Because of a deer...

790 35 5

Pdv Kira :

My little brother walks towards this deer, Carl cracks a piece of wood under his feet. The deer turns to him and stares into his eyes. This scene is one of the most beautiful I have ever witnessed.

I was going to approach my little brother but I heard a detonation and Carl was projected 1 meter further. Blood begins to flow from her stomach.
My little brother just got shot....

Me: Nah...nah...nah!

I rush to his side, Shane and my father do the same. I try to keep my cool despite the fact that I'm terrified, I want to scream, to cry but I can't, I have to keep my fucking cool to save him.

I try to compress the wound, my hands are soaked with blood. It's not the first time but my little brother's blood is.

A man armed with a shotgun comes out of the woods. Shane grabs him by the collar and yells at him.

Me: Hold on little brother, I beg you...

I feel my tears rising but it's not the time to crack.

Me: What are we doing?!

Hunter: Go to the Green's farm, it's 2 kilometers to the north! Find Herschel, he's gonna save that boy.

Without waiting another minute I take him in my arms in princess mode and run as fast as possible towards the direction he indicated to me.

Once out of these woods, a clearing appears in front of us but I don't really look at the landscape, I'm mostly focused on my little brother. There's more and more blood on my clothes!

Me: WHEN ARE WE ARRIVE! *yelling I*

Hunter: 800 meters straight ahead!

I run as fast as possible and appear in front of a magnificent house where there are 3 women and 2 men.

An old man: He got bitten?!

Me: Nah he got shot by your friend.

Woman: Otis?

I nod my head despite the fact that I don't know his first name at all. And I really don't give a damn. It's because of him that Carl ends up here. I'm starting to get impatient.

Me: He told me to find Herschel, is that you?!

He nods his head yes. Well, what is he waiting for?!

Me: Help him, please save my little brother.

Herschel: Take him inside. Patricia brings my emergency kit. Maggie bring me everything I have.

Maggie: Alright!

I enter the house and place Carl on a double bed. My father joins us in the room shortly after.

Rick: Is he... is he alive?...

Herschel tells him to do a lot of things which he does. I go outside, I need to get some fresh air.

My hands are full of blood and what about my clothes but I don't give a damn. I just want my little brother to be okay. Shane and this "Otis" have just arrived in front of the house. My father joins us.

He too has a lot of blood on his hands, he even has some on his forehead.

Shane: Rick? Wait wait . It'll be OK . Wait you have blood everywhere here. Where is he ?

We take him to the room. Otis tells what happened. Herschel explains that fragments of the bullet split in Carl's body. Great, we'll never have a worse day, it's not possible!

Rick: Lori doesn't know...

Shane: Nah...

Rick: My wife doesn't know.

Shane:'s gonna be alright's gonna be alright...

We're gonna be waiting on this fucking couch for I don't know how long. I'm starting to get really impatient and the fact that my father can't stop ruminating doesn't help the thing! It annoys me more than anything!

Rick: It's because of my stubbornness that Carl is hurt I should be in his place...

Me: Damn daddy stop. In no way is it your fault, okay?! Now the only thing to do is wait and stick together.

Maggie walks into the room calling my dad. Carl needs blood.
We all go into the room, I freeze when I see Carl screaming at the top of his lungs.


Herschel: You two come hold it.

Shane and I immobilize him by holding his legs and one of my hands and in his. He has never shaken my hand so much as he does now.


Herschel: He needs blood!


Carl: AHHHHHH.........

Carl has stopped breathing and no longer shakes my hand. Nope...


Shane: Why does he...

Herschel: Don't worry, he just passed out.

Herschel continues to remove the bullet fragments one by one. I still have my hand in his.

1 hour later Herschel finally finished removing the fragments.

Rick: Lori should be here, she doesn't even know what's going on. I must find her. Let me bring her back here.

Herschel: Nah you can't. You are donating blood.

Shane: I'll take care of it.

Before leaving the room Herschel calls out to me.

Herschel: Kira right?

Me: Yes that's it...

Herschel What is your blood type?

Me: A+ like my dad and Carl.

Herschel: Well when I call you will also give your blood to your brother instead of your father.

I nod my head and walk out of the room.
Shane was going to get my mother but Herschel stops him.

He explains to us that Herschel must go with Otis to a school to get something to breathe for Carl.

Shane comes to say goodbye with a kiss to leave with Otis.

Me: Please take care of yourself.

Shane: I'll be back honey, take care of your little brother and take care of yourself please.

He kisses my forehead and leaves, gun in hand with Otis.

Me: I...I'm going to go find my mother and...

Maggie: Nah, I'll go. When your little brother wakes up he will need you.

Me: Alright um, they're in the forest by the highway.

Maggie: Alright I'm going right now.

Me: Wait if I don't give you proof, they won't believe you, especially a... Hold on.

I unclip my dog ​​tags and place them in Maggie's hand. It hurts me to leave them but I have no choice.

Me: Everyone knows that I never part with these necklace. You will show them and they will believe you. Please don't lose them.

Maggie: Thank you. You can trust him don't worry.

And she takes me in her arms before leaving.

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