Chapter 39

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                                 [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

"Kokomi were back... Oh look, Gorou is here too... What happened? They look all serious." Paimon asked us.

"Approximately how many people are exhibiting this symptoms?" Kokomi asked Gorou.

"I haven't had the chance to do full count yet..." he replied.

"Kokomi, Gorou, is something wrong?" Lumine asked them.

Gurou soon turn around to face us.

"Ah, it's you three... well, recently our soldiers started showing symptoms of accelerated aging."

"I called them in for questioning and found out that they'd privately acquired some secret weapons from our sponsor."

"Most of them are highly ambitious type, vehemently opposed the Vision Hunt Decree. They've been using this new weapons secretly since getting hold of them."

Kokomi then speaks to him.

"So that's why the war has been going unusually well... but risky secret weapons are not the answers. We must put a stop to it immediately."

"Gorou, have you managed to acquire one of these weapons?"

He simply nodded and replies to her.

"Most of the officers refused to hand them over. Still, I did manage to get one."

He showed us what the secret weapon looks like as I soon notice Lumine's shock expression.

"Lumine perhaps, do you know something about this?" Kokomi asked her.

She simply nodded.

"Yes, it's a Fatui delusion."

"So that means that our secret sponser is the Fatui?" Gorou asked us.

Kokomi then places her hand on her chin.

"But why would the Fatui do this?"

"Forget that, there's no time. Right now, we need to inform the whole army to cease using their delusions immediately."

"All soldiers who have shown symptoms are to be taken for treatment. I just hope we'll be in time to save them."

Paimon then speaks to us.

"Wait a second, speaking of soldiers with symptoms..."

"Yeah, it seems that Teppei must have used one too." I spoke.

"No, s-surely he can't have... Ugh... let's go check on him!"

Both Lumine and I nodded and go look for Teppei.

"Gorou let's go to the resistance camp ourselves. The use of delusions has to stop right away." Kokomi spoke.

"Yes your excellency." He replied.


We continued to go and look for Teppei as we finally see him leaning his back on the wall outside his house.

"Teppei!" Paimon shouted.

"Oh...*cough* hey guys. What are you doing here? Just a moment lemme get up... Oof, it's weird, I dont know where all my strength's gone..."

I just sighed at myself.

He is one good actor.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh right yeah I haven't had the time to tell you the full details. Well I've made a lot of great contributions to the war effort lately."

"Fighting the Shogun's army at sea, taking all the Shogunate samurai all by myself, rescuing my comrades from an ambush... things I never would have dreamed I could do when you first met me."

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now