Chapter 32

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Puffy POV

We were out of that damn place. After Quackity splashed the potion on us we instantly ran through the lava without looking back. Though, now I might regret it.

When we got out no one realised that Ranboo and Y/N were missing. Not until Sam bought it up.

I was in shock. Now I might lose them too. I had to check if they are okay, but Quackity kept telling me that they are 'probably already dead'. I didn't want to believe it. We needed to make a plan to get them back if they are still alive. It's a risk but what if they aren't dead? We'd be wasting our time sitting here when we could've saved them.

I needed to talk to Sam after this wholesome conversation we had with Quackity. He might have saved us but he doesn't have to behave like he's the leader of this group.

"Puffy. Look, I'm sorry but we can't do anything. Techno is badly injured and I am not the greatest fighter here. There's nothing we can do for Y/N and Ranboo."
He said, I tried my best to keep myself calm. But the anger I felt was way too big to be ignored.

"How can you say that?!" I snapped, punching the table we sat at. "They are children! They don't deserve to experience such things. What if they were Sapnap and Karl?" Suddenly, Quackity went silent and stopped arguing with me. I knew this would work.

"I'm sorry" He simply said before leaving the room. We hid at Kinoko Kingdom for now. It wasn't too far away from the spider spawner and the Egg, so we could still rescue Ranboo and Y/N if they were still alive. I hope they are okay. I'll always see them as my own children, even if they aren't. I loved them and I didn't want them to go through this. I should have been more careful and I should've kept them close to me or didn't allow them to go to the Banquet. Then Tubbo wouldn't be dead. But he was and it was my fault. Foolish's dead was on me too. I should've protected him. I won't let that happen again.

Time skip

Sam, Quackity and I sat outside, discussing some plans on what to do next. "How is Techno doing?" I asked out of curiosity. If we wanted to defeat the Eggpire then we need Techno at our side.  He was the strongest one after all. "Better" Karl replied. I flinched for a second because I didn't hear or see him coming to us. "Niki is helping him right now." I was relieved. "Good,". What now?
We chatted for a some minutes until my communicator rang, telling me that someone messaged me. I hoped that it was Y/N or Ranboo. I opened it to see a message from Bad. "It's from Bad!" I shouted shockingly. What did he want? Where Ranboo and Y/N alive?
Whatever it was, I wanted to know.

Sam rose up and walked next to me to look at the message Bad sent. His eyes went wide. "We have Ranboo and Y/N, better surrender before it's too late for them." He read out. Quackity shot us a glare, most likely surprised that they weren't dead.

"We need to safe them!" I shouted. If there was a chances that they were alive then we should use it. I don't want them to die, too. "She's right. We have to do something."

Quackity sighed. He couldn't say no. Not after what happened. We have one chance and we're gonna take it. I'm not losing anymore children.
"Fine. Let's think of a plan."

Your POV

My eyes shot open when I felt terrible pain everywhere. I looked down at my legs to see the vines still laying around. It looked like there were spikes or some kind of thorns coming out of them. These thorns buried themself in my skin but suddenly, the pain stopped. I went to rib the vines away but remembered that my hands were tied up behind my back. Fuck. Whatever the Egg did, it was smart. Maybe these thorns lead to the pain fading away. Maybe they were like painkillers .

I tried looking around which surprisingly worked, but I couldn't do anything else.
"Ranboo?" I tried saying. My throat felt dry and my voice came out quiet and croase. It almost sounded like a quiet mumble.

"Yes?" He stuttered back, sounding okay. I sighed in relief. He wasn't dead. "Come on! We need... to get out of h-here." I heard him sigh. "I can't move. These- vines are everywhere." I sighed. "T-try to destroy them... Do you have any k-kind of w-weapon with you?" I didn't know if he could even hear me. Maybe the Egg was playing with my head. I hope someone will come to save us soon.

I thought for a while and remembered something. "Do you still have the bucket?" I whispered so quietly that, if Bad was here, he wouldn't hear it.
"Yes" good. That was perfect. This proved that it is really Ranboo I'm talking to. The bucket was filled with church prime water. When you spill it over the Egg it should weaken. That's what Puffy told me some time ago to protect myself if something like this happens.

"I'm gonna spill it over the Egg or ,at least, try to."  I nodded "Yes! Do that. I'm g-gonna see if-" I stopped, suddenly feeling a lot of pain in my head. It felt like it would split in two by any second now.
"Y/N?" Ranboo asked, this time being a lot quieter because of another certain voice in my head.


What are you doing?~

The Egg was the reason why Foolish and Tubbo are dead. The Egg was the reason why Tommy hated us. It was all the Egg's fault. The vines of the Egg tightened everytime I thought about everything the Egg has done.

Don't you want to see Tubbo again?~

I thought he was important to you~

"He is.. but..." I couldn't find any words. Ranboo was worried and kept calling my name. I couldn't reply to him. I just couldn't. I don't know why. The Egg wouldn't let me.

If I'm being honest, it wasn't too bad to be infected. Ranboo and I could be together with Tommy and Tubbo again. The Egg would bring Tubbo back and everything would be fine. The more I thought about the more I realised how far I've fallen into the grasp of the Egg. I couldn't get myself infected. No. That wold be bad.

Who told you that joining me would be bad?~

Remeber, only I can bring Tubbo back~

I only want to help you~

"No.." I muttered. "You're trying to- to-" I couldn't get an weds together. I was far too focused on it's voice.

Join me, Y/N~

"No... I-" I heard Ranboo again. I couldn't focus on him right now.  The Egg's bloodvines crawled up my neck. It wanted to kill me.
"R-ranboo, help-"


I felt tired again. My eyes slowly closed. I needed to stay awake. I needed to get out of here. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Puffy would come to save us eventually. I don't think I can resist for much longer. It's a miracle that Ranboo didn't get infected yet. He seemed just fine.

Now my eyes fully closed. My whole body felt numb. I couldn't move my legs or arms or hands. And before I knew it I passed out.

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