Chapter 10

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                                  [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

"I'll sacrifice the jade chamber..."

"But Lady Nigguang isn't the jade chamber means so much to you in your whole life?" Keqing asked.

"Liyue's safety is the most important thing to think about now." She replied.

I think for a moment and speak to them.

"I think I know a way without sacrificing Lady Nigguang's jade chamber..."

" do?" Ganyu asked in a delighted tone.

I nodded.

"Of course, but you do wanna brace for the impact."

With that, I turned around and walked towards where Osial is standing while spinning my polearm and gathering elemental energy from my cryo vision and speak to myself.

"I already told Venti that I will seal you again from whence you came!"

I then stop on my track at the edge of the Jade chamber and took a deep breath as I lift my polearm above me and speak to him from afar.

"Now, Perish!"

"From the cold."

With that, I swing my polearm at him.
A second later, a huge iceberg so much bigger than the Jade chamber was falling from the sky hitting Osial and sealing him once again and of course it causes a huge wave of tsunami that's making everyone gasped.

"The impact on Osial was so strong that it causes a wave of tsunami and it's approaching us!" Keqing said.

I just sighed on hmyself.

"I told you to brace for the impact." I mumbled at my words.

I then positioned myself into a dashing state tightening the grip on my polearm as the handle was having some ice on it because of my hand and summon the wind spirit Venti gave me to help me maintain on air.

In a brief flash of light, I rushed towards the upcoming tsunami as some ice particles forming behind me after I leave the jade chamber.

While I'm in between the tsunami and the Jade chamber, I quickly gather all the cryo elements within my vision putting it on my polearm as it began to glow along with the blue crystals and the silver handle. I then swing my polearm to the upcoming tsunami now in front of me.

A moment later, all the water that's creating the wave turned frozen and shattered into pieces as I watched it fall back into the ocean splashing.

I go back to the Jade chamber and everyone was waiting for me there as they were amazed on how I just handled Osial and the tsunami in one go.

I then place the tip of the polearm into the ground to support my body.

I hear someone called my name towards me as I then look up to see who it is and it was Nigguang speaking to me.

"Y/N, we thanked you for helping us save Liyue Harbor from the ancient God Osial, are there some ways to ever repay you?"

I then straighten my body as I make my polearm disappear.

"Your Lady Nigguang right?, I was looking for you actually."

She nodded as I continued talking.

"Well... can I ask you to tell your friend, the one that is the captain of the ship to help me get through Inazuma?"

With the word I said, she then nodded and replies to me.

"Of course, is that all you wish to tell me?"

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now