Chapter 65

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[𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

I opened my eyes and met with some dark clouds and red skies that's above me.

"Where... am I?"

I decided to stand up as I groaned, feeling pain all over my body. I decided to ignore it and just continued to stand up, examining my surroundings.

"What is this place?"

The place is nothing more but darkness although I could see that I am now standing on a higher structure. I looked at my surroundings once more and noticed that this place is somewhat familiar although I couldn't point it to where exactly since the atmosphere here is too heavy and difficult to breath in.

I slowly walked towards a cliff but I then feel pain in my back. When I shift my head around, it was my wings.

"Since when did I made my wings appeared on my back? If it is now here then..."

I directly looked at my outfit and saw that I am wearing my celestial one. I decided to leave it be for now and continued my way to the cliff.

As I arrived, the whole scenery took my breath away as my eyes widened to what I am witnessing. Chaos is everywhere, darkness, consuming everything. Buildings are destroyed. Monsters are ravaging the whole land. There are no people left in my sight nor is the land left with a single light. The worst part was that I knew the landscape of this land that I am currently standing.

"No... this can be it..."

I directly fly above the sky for a clearer view and my eyes aren't deceiving me.

"This is... Teyvat?"

Many questions came to my mind wondering what was currently happening all around me.

If this is Teyvat, then were are the people? Most of all... were are the archons?

As I was in deep thoughts, a sudden loud footsteps can be heard from behind me, bringing me back to reality.

"It seems that I had an uninvited guest that's trespassing my land of darkness."

I turned around and met with a person that I can't even see their appearance nor I can familiarise their voice if it was a feminine or a masculine.

From what I am seeing this moment is nothing more than their body is contaminated with darkness.

"Who are you? Reveal your self!" I said firmly as the person turn their head up while looking at me from above.

They just stayed silent while I summon my bow aiming for their head and question them once more.

"Is this Teyvat? Answer me!" I then tightened my grip on the string of my bow as that person finally replies to me.

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now