and legs. Someone had tied his them with ropes. That's why he couldn't feel them anymore. The hard ropes were tied so tightl !round that no blood came through or out.
It seemed a bit strange to him that he couldn't remember anything, but at the moment he had bigger problems.
Finally he tried to move them. It was a bit difficult for him, but in the end he made it and slowly got his feelings back.
Suddenly, a voice called for him from across the room.
"Sam? Phil!! HELP!!"

It wasn't Sam or Phil. It was BadBoyHalo.

"Oh Tommy, you can't scream here. No one will hear you."
That scared Tommy. He was scared that Bad will kill him or actually breaks Dream out and sends him here to kill him. Tommy didn't want to die.
"W-" it took him a minute to catch his words "Where am I?"
Bad laughed again. An evil smile forming on his face. He was happy that he bought Tommy here. Just like the Egg requested.
"You, sweet Tommy, are in the centre of the Egg's area."
'What? What is that?' Tommy questioned. He thought for a bit more. Okay, so he couldn't escape. That's for sure. Bad, that asshole had taken all his stuff. His inventory was empty, there wasn't even any food left.
Maybe he just had to hope that his friends would save him eventually.
"What's 'The Egg'?"
He asked carefully. Bad smiled at smiled, cheering a bit inside. "Glad that you ask." Bad mined a few blocks for Tommy to see the Egg. It was right next to him. 'So that's where the red light comes from' he answered himself.
"What does it do? Why did you kidnap me? What's all of this?!" He had a lot of questions. Maybe they won't even be answered.
Tommy could feel that he was angry. He felt as if he could just punch this obsidian box till its broken so he could leave.

But he couldn't.

Without answering any of Tommy's questions, Bad simply ignored him for the rest. He mined some little holes for the vines to go through Tommy's cage.
"You know what to do" Bad whispered to the Egg before comming back to Tommy.
"You have~" he simply checked the time on his clock. It was 5:00 pm. "14 hours.
I still need to catch your lovely friends so I'll be back soon! Have fun!"
He said goodbye to Tommy and left.
Now that Tommy was alone, he was very scared for his friends. What if something happens to them? He just had to do something. He just had to.
He slowly tried to free himself. He managed a bit until all the blood-red tendrils shot out of the ground and grabbed Tommy. A few clung to his neck, others to his knees and arms to make it even harder for him to escape. They were so hard around his neck that he couldn't breath.
Because of the loss of air, he became more and more tired. He became dizzy and soon passed out.

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