Chapter 18

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                                [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

"So Miko... how long I was gone for?"

She was silent for a moment and speaks to me.

"Let's see...."

"Would you believe me if I think that you've been gone for like five hundred years now?"

I was shocked as soon as she said those words to me.


"Y-you must be joking right?"

"There's no way I'm gone for that long."

She then replies to me.

"Since you know me well on my facets, do you think I'm joking right now Y/N?"

I was silent for a second and speak to her again.

"But what about Kitsune?, Chiyo?, Sasayuri?, or her?"

She shook her head and speaks to me in a sad tone.


"They're already gone..."

I froze in my place, shocked on what Miko was saying to me.

"And who is this 'her' that you mentioned?"

I then reply to her.

"I don't even know her name and just like I said, her face was blurry but she had a long purple braided hair."

"I see... then why don't you try visit the Raiden Shogun, perhaps she can help you with your lost memories."

She smiled as I then nodded and reply to her.

"Yes, I am already planning to visit her in Tenshukaku that you've mentioned when you're little."

She then raised an eyebrow and speaks to me.

"Hmm, is that so?"

"Then perhaps you know what the Shogun is doing in her nation to pursuit 𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦?"

I nodded.

"Yes, Miss Kamisato told me about the Sakoku Decree and the Vision Hunt Decree."

"Then are you gonna help her?"

I place my hand on my chin and reply to her.

"At first, I refused to help her, but after she was done explaining to me about the Sakoku Decree and Vision Hunt Decree, I just accept it and asked her where can I find the Grand Narukami Shrine and the Tenshukaku."

"Afterall, I know she would just push me more and do something to make me agree to it."

"Hmm? Is that all to it? I'm sure there's more in that story Y/N."

I smiled at her.

"Ah, so you noticed? Well... if you do wanna know more, I agreed to help her because I wanna know more about the Raiden Shogun."

"Her story is somewhat interesting..."

"I see..."

"How about you Miko?"

"What do you think of Raiden Shogun's pursuit of 𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦 by doing the Sakoku and Vision Hunt Decree?"

"Well, the Raiden Shogun is somewhere wrong in closing her nation and capturing the visions of her people, afterall the vision of the vision holders is like ones ambition."

I nodded as I rest my head on my hand and smiled at her.

"So you would like to rebel against the Almighty Shogun?" I asked.

"I didn't quite say that I would betray the Shogunate since I am the electro archons servant but since you also agree to rebel her then I would say yes."

"Now, now my little priestess, I didn't say that I wanted to rebel her or anything. I just find myself in amusement in her story, that's why I wanted to know more about her and perhaps, she is also connected in my memory since the last memory I've encountered is that I was leaving here and going back to Tenshukaku."

"Stubborn, I see..."

"Maybe..." I then chuckle.

"But the only difference between us is that I wanted to save the nation and save the person within."

She smiled at me as I then tilt my head in confusion.

"You mean the Shogun?"


"Well, I better go back to the Kamisato Estate now and discuss about our plan."

I then patted her head.

"I'll make sure to visit here again my little priestess."

She then closes her eyes.

"Mm-hmm, See you later Y/N."

As I was about to leave I then speak to her.

"Oh and Miko, can you give me back my mask now?"

"Hmm? I thought you were giving this to me, since this mask represents so much about you." She teased.

I just sighed and reply to her.

"Fine you can have it, do whatever you want with it. I'll just have to go back in Inazuma City and just buy a new one."

"Hmm? Really? Why thank you Y/N."

"Since your so kind to me, I'll accompany you there in Inazuma City."

"There's no need my little priestess I can go on my own, besides aren't you the 𝐺𝑢𝑢𝑗𝑖(chief priest) here in the shrine now?"

"I wont take no for an answer Y/N and yes I am now the Guuji of the shrine. Besides, I have one place for us to visit."

She then smiled at me as I just sighed in defeat.


"Great, then shall we get going?"

"Of course my little priestess."

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now