Chapter 34

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                                [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

I switched my kimono into one of my battle gear suit and leave Tenshukaku.

"Oh Y/N, there you are."

"Did I take long?"

"No, not at all come on lets go start our investigation shall we?"

I nodded as we then leave Inazuma City.


As we are walking all around Narukami Island I then heard Kitsune speaks to me.

"Do you think the cause of this can be also connected to the abyss Makoto was telling us about?"

I nodded and reply to her.

"I would say yes afterall, when the dark forces reach Inazuma and start attacking the people, it is also where this darkness begin consuming Narukami Island."

She then continued to talk.

"Well, Narukami Island is quite big for the both of us to investigate this total darkness."

"Plus, this will be also be hard for us to find the sources directly since the Island is now consumed by darkness. We can't get even a clear view on what we're stepping right now. Monsters could ambush us any minute if we let our guard down in just one second."

I chuckle and reply to her.

"That is true but they're no match for us."

She then speaks to me again.

"Do monsters can even see in this total darkness?"

After she said those words I then stop on my tracks as she did the same.

"Is something wrong Y/N?"

I placed my hand on my chin and speak to her.

"Hmm, let's see..."

"The dark forces came here and cause the darkness as well that they're attacking our people all around Inazuma but only few of the Shogunates reported on that event here in Narukami Island..."

"You mean... there's more of them outside Narukami Island than here?"

I simply nodded and continued to talk.

"My point is that while Ei, Chiyo, and the Shogunates were out in Narukami Island, I can sense that there planning to ambush Inazuma City because they know that the people defending there are now reduce."

"I see... is that why you ordered the Shogunates that half of them will stay there to guard the Inazuma City?"

I nodded.

"Yes, and the fact that this darkness is just only consuming Narukami Island and not the rest of Inazuma also state that there hiding here waiting for there plan to succeed."

She soon places her hand on her chin and speaks to me.

"I have one question though..."

I then look at her.

"What is it Kitsune?"

"If what you're saying is true... then where do we find the source and stop it before they can continue there plan?"

"It's simple..."

"They're hiding in the Chinju Forest." I replied.

"The Chinju Forest? You mean that place?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Yes, since that sacred forest is the home to many demons. People don't dare to go in that forest nor the Shogunates, so I'm sure that they're hiding somewhere inside that forest."

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now