Chapter 40

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                                 [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

"Y/N! You're back!" Paimon shouted.

Lumine and Miko soon turn around to face me.

"Lady Yae told me what happened after I got unconscious, that you stayed there to help us have enough time to escape. Can you tell us what happened after?" Lumine asked.

I place my hand on my chin and reply to her.

"Let's see... after you three left, me and the Balladeer had a little fight–"

"Little fight!? Didn't you here that his the no.6 of the Fatui harbinger!?" Paimon cut me off.

I just sighed and cleared my throat.

"We had a fight and as I was about to finish him off, the resistance troops just burst the door open at my back making me turn around to know to who it is."

"As I go back to face the Balladeer again, he already left using his escape route inside the delusion factory."

"Huh? The resistance had arrived there?" Paimon asked.

I soon hear Miko replies to her.

"Oh, why yes. I still haven't told you that before I came to the factory... I already told Sangonomiya Kokomi to take some troops to go and clear the place out."

"With their stronghold exposed. I doubt the Balladeer is stubborn enough to try and retaliate now on his colleagues behalf. It would be more trouble than it's worth."

"Ah, I must say, I would relish the oppurtunity to watch the Fatui getting a taste on their own medicine..."

"Well anyway, that Sangonomiya Kokomi, she really outdid herself this time. I'd love to have another chat with her again in person, but alas, belief systems can be such a hindrance sometimes..."

"A hindrance? Should you really be saying that as the Guuji of the shrine!?" Paimon asked her.

"So lady Yae... do you have a plan on how to abolished the Vision Hunt Decree?" Lumine asked her.

She then places her hand on her chin and replies to her.

"Let's see... I've been considering it over for quite a long time now.

"But before one makes a plan, what is the most important thing one must do?"

She questioned us making Lumine and Paimon look at one another as they then shrug.

"We don't know, what is it?" Paimon asked.

Miko just smiled at them as her gaze are now on me.

"What about you Y/N? Do you know what it is?"

I just sighed and reply to her.

"Understanding the situation you are facing of course."

She smiled as she then speaks to us.

"Indeed you are correct. The Vision Hunt Decree was obviously devised as a means of manipulating the Shogun, the ones behind it knowing her full well susceptibility as a puppet with a single minded focus on eternity."

"Woah, woah, hold on, you mean the Raiden Shogun was just a puppet!?" Paimon asked her.

She nodded and replies to her.

"Not really, the real Raiden Shogun is meditating endlessly in the Plane of Euthymia to preserve her being."

"In any case, your friend Y/N here had already visited the Plane of Euthymia where she and the Raiden Shogun had a battle."

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now