Chapter 23

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"Bad!" A confident sounding voice shouted. Due to the hollow cave it echoed through the room.

Bad was sitting infront of the Egg Whispering things to it while vines crawled around him, moving up his back, almost covering his entire body. He didn't mind though. He was liking it in a way of comfort. However, Bad could feel how he became more tired than usual and exhausted.

Bad's eyes shot open, feeling angry that he got disturbed by someone who wasn't a member of the Eggpire. "What do you want, Tubbo?" He asked, his voice sounded annoyed and dull. It sent some shivers down Tubbos spine.
Ranboo was genuinely scared of Bad and didn't want to go further into the room. They were 'safe' where they were standing now. However, that feeling would disappear soon.

"Why on earth would you trap Ranboo in this.. thing?! What is wrong with you!"
Tubbo almost screamed. He never actually screamed and it took him my surprise as well as Ranboo and Bad, but he was too angry to think about it now. Bad laughed in reply. It was a tired and exhausted laugh. "Tubbo... I had to do it. It's what the Egg wants." Bad swung around, his white glowing eyes stared up at Tubbo and Ranboo. They were slowly turning red.
"Okay, great! You 'confronted' him. Can we go now?" Ranboo begged, no longer feeling safe in the position he was in.
Tubbo didn't hear him and equipped his sword. "I'm sick and tired of your stupid plans to kill us or our friends! What is your goal? Why did you want to kill
Y/N?" Tubbo stepped further into the room. He didn't care if he didn't feel safe at the moment, he just wanted to get revenge. Now that he stepped further in he could actually see the Egg. It was big and red and scared him a lot.

"Slow down. I didn't do anything to Sam! I wasn't even there when he and Puffy got Tommy! The Egg was here, nothing else!!" Bad said, grinning at the end without Tubbo or Ranboo noticing. His tail lazily swung around from side to side while he walked forward to the two teenagers.

"Stay back!" Ranboo shouted, trying to show no fear. Bad stopped which left Tubbo with confusion. "Wait- he actually stopped." He whispered to Ranboo so quietly and unnoticeable, Bad didn't see it.

The demon stepped aside revealing the Egg's bloodvines crawling fastly towards Tubbo and Ranboo. "See? Im sick of all of this! Tell the Egg to give us Tommy back!" His sword slashed the nearest one of the vines in two, bringing it to collapse on the floor. "You are a monster, Bad! Why are you doing all of this?!" Tubbo cut of the vines one by one until the Egg eventually gave up on trying. Bad backed away out of fear and equipped his sword as well. He breathed in and out very fast. Eventually, he relaxed a bit at the Egg's shell by standing next to it. "I-" He tried his best to sound believable. Words didn't caught up to him but he tried his best to think.

"The Egg told me I can get whatever my heart desires. I- I wanted to have Skeppy back.." The last part was only a quiet mumble, but his words were still heard by the duo. It didn't took long before Bad broke down, crying and sobbing into his clothes. Tubbo felt a bit of sadness and guilt in it. He wasn't very happy when other people cried infront of him, even if they were his enemies.

Ranboo was frozen in place, not knowing what to do. Should he warn Tubbo or fight off some vines. He eventually decided to warn Tubbo.
"Tubbo, wait! What if it's a trap?" He had to speak a bit louder because Tubbo was standing a bit further in the room while he stood right next to the exit. He sceptically stood there, drawing his axe out if anything happens. 'Come on, Ranboo. Go further in. You need to protect Tubbo.'

With his axe in his hand he walked up next to Tubbo. If anything goes wrong then Ranboo could just use his axe to chop off whatever was there attacking them.

Tubbo bowed over to the demon who was still crying on the ground. "It's okay, Bad. I'm sure you'll get him back somehow." He looked over to Ranboo, mouthing that they should go and pointing to the exit. He glanced back at Bad. "Look... Maybe we could all help without infecting other people?"
He slowly moved back while Bad continued to stare on the stone ground. His crying eventually stopped. "You two can go. I don't want the Egg to hurt you two. I'm sorry about Tommy, but I can't undo it." One last tear fell before he stood up, still staring on the ground.

"Go now." His voice changed and it was clear to Tubbo and Ranboo that the Egg was getting to him again.

As they run out the Egg's room and the slider spawner, they stopped, breathing heavily. "At- atleast we've got something out of him.." Tubbo breathed. It took him some second to gain more air to breath.
"Y-yeah. Let's never to that again. He was planning something.. I could f-feel it." Ranboo heavily breathed in and out while he remembered what happened.
"What now?" He asked, feeling like he could run again.
Tubbo thought for a minute. The sundawn was beautiful today and Tubbo didn't want to face anyone else today anyways. He really wanted to watch the sundawn like the old times when all four of them, You, Tommy, Ranboo and himself. But then he remembered something important which Ranboo agreed on.

"How about we go apologise to Y/N?"

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