Chapter 30

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                                 [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

I open my eyes and it was morning already. I just hope this day will soon pass because I can already sense that this war will bring some of the people's tragic fates on both sides.

I got out in bed and go outside of Tenshukaku. I see the Shogunates are already wearing there helmets, armors, and even sharpening there weapons.

"Ah, Y/N you're already awake."

A familiar voice calls out to me as I then turn around to where the voice is coming from and speak to her.

"Good morning Baal-sama."

"Good morning to you too Y/N, but did I heard that right? That you just called me by my Archon name?"

"Yes, we're here now in the public are we? Or perhaps you do wanna let the people know your real name Makoto-sama?"

I whisper to her ear the last part of my sentence as she then chuckles and changed the subject.

"By the way Y/N, are you not going to the Yashiori Island with them later?"

I shook my head.

"Nope. Your sister refuse to let me participate in the war between us and Orobashi."

She then speaks to me.

"Is that so? But judging from your personalities... you'll be going there I presume?"

I nodded and she just giggled at me.

"As expected from you, but don't worry I wont tell my sister about your plan if you stop calling me in a formal manner."

I sighed as she then speaks to me.

"It's not such a bad offer Y/N, and I think you should hurry up because she's coming this way."

"Fine, yes, I accept your offer Makoto..."

She let out a small chuckle and speaks to her sister once she got here.

"Ei, when will you be leaving?" She asked.

"We will be leaving soon."

"I see... good luck on the battlefield Ei."

"Of course sister."

"Well, I think I'll be going now, I still have some work to do in Tenshukaku." Makoto said.

The both of us nodded.

As we saw Makoto's leaving figure I then speak to her.

"Ei... please be careful on your way there." I spoke in a worried tone as she then hugs me.

"I will..."

I then kiss her lips and speak to her.

"This is a promise for you too keep okay?"

She smiled and replies to me.

"Of course... I will look forward to it."

We then hear a familiar voice interrupting us.

"Okay lovebirds, Ei needs to go now." Sasayuri smirks at us.

"Alright, take care you two."

"Of course, I'm sure you will guide us from above." He then winked at me.

I just smiled at him and wave goodbye to the both of them.


They already left Narukami Island and on their way to Yashiori Island.

I return inside of Tenshukaku to wear my desguise Shogunate outfit along with my helmet.

"Alright, now it's time to play a game of hide and seek."

I say my farewell to Makoto and as soon as I leave Tenshukaku, I created a portal that's leading to the Yashiori Island and enter it.

As I got out, I already see the Shogunates and Orobashi's soldiers are fighting in the Higi village, Fort Fojitou and Nazuchi Beach.

"Looks like the game had already begun."

"Half of my plan work, but I'm just glad I came here just in time."

I was at the top of the cliff summoning my bow and creating ice arrows using my cryo vision.

I positioned myself perferctly so that no one will notice me and so that I can hit the targets without a miss.

I take aim and hit the one's nearby. Some of the Shogunates try to find who help them and as they see me, they keep fighting since they already know I'm one of their allies because of my outfit.


I keep attacking them one by one moving from location to location until I saw Sasayuri battling with some of the enemies as I then quickly go and support him.

He soon noticed someone was helping him from the high ground but he didn't mind since he already knew who it was.

As I was helping him, I still can't find Ei anywhere the area but I soon noticed that Orobashi's soldiers are now running behind me as I then face them and multiplying my arrows hitting each one of them.

                           [𝐍𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

The great serpent now see the cause on why his troops are now decreasing so much and he has three reasons no, persons to deal with. The first one is the Raiden Shogun herself, the second one is the commander of the Shogunates and the third one seems to piss him off more because of the fact that the great serpent can't see her face, she was also the cause on why more of his men are dying in just one hit from her bow.

The great serpent then lunged towards the girl while on the other hand, the girl was busy killing the great serpents soldiers that she didn't know the serpent is already moving forward at her back, ready to kill her.

The tengu commander soon noticed the serpent is moving torwards them, but he also noticed that the eyes of the serpent only focus on the Shogunate on the cliff. He then use his wings to fly above the cliff fast enough to reach for the girl.

The Raiden Shogun saw her friend flying towards the cliff where a Shogunate is standing there using it's bow killing the great serpent's soldiers.

The tengu commander then called out her name.

"Y/N, Watch out!!!"

                              [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

I heard Sasayuri was yelling my name as I then see him flying towards me. I was about to say something when he suddenly push me off the cliff while saying these words to me.

"𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑒, 𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑟..."

I was confused on what he said but reality then struck me as I see Orobashi swallowing him whole in front of my eyes.

I was falling. I can't move, I must do something or else his sacrifice will just be useless. But how can I? I saw one of my closest friends dying especially that the reason of his death was me.

I then brace myself for the impact before hitting the ground.

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now