Chapter 1

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[𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

"Y/N.....wake up.....wake up....."

I heard a voice that's calling my name, I turned around and saw a woman standing under the sakura trees. Although her face was blurry, I can still see that she's wearing a purple kimono, she had a long purple braided hair and she was smiling at me.

"Y/N, you need to wake up."

I couldn't help but to continued to stare before speaking to her.

"Who are you?"

She just smiled again, her smile is so gentle that I could lost forever.

"You will know your answer soon enough, after all, you still have a long journey ahead of you. For now, I think it's time for you to wake up."

Before I could try to have a word with her, the dream was now slowly drifting...

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sun as bright as ever hitting my skin. I then titled my head and noticed some sand and trees around me like I was in a beach.

I began to rise up and saw a polearm with blue crystals and silver handle on it, I felt like it belongs to me and there's no people around here so I gently pick it up and began to enter the woods that was near the beach.

When I arrived, I began to roam the woods cause I feel like that I am lost which I am and all of a sudden, a person just jump up from the bush which they are hiding. When I got a closer look, it's a girl with brown hair and red bunny outfit?

"Hey you there! Didn't you know it's dangerous walking around the woods like this, especially when there are monsters roaming nearby." she said.

"Oh, forgive me, I really don't know where I am right now, in fact... I don't really remember who I am except for my name." I said.

She stayed silent for a second before replying to me.

"I see... I believe you."

"Thank you– wait what? You believe me?"

I spoke in shocked, I mean we just met and I could be a threat to her but she just giggled at my response.

"Of course I believe you! Judging from your outfit, you're not from Mondstadt, are you?"

I looked at my outfit and just realized that she's right, mine is totally different from hers. It looks like I also wear a light-blue and white kimono. I then looked at her in confusion from what she was saying.

"Mondstadt?" I asked.

"Why the City of Freedom of course!"

"Come on! Let me take you to the city, maybe the Acting Grand Master of Knights of Favonius can help you there."

I nodded as she then led me the way.


"So if I remembered it correctly, I forgot to ask your name." She said.

"Oh right, my apologies. My name is Y/N can I ask yours?"

The girl smiled brightly and nodded.

"Mine is Amber, nice to meet you Y/N!"

"Nice to meet you too Amber."

She then stopped on her tracks while turning around to face me.

"Welcome to Mondstadt Y/N!"


Hi! I'm glad you've reached the end of the first chapter of this story. This is my first time ever writing a story so my apologies if there are some minor errors on my grammars and English is Not my first language. So anyway I'm just reminding you all that each cover photo in each chapter changes, so make sure to check it out to help you a little understand the story or scenery. I'll try to update this story daily byee!

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now