Chapter 35

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                                     [𝐄𝐢'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

We're now following the Shogunate to the area he was telling us.

I still can't believe the fact that Chiyo was corrupted by the dark forces and start attacking her own comrades with her own sword...

The Shogunate then stop on his tracks and speaks to me.

"This is the place your eternal excellency..."

I nodded and speak to them.

"All of you, scout the area and look for the rest of the Shogunates. While you're at it, be on guard. This place is still surrounded by the abyss."

All of them then nodded and start scouting the area as I did the same.

As I move forward deeper into the area, I see some Shogunates and some beasts lifeless bodies on the ground.


I soon heard some noises all around me as I then summon my polearm and positioned myself ready for what is coming.

A moment later, I heard someone giggling from one place to another.

The person's giggle is familiar to me. But this giggle isn't the one I use to listen. This one had some creepy voice along with it.

I soon noticed someone was standing above the cliff as I then turn my gaze to that person.


I called out her name as she then turn around to face me. I was shocked on what am I seeing... her eyes is now glowing crimson red as she also have two glowing red scratches on the left side of her face.

The sleeves on her battle gear is now all torn up as I also see blood dripping on her sword.

She smirks at me in a devilish way as she then jump off the cliff and lunged her sword towards me making me block her attack.

"Chiyo, snapped out of it."

She just smiled at me in a creepy way again as she continues to attack me.

I then back away from her and infuse my polearm with electro.

"Chiyo. This is your last chance to step out in the darkness."

She just positioned herself telling me that she's ready for another strike.

I just sighed and speak to her.

"I'm sorry, but as her Kagemusha it's my duty to protect Inazuma to all threats."

I positioned myself and strike forward.

She blocked my attack as I then summon lightning all around us making her immobalize to the effect.

Since she can't move I then take the chance to aim for her neck but she then regained from all that electro and dodge my attack but I managed to slice one of her horns.

She place her hand on her severed horn as she groans in pain. She then look at me with an annoyed face and lunged towards me as I block her attack and do a counterattack cutting off her right arm where she's holding her sword.

She step away from me as I look in her red glowing eyes one last time as she then fled and disappeared into the forest.

I just look at her leaving figure, I don't know what to do if I should go after her or let her be. She's an enemy yes, but she's also one of my dearest friends...

I soon heard the Shogunates calling for my name.

"Almighty Shogun!"

I turn around and face them.

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now