Chapter 73

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[𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

Two women decided to leave Liyue Harbor to go towards the said location that had been given by the gentleman they met earlier. As they continued their way through the path that they had taken, they suddenly heard silent footsteps that's making its way towards them.

The two gods just looked at one another before the electro archon tried to summon her polearm but her lover stopped her by grabbing her wrist and continuously shaking her head, thinking that it's too risky for the archon to unsheathe her weapon since they'll be easily identified with it.

After that, a group of treasure hoarders suddenly ambushed them as well as blocking the path to where the location that the two gods wanted to visit.

"What you got?" One of the treasure hoarders asked his victims.

"We got nothing." Y/N simply responded while making a straight face towards them.

"Don't play dumb." The leader of the treasure hoarders says.

"The moment we spotted you— we definitely knew that you two are both from Inazuma. Hence why you're currently trespassing from this area."

Y/N just stayed silent and closes her eyes before deciding to approach the bandits' leader, making his followers to aim their weapons at Y/N.

"...Is that so? From what I had noticed, YOU are the ones who came to us, blocked our paths, and then threatened us. So let's be real here since you clearly know who's at fault here." Y/N snapped back while making the same expression as before though Ei caught a glimpse that her lover was now starting to get irritated in front of them from within.

One of the treasure hoarders who's holding a pryo potion examines Y/N's clothes and found a Vision that's currently attached on her waist.

"H-hey Boss, It think that this one has a Vision. Maybe we should just let them go..."

Their leader then scans the girl's clothing and there, he saw a Cryo Vision. He thinks for a moment before clicking his tongue and met with Y/N's cold eyes.

"Fine." Is the only word that came out from his mouth before Y/N slowly turns around and approached her lover.

"...You know, I think that all of you should take another different paths in life since fate had already abandoned you as well as destiny will quickly turn its tables if you stay there for too long." Y/N declared before grabbing her lover's hand and pulled her close as they continued walking, making some of the bandits to become fearful in her presence.

As the two women are slightly now far away, one of the treasure hoarders speaks up towards their leader.

"Um... B-Boss, are you really gonna let them go?"

"Who, me? Pfft, of course not! That girl can't just go to our territory and acts like she's the one who controls all of Teyvat." Their leader stated.

"B-but Boss— she had a Vision and–"

"So what? Isn't the purpose of your pryo potion is to restrain the cold as well as creating a melt reaction between cryo and pryo? And since she's the only one who had a Vision, it'll be an advantage to us because there are four of us and only two of them. Plus, I bet they got tons of mora inside their pockets too."

The leader of the bandits laughs before grabbing his crossbow and steadily aim it towards Y/N's back.

"Wait a minute— Boss, liked we said before, she had Vision. There is a chance that she'll just freeze your–"

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now