Chapter 37

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                                  [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

"Sir! Were in trouble! The Shougun's army is attacking!"

"There are still many wounded in the camp. We must not let the enemy break through! We'll need your help to hold them off!"

Teppei then replies to him in a furious tone.

"What? Impossible! How could they reached us all the way here!?"

"We'd better go assess this situation. A chance for us to prove our worth in battle. We'll manage to hold them off but what would the Shogun's army doing here?"

"We have sentries and patrols posted all around the perimeter here. The enemy should never have been able to reach us this far unnoticed."

He then places his hand on his chin and continue to talk.

"Unless... we have a traitor in our midst. They must have an informant feeding them intelligence and helping them approach unseen. That's only the possible explanation."

The man then speaks to him.

"Sir, if I may... I just returned from inspecting the perimeter, it appears that several portions of our defensive walls were already collapsed."

"The Shogun's army must have known about this vulnerability and made their way over from the cliffs nearby, before attacking through the gaps in our defenses."

"So I suggest we repair the walls and double the guard. That should keep them from sneaking up on us like that again."

Teppei soon speaks to him.

"In that case... leave the repair to us. We can make use of the rope nearby to patch up the defenses."

The three of us nod along and help Teppei repair the walls in the incampment.

"Alright that should do it."

"Shall we report this back to general Gorou?" Lumine asked.

Teppei nodded and replies to her.

"Yeah let's go if all goes well, we might just be assigned a few missions closer to the action."

The four of us returned and report the situation to general Gorou which he isn't there.

"Strange, I dont see general Gorou anywhere..."

Teppei said as a man from the resistance then speaks to us.

"We had a change of plans. The general has been dispatched to the front line to lead our forces into battle."

"The Shogun's army is attempting an advance on the main front. Reports have it that Kojou Sara is now personally leading the enemy forces."

Teppei soon turn around to face us.

"We should go to the front line. Our forces need the help they can get, we're no use to them here. We mustn't let Tatarasuna fall to the enemy!"

I simply nodded and reply to him.

"Alright, lead us the way to the front lines."

He nodded and leave the camp first as I go and put on the kitsune mask and follow them from behind.


We rushed towards the front lines and see Kojou Sara trading barbs with Gorou.

"So you're the only one here? Hmm... I thought I might get to meet your grand strategist. She is the one that's been causing our forces so much trouble. The fact that the resistance has even held out for this long is thanks to her."

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now