Important Announcement

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Hello dear readers, just like the title, this is not a chapter but an announcement. I just wanted to inform you all or for those who are reading The Promise To Eternity that I'll be Discontinuing my first book due to my busy schedule in real life and its long storyline that I still need to think and write it down.

I know this is quite sudden but I had been thinking about discontinuing this for a long long time now. So maybe I'll just let your imaginations run freely on what's supposed to happen next here based on your own thoughts.

I'll also be giving my sincerest apologies to those who are still waiting for its future updates for quite some time now. But rest assured that this won't affect the other books that I've published since I am dedicated to finish those no matter what hardship may come. Once again, thank you for reading The Promise To Eternity.<3

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now