Chapter 63

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[𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

I quickly head up straight to the Grand Narukami Shrine and look for Miko which she noticed my presence and turn around to face me.

"Someone's not in the best of mood... Let me guess, you are tangled up in another situation with your lover and need me to unravel it for you?"

"It's about Ei and the Shogun." I said.

"Oh? Since you're not your usual self, do you mind telling me what happened?"

I nodded in response as I tell Miko everything that has happened.

"Oh, okay, I see. So Ei's decided to palm Inazuma off onto the humans, where she goes off on her own to fight a fierce battle that doesn't even have an end date."

"Impossibly stubborn, jump straight to the most extreme course of action imaginable, presumes her sheer will can see her through, despite a near impossible goal that requires nothing short of the very peak of her abilities... Yes that's sound Ei alright."

She then locked eyes with me and continued talking.

"You know fully well as I do that she's always been like this. She even battled you from the past even the both of you know that she won't win against you. Why starting fretting about it now?"

"She rushed into it without thinking." I replied.

"Rushed into it without thinking... Hehe, well put. Ah, she acts like such a child sometimes."

"I don't even know how you two stubborn Gods work it out when both of you are in a love quarrel, must be pretty satisfying to watch."

"So you seem to have under the impression that I am able to offer some sort of help? Who gave you that idea?"

I just dead-panned at her while she then cleared her throat.

"But really Y/N, the truth of the matter is that I don't know much more about Raiden Makoto's realm of consciousness than you do."

"All I know is that it's the foundation of the sacred sakura, and from what I have heard it's a little different from Ei's Plane of Euthymia."

"Because Makoto is no longer alive?" I asked.

"Not just because of that. The nature of space itself is different in some way... But I can only speculate. You're the one who have actually been there, so tell me, what was it like?"

"Hmm, I didn't notice any difference..."

"Anyway, we needn't need to worry the details too much. It just be a little difficult to explain things later on, that's all."

"First things first. Follow me to the entrance."

I nodded in response and follow her.

When we arrived, Miko crossed her arms and speaks to me.

"Now then, I always have my ways. It's just question of how crafty that I need to be..."

"Since I'm Ei's familiar, I can sense her rough whereabouts and right now, she is surrounded by chaos."

"Everything is turbulent and disordered... If you try to force your way in, you could be swept away by a giant wave that sets you down in an unknown corner of space time."

"This is precisely why when entering the Plane of Euthymia, it's much safer if you place your consciousness in a physical objects first."

I nodded while she continued talking.

"Now, I shall send you in your way."

She lifted her hand in front of the realm before saying something.

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now