The deer

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Pdv Kira :

The next day at the first rays of sunshine, I'm already on my feet. The sooner we start the search, the sooner we'll find the kid.

The others all join me after getting ready.

Rick: Everyone grab a gun.

He shows them all his fighting knife, an axe, a crowbar etc...
All but the bulk firearms, Andrea glares at us. What else have we done?

Andrea: We don't need those kinds of weapons. Where are the guns?

Shane: We already talked about it. They're only for Kira, Rick, Daryl and me. We do not want his shoot at each leaf noise.

Andrea: It's not the leaves that are the problem.

Shane: You'll have to get used to it.

Daryl explains the plan to us, all the group will help us with the research, finally apart from Tdog and Dale. Tdog was open inside his arm when we hid under the cars and Dale is watching him.

After going a little deeper into the woods, we find a tent and a camping chair outside.

Me: She may have taken refuge there.

Daryl: Yeah, that's why we're going to check it out.

My dad, Daryl and I approach the latter.

Rick: Carol. If sophia is in there, it's better if she hears your voice first.

Carole: Alright... Sophia? My dear ? You are here ? Sophia... It's mom. Sophie? We are all here sweetheart.

No one answers, not a sound, nothing. Daryl and I exchange a look, we figured out she's not in there. If she was there, she would have already left. Fuck it! Another fucking false lead!

Daryl: Still worth a look.

I nod my head as a sign of approval, yeah it's on who tries nothing, has nothing.

Daryl opens the tent and a foul smell hits our nostrils. It almost makes me want to puke.

I put my head on the side of the tent and start coughing, it's horrible. I have known rotten smells of it but there... This is really another course.

Me: *cough* she's not in it *cough* Impossible *cough*

Daryl: It's not her.

I was going to retort but a bell noise stops me. There might be someone down there. Maybe there is Sophia.

Me: It's down there!

Glenn: Someone is ringing it's bells there are other people.

Andrea: Or maybe they found it.

Rick: It may even be her who made it ring.

They all follow me running towards the church. If it's the kid who rings it's bell, she's damn smart. We arrive in front of this one.

Shane: There's no bell.

We all ignore Shane's remark and we open the doors of this church. There are 5 walkers inside. My dad, Shane, Glenn, Daryl and I all take care of one.

I just throw a kunai at him and it lands in those two eyes. Rather effective these kunai, it goes quickly.

Shane: I'm telling you this is the wrong church Rick. There is no bell. There is no closing....

He was interrupted by the same bells which once again began to ring. We were clearly in the right place. We all rush outside on the lookout. Glenn runs to a small box and turns off the are of the bells.

Glenn: It's a timer.

Carl gets on my side and pulls me away from the others. I am without flinching and I kneel at his height.

Carl: Do you think we'll find her?...

Me: I hope... But we'll do everything to find her, okay?... Come on, let's take some air outside.

We stay outside until the others join us. I hear a discussion between my godfather and my father.

Shane: We gotta move, old man.

Rick: Nah I have to continue.

Me: I'm coming with you dad.

Everyone gathers outside, they await orders from Shane and my father.

Shane: You're going back to the motorhome Daryl, I'll give you the reins. Kira, Rick and I will search this area for an hour or two as a precaution.

Daryl: Are we really breaking up?

Shane: Yeah we'll catch you.

Carl: I want to come too. She is my friend.

Lori: Be careful, okay?

My mother comes to see me and kisses my forehead.

Lori: Baby, I can't believe you grew up so fast. I'm proud of you. Take care of your little brother.

Kira: I promise mom.

It's Daryl's turn to come see me.

Daryl: Hmmm

Me: Yes, do you want to tell me something?

Daryl: No, I don't care.

Me: Daryl in all that glory. It's wonderful thank you.

Daryl: What I mean is you're old enough to get by, you don't need the babysitter. But if Merle knew that I left you without warning, he would kill me. So hold on.

He hands me one of these guns, I take it and smile and thank him. It's not much but coming from Daryl. The cold and distant guy who sends everyone upside down is a good start.

I joined my father, my little brother and my godfather who had already left for the forest waiting for me.

We've been looking for a trace of Sophia for half an hour, but nothing, nothing, nothing. What a damn! It really pisses me off. A cracking sound of a piece of wood is heard in the forest. We're headed for that crunch.

We are facing a magnificent deer, Shane was going to shoot him but my father stops him when he sees the amazed eyes of my little brother.

My little brother walks towards this deer, Carl cracks a piece of weight under his feet. The deer turns to him and stares into his eyes. This scene is one of the most beautiful I have ever witnessed.

I was going to approach my little brother but I heard a detonation and Carl was projected 1 meter further. Blood begins to flow from her stomach.
My little brother just got shot....

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