Chapter 29

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                                [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

I was shocked at her words and quickly reply to her.

"Pardon? What do you mean I'm not coming?"

"Like I said you're not coming with us on the war."

"That is stupid!"

I yelled out making everyone look at us in shocked and fear.

This was the first time they heard me yelling especially that the one I was yelling at, is also God.

She just closes her eyes and speaks to me again.

"You'll be needing here in case Orobashi's followers try to attack the Narukami Island."

She turn around and speaks to me.

"This is not a request Y/N..."

"𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟."


She walk away and continued with her work for the upcoming war while I was standing there clenching my fists tighter.

I soon turned around and walk away in the opposite direction leaving cryo elements on the ground.


I go to a place where no one will find me and speak to myself.

"That is stupid!"

I then punch the tree making it fall to the ground by the force I made.

"Hmm, looks like I need to find a stronger one."

Before I was about to punch the tree beside it, an idea came to my mind.


I then lift my hand summoning a portal and go inside it.


As I got out from the portal, I then hear that annoying voice again.

"You've returned. It's been a while now isn't?"

"Shut up. I need time to think."

"Oh? Is something been bugging you my little sister?"

"Tch, she wouldn't allow me to join her in our upcoming war!"

She tilt her head and speaks to me again.

"A war you say?"

I then turn around to face her.

"That idiotic Orobashi just declared a war against the Raiden Shogun."

"Oh really? Is he a fool to just go and challenged one of the victors on the Archon War?"

"Tch, I told you already, mortals and Gods are just the same."

"And you came back here because?"

"I came back here, to let them all know that I don't take orders from anyone."

"Really? Not even her?"


"You do know she had her reasons to stay you in put."

I glared and speak to her.

"Still, it wont stop me from going tomorrow."

I place my hand on my chin and speak to her again.

"If I remembered it correctly, she said I can't come with them."

"So I guess I'll just go there alone. Yes, that sounds like a plan."

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now