Dead end

861 35 5

Pdv Kira

My dad, Shane, Tdog, Glenn and I decide to go downstairs to try to figure out what's going on.

Rick: Go check it out.

Tdog, Glenn and I are going one way.
This is where all the lights go out. And we find ourselves plunged into darkness. We run to my dad and Shane.

Glenn: And you turned it off?

Shane: Nah it cut itself.

Rick: Did you find anything?

Me: Yeah a whole bunch of ax generators and tat empty fuel barrels. Not very good news.

Shane: If there's more than that in use, it's dead!

We're all going to see Jenner again. In a fraction of a second we are all there in the same place as before, all worried, upset.

Rick: Jenner what's going on?!

Jenner: The system drops all unnecessary needs. Exactly like the French, they were the ones who had the most explanations.

Jacquie: What happened to them?!

Jenner: The same thing that happens to us. More juice.

Rick: You know what I'm sick of it. Lori will take our things. And you others too, we're out of here immediately!

We were all about to leave when a bell rang.

Robot: 30 minutes before decontamination.

Shane: Come on, did you hear Rick? We are leaving !

We were about to leave when a metal door closes and locks us all in the room.

Glenn: No! You locked us up?! He locked us up!

Jenner starts talking in front of a camera. Everyone is screaming in all directions. Daryl takes an ax and throws himself at Jenner.


I was shooting my gun at the door. But in vain, it's door was unbreakable. No matter how much I emptied my magazine on it. Nothing. Not even a scratch.

Rick: Jenner open that door now!

Jenner: It won't change anything, we can no longer go outside, the exits are locked.

Daryl: Well you just have to unlock them!!

Jenner: I have no control over that. I warned you once this door will be closed it will be final. It's much better like this...

Rick: Oh yeah and what's going to happen in 28 minutes!

I join them to hear his response. Carl comes to hold my hand very tightly.

Rick: What's going to happen in 28 minutes?!

After the Robot's explanations, we understand very clearly that the building is going to explode, and we with it.

Jenner: It's like the air is on fire... Nothing.

20 seconds later Daryl, Shane, Glen, Tdog and I try to break down the door.

Daryl: You're gonna open that fucking door!

SHane: Get out of here!!

He advances with an axe. And begins to give several blows with it.

Me: It's useless. I have tried all of them.

I'm going to Jenner. He is talking to Andrea.

Shane: She doesn't even have a scratch.

Jenner: These gates were designed to overcome a rocket launcher attack.


All the boys are not holding him back to get him away from Jenner as soon as possible. Knowing Daryl he would have been able to kill him and goodbye to our hope of getting out.

Jenner: I know that deep down you want this to happen. You remember what you said to me the other night. That it was only a matter of time before everything you loved died.

Tdog: What?

Shane: You really said that after all your grand speeches.

Rick: I had to help you keep hope alive.

Jenner: There is no hope. There never was.

Me: There's always hope whether it's here or somewhere else.

Jenner: Wait Kira don't tell me you still believe he's alive?!

Everyone stares at us not knowing what or who we are talking about. I glare coldly at Jenner. He shouldn't get into this discussion if he wanted to stay alive. I use my fists.

Daryl: Who are you talking about?! Oh ! Who are you talking about?!

Me: Don't say things you ignore! He is strong, he is much stronger than all of us put together!

Jenner: No matter how strong he is at this hour, he's just a walking corpse tearing everyone in his path to shreds.


I jump over these computers and put the biggest straight I can put on Jenner in her face.
Everyone is rushing at us to be able to separate us.


Rick: Stop stop.

My father manages to calm me down. He decides to speak once again with Jenner. It's good men always talk, talk. He never uses fists.

Rick: You lie... You lie when you say there is no more hope. Otherwise you would have fled with the others, you would have chosen the easy way. But no. You chose to stay. For what ?

Jenner: It doesn't matter.

Rick: If it's important everything is important. Why did you stay instead of running away?

Jenner: I had no choice. I made a promise . To her... My wife.

Lori: So case study 19 was your wife?

Jenner: She wanted me to continue the research as long as possible. How to refuse him? She was dying. It should have been me on that table. I would have missed no one while she, she is missed by humanity.

Rick: Your wife had no choice. You do and that's what matters. We just want one last chance.

Lori: We don't know how long we'll last, but leave the choice to us.

Jenner stares at us all one by one. He ends up capitulating and finally opens the doors, so we can get out.

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