Chapter 42

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                                  [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

I wake up not because of the memory that I had nor the sun hitting my face, but rather something warm above my body.

I raise my head to see what it is and there I see Miko sleeping on her fox form on top of me.

Wait, she's sleeping on her fox form above me...

I then raised the upper part of my body making her wake up from the sound and movement that I made.

The pink fox then looked at me.

"Oh Y/N, you're already awake..."

She then stretches her arms and legs on my lap.

"Do you mind telling me what are you doing in my room?" I asked her.

"Your room? Perhaps you're mistaken Y/N, this is my room."

"What? How can this be your room if you said yours is beside mine?"

She then replies to me.

"Oh, I did say that it was my room but I didn't say that it was my bedroom. In fact, beside this room is the storage room in the shrine."

"You literally don't want me to stay there do you?"

I just sighed and reply to her.

"I take it that you inherit the habit of Kitsune on tricking people."

She just chuckle at my words.

Hmm, her voice seems to change a little while on her fox form.

"I'm just stating the truth that this is literally my room Y/N, and don't act like you dont like seeing me on my fox form hmm?"

"Well, yes I do want–"

"Great. In that case, the amount of fried tofu you'll be giving me will be doubled."

"Alright that's it. Move, I will get out in this room of yours."

"What if I wont let you? What will you gonna do about it Y/N?"

Even in her fox form I can still see her mischievous smile. I just sighed and grab her neck as I lift her up and get up from the bed.

"Okay, okay, you win this time Y/N, so put me down you're choking me."

The pink fox plead as I then reply to her.

"You want me to what now? Sorry little priestess, I can't hear you if you speak like that."

"Oh really? I said to put me down already you're choking me on the neck."

I just chuckle at her words and put her down on the bed as she then starts coughing with a cute sound.

"I'll be going outside now. You should change to your original form now Miko, Lumine and Paimon are already coming here any minute."

Before I was about to open the door, I heard Miko speaks to me.

"Hmm, alright. This has been a fun morning for me aside from you almost killed me but alas, I hope someday we can do this again like the old days."

I just chuckle at her words.

"Of course, I look forward to it too."

I then leave her room and saw that Lumine and Paimon are already walking towards me.

"Y/N! We're here!" Paimon shouted.

"There's no need to shout, it's still early in the morning to do that." I stated.

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now