Chapter 13

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"Ant! Kill them."

'What? Nonononono!!!'
Ant hesitated, but raised his sword anyways to land a hit on you.

He didn't.

Before he could kill you, another sword blocked his attack.
It was Puffy's sword.
"I would leave them alone if I was you!" She confidently yelled with a tone of anger, her sword crashing into Ant's sword.
"P-Puffy!" You breathed, stuttering a bit. She glanced back at you, relieved that you weren't dead. "I got your message just in time, I guess."
Bad smirked, approaching the sheep hybrid with an axe in hand.
"Watch out!" You shout just in time before Bad could land a hit. Puffy turned around, equipping a shield while turning and blocking off Bad's attacks, pushing him a bit behind.
"Retreat, Ant! We have better things to do." The demon put his sword back and walked away with the injured cat. Puffy slashed his arms cut open before Bad attacked her.
Your vision got blurry as the poison was now all over your body and more blood pouring out of the big wound. Puffy's voice faded into a quiet mumble of words. Everything got darker and darker, and before you realised, you completely fainted.

-Some minutes before Puffy came-

Puffy was home, trying, and main new potions as always. It kinda was her hobby since she made her first potion ever with Bad and Ant. Sometimes she missed those times where no one was fighting for power or got corrupted by eggs. Sometimes she wanted to go back in time to reward those scenes, but she wasn't a time traveller. Karl was one, everyone knew that. One day he just told everyone about it incase he forgot about it.
Puffy was sitting on her chair by the desk, focusing on the different ingredients she had to throw into the potion stand.
Her hands were shaking nervously. She was nervous. Scared that this potion will, once again, blow up her entire house.
A slight grin appeared on her face as she remembered the time where her house got blown up by her stupid try to combine potions.

Suddenly, her chatbar rang, getting her distracted now and failing what she was about to do. Luckily it didn't explode like last time. She was relieved and opened her chat with you because the message came from you.
A blank expression, filled with worry appeared on her face as she read the message you had sent.
She closed the chat and grabbed the nearest sword she could find and made her way to the exit, hoping that she wasn't too late.

-back to present time-

Puffy sat next to you, holding your unconscious hand. She checked your heartbeat already and was relieved when she found out that you didn't die.
"Should I notify Ranboo and Tubbo? No. I don't want to worry them even more. First Tommy and now them? I can't do that." She didn't realise that she was talking out loud, but no one heard her anyways, so she pretty much didn't care.
Puffy looked down at the wound. She stopped the bleeding by simply just pouring a healing potion at it. It healed quicker than Puffy expected, but it left an ugly mark on your leg, which wasn't supposed to happen. It only stopped the bleeding and sort of fixed the wound. Maybe it would still hurt when you walk. Puffy didn't know because healing potions usually heal an entire wound, not just 25% of it.
She continued to sit in silence. She didn't want to lose one of her little children. Of course you weren't her real daughter, but Puffy would do anything for You, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo. She loved all four of you.
Anger filled her whole body as she let go of your hand.

The Egg will pay for controlling her friends. It will pay for killing, attacking and trapping innocent people. It will pay for doing what it did. No matter what would happen. Puffy will make it feel sorry.

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