Chapter 36

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                                 [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

I opened my eyes and saw that I am now out in the forest and my body is now resting in my own bed in Tenshukaku.

As I shift my head, I see Ei's sleeping figure beside me. I place my hand on her head as she then wakes up from it.

"Sorry, did I waked you up?" I asked.

"Oh, Y/N you're already awake."

I simply nodded as she then speaks to me again.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine now. My body just been weak because of that toxic gas and the seal Kitsune put on me..."

She then tilt her head.

"What do you mean?"

I sit up straight and tell her what happened during our mission.


"I see..."

"Aside from that, she told me to let you hear this words again on her behalf."

"Oh? And that is?"

"Do not be blinded. Do not waver. Keep walking the path that you believe in."

She then smiled and speaks to me.

"Hehe, okay then, I'll make sure to remember the words she said."

Her smile soon vanished as she then hold my hands in hers and speaks to me.

"Y/N...about Chiyo..."

I then speak to her.

"Why? What happened?"

She took a deep breath before saying the words she wanted to tell me.

"Chiyo was swallowed whole by one of the beast of the dark forces. She managed to slay the beast within it's stomach but somehow...she got corrupted by it and made her drew her blade against the Shogunates in her party."

I then tilt my head.

"In her party? You mean the two of you split the Shogunates into two groups?"

She nodded and speaks to me again.

"Yes. The first party was led by me and the second one was led by hers... We do that so it will be faster for us to kill the dark forces roaming around Inazuma. But things didn't exactly go as we planned."


"Where is she now?" I asked.

"One of the Shogunate in her party run and find us to report that event. We followed him and there, I found her. Her eyes were glowing red as she then drew her sword against me. So, I have no other option but to drew mine too."

"I cut off one of her horns and arms as she then fled and disappeared into the forest. After we got here, I then ordered some Shogunates to go and search for her but they didn't find her anywhere."

"If only I was there on that time... maybe I could have save her from that beast..."

I then hugged her as she did the same.

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now