The truth

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Pdv Kira :

I stayed with Daryl the rest of the day, he's supposed to go with my dad to free Randall a hundred miles away.

We're looking at the map to figure out where he's going to take her.

Me: That's what you did.

Daryl looks at me in confusion.

Me: Shorten his suffering, he was suffering and it was the best thing to do.

Daryl: Your dad would have done the same.

Me: Nah he wasn't capable of it and I understand that.

Daryl: I'm sorry, I know you- you loved him a lot. You and Glenn.

Me: He was a survivor, he deserved to survive. He deserved more than all of us.

Daryl chews on his fingernail listening to me talk.

Me: We all made mistakes but not him. He made none.

Daryl: What time is it?

I laugh at his sentence, look at Dale's watch and tell him the time.

Me: 6:54 very expensive.

I light my cigarette in front of Daryl.

Daryl: Can you pass me one?

Me: What do I gain?

Daryl: Come on, don't be a bitch. Pass.

Me: So a little hug.

Daryl looks at me with wide eyes, he looks completely embarrassed, poor thing. I laugh in front of his face.

Daryl: Have you lost your mind?

Me: Nah nah, between friends we give each other little hugs to generally thank you.

Daryl: Hmm, what wouldn't I do for cigarettes.

He approaches me and I take him in my arms. He is completely frozen, he does not move his arms while I hug him. He's a head taller than me so my head is on his chest. I can't even imagine his face.

I feel him move, he puts his hand on my back and hugs me back.
I separate from him after a few seconds, he immediately starts biting his nails.

Me: Come on, you deserve it.

I hand him the cigarette which he takes immediately.
I fiddle with his dog tags around my neck.

We smoke in silence when we hear screams coming from the shed. We look at each other before running in the direction.

Me: What's going on again?!

Tdog: Randall is missing!

Lori: What, how did he disappear?!

Herschel: The door can only be unlocked from the outside.

Rick: Calm down, we'll find a solution.

Carl runs towards me and jumps into my arms. I take him in my arms to be able to protect him.

Carol: How about he come back with his band?!

I was about to speak when a voice in the direction of the forest is heard. Shane walks out there with either his nose completely broken or blood draining.

Shane: RICK! RICK! He took off with my gun! He knocked me out!

Rick: Ok Shane, Daryl and Glenn come with me the others go home.

Me: Wait I'm coming.

Shane: Nan out of the question, you stay there you!

Me: Ok hold on.

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