Chapter 4

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"Bad wants to break Dream out."

Tubbo went completely silent after he heard that. His eyes widen, showing Tommy that he was shocked. "S-surely not." He stuttered.
Tommy sighs. "That's why I have to go. I need to tell Sam." He turned around again, facing the door. "And I need to go alone." After Tommy had said that, Tubbo was still confused. Why does he have to go alone? "Why alone? We can come with you. And not that late. He's propably still sleeping." Tommy thought about it. 'But I need to meet Bad.' "You know what? You are right. Lets just go tomorrow."

Next day

"Good morning Y/N." Tubbo said warmly "Did you sleep well?"
You nodded quickly and stood up to help clear the living room up. While grabbing the popcorn you noticed that Tommy wasn't there.
"Where's Tommy?" You asked. Tubbo shot up, obviously not knowing that he wasn't there.
He mumbled something both you and Ranboo didn't really hear.
"I'm pretty sure that he went home already." He said while cleaning up the rest of that was left behind yesterday.
You shrugged and after everyone finished cleaning their stuff, You went to search for Tommy. It's so out of character for him to just leave without saying anything. Something must be wrong.

Halfway to his house, you noticed blood on the floor. It was sucked from a weird looking, red vine. You remembered seing them often around but never really cared about it, but now they were bothering you.
Was there a fight?
You wondered if Tommy was okay since the blood was near his 'home'.
It was weird that Tommy lives in a literally dirt hole. He ones said that he wanted to upgrade it to wood, but that still didn't happen. Maybe one day tho.
As you walked up the wooden path you saw more and more blood being soaked up from those mysterious vines.

After some time you finally reached Tommy's house. You knocked a few times and waited. Nobody answered. Weird. At this time, Tommy would be home during whatever he usually does. Without doing anything the door opened wide. "What the hell." You quietly mumbled. The lights were still on, and his home was a mess. Chests were open, even some stuff was thrown out. His desk was covered with those vines from earlier, and the back of the house was destroyed.
'What the hell happened here?'
Yo stormed out of the house and went to look for Sam. Maybe he knows where Tommy could be. At this time he would be at the prison watching after Dream who recently got put into the prison for doing, well, weird shit.

*dramatically fades to black for flashback*

Sam grabbed Dreams wrist and dragged him out of the dug out area, up to he elevator, and soon were out of distance. 
"Tommy! Tubbo! Are you two okay? We thought you two died!!" You and Ranboo runned up to them and gave them a big hug. "Yeah we are alright. Dream is in prison now!"

*end of really bad flashback*

Sam POV 3rd person

Sam was currently doing some paperwork when he heard a voice through the speakers. It was Y/N's
"Sam?" They called, sounding worried. Sam immediately tensed up. He turned to the microphone and asked what they need. "It's important! Can you activate the portal?" With a sigh, Sam did and waited for Y/N to arrive.
To his surprise, they runned up to him with a ton of worry in their face.
"Jesus Y/N, you good? What's wrong?"
He asked while putting his paperwork aside. Y/N, who was still catching their breath could barely talk at the moment and waited a minute to get enough breath.
"Okay so" she started, "Yesterday Bad came up to us and-" After Y/N mentioned Bad, Sams eyes widen and be immediately listened.
"He said something to Tommy and then he left while Tommy was acting all weird and shit. Now today I wanted to look for him and there were those weird vines all around his house and he wasn't there and now he's kinda gone and nobody knows where he is."
"Did Bad say anything about an egg by any chance?" Sam asked, shock was all over his face, now even he was worried that he knew what happened to Tommy, but even thinking about it was giving him nightmares.
"No, he didn't. But he was acting strange and he had white stripes instead of his original red ones-" That was enough information for Sam. But just to make sure that he was right, he asked one more question. "Were those vines red?" Y/N nodded and Sam stood up.

"Oh god. I know where he is."

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