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Pdv Kira :

We are all seated around a fire. We all finished eating. Daryl stands guard while Merle snores right next to him.

I fiddle with his dog tags around my neck. I sincerely hope to find them all safe and sound at this camp.

I see Daryl yawning, it'll be 5 hours standing guard while Merle sleeps.

Me: Do you want me to take you back?

Daryl: No way!

Me: Pff, as you wish. I said that to help you.

Daryl: I don't know you!

I sketch a smile at her before lying down in the grass to contemplate the stars. I know who must surely watch them too and I can say that it gives me courage.

The night passes rather quickly, from the first rays of the sun that rises we are already back on the road.

Daryl: We should be there in 4, 5 hours.

Merle: If there isn't your family, what will you do? Will you still stay?

Me: Why? If my family isn't there, I don't see the point of staying. No, if they're not there, I'll go back on the road looking for them.

We all talk along the way. Finally "we" Merle and me, Daryl remains in his corner muttering incomprehensible things.

We arrive at a kind of plains where camper vans, tents and cars are installed. Pretty classy all that.

Merle: You can go.

Without really waiting any longer, I go back and forth between the tents under the completely lost gaze of the others. But nothing, people in my family. None.

I turn around and walk back towards Daryl and Merle.

Me: Well, thank you anyway. *I smile at him

Merle: Sorry, what are you going to do then.

Me: Are you worried about me now? *I laughed

Merle flashes me a smile. I leave, patting him on the shoulder when a voice is heard. A voice I know all too well.

Shane : Kira?!

I turn around and face Shane, my father's best friend, my uncle...

We get closer little by little until we are face to face. Shane places both hands on either side of my face as if to see if it was me.

I throw myself into his arms, he kisses the top of my head, hugging me a little tighter.

Shane is not my father's brother but his best friend. As soon as I was born my father wanted Shane to be my godfather. For him it was Shane and no one else.

I loosen my grip little by little I detach myself from him. I was about to speak when a small voice behind me sounded.

Carl: Shane? You're here ?

Behind Shane's shoulder, I see his small head, he freezes completely when he sees me. I see his little eyes shining. I walk past Shane and stop beside him.

Carl: Big sister!

Carl throws himself into my arms crying, I catch him and spin him around in the air.

Me: What did I miss you little prince.

Carl: I missed you too big sister. A lot a lot. Like that. * He shows a huge gesture with his small hands while sniffling.

I laugh at his little face. He places his head in the crook of my shoulders.

So this 9-year-old boy is the man I love the most in the world. I have never loved anyone as much as him. I could do anything for her happiness. I would protect it even if I had to die for it.

Lori : Kira?

I look up from my brother's shoulder and see my mother there. I walk slowly, smiling. Once a few meters from her, I stop smiling.

Me: Mom...

She walks over and hugs me, crying.

Lori: I've been looking everywhere for you. I have missed you so much my daughter. And what do I love you.

I still back away smiling. I am so happy to find them.

Shane introduces me to all the remnants of the band.
There is a woman with graying hair with her daughter and her husband, a Mexican family, a man with a bob, a lawyer and his sister, a mechanic, an African-American woman, an African-American man and a young Asian.

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