Chapter 59

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[𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

It was morning already as I then got up from the bed and head directly to Ei's room. I knocked on her door and speak through the other side.

"Almighty Shogun, are you now awake?"

The door soon opened as we locked eyes with each other.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I would like to asked her something related to eternity." I replied.

She stayed silent for a second before nodding.


My surrounding became dark as she led me inside the Plane of Euthymia. As I opened my eyes, I quickly speak to her.

"Good morning Ei."

She then smiled and walk towards me.

"Good morning Y/N. May I ask you on what brings you here early in the morning?"

I then placed my hand on my chin and speak to her.

"Let's see..."

"I have a proposal to make with you."

"Alright then, let's hear it."

I soon nodded and speak to her again.

"Since the Vision Hunt Decree was now abolished... I was thinking about the previous war between the Shogunates and the resistance on Watatsumi Island."

"I know for a fact that both parties don't like each other very much even if the conflict was now over."

"If a Shogunate or even one of our people inside Narukami Island tries to set a foot in Watatsumi Island, most of them will misunderstood of doing bad things to their island."

"It is also the same for the Shogunates especially for the Tenryou Commission."

"So in order to maintain peace between the two islands and easily avoid erosion, why don't we have a conversation with the leader of the Shogunates to have a peace talk with the divine priestess of Watatsumi Island, Sangonomiya Kokomi?"

She then placed her hand on her chin, thinking before replying to me.

"Yes, that idea is truly helpful for the eternity of Inazuma."

"So when do we start?"

"We could start at anytime. All we need is to invite Kojou Sara in Tenshukaku." I replied.

"I see... Well then, I will just order one of the Shogunate to tell her to go to Tenshukaku after this." She said.

"Alright, just make sure that the one who will be there is you and not the puppet."

"Of course."

As plan goes on, Ei ordered one of the Shogunates to fetch Sara. When she arrived, she then kneeled down in front of Ei.

"Almighty Shogun, you've called me?"

Ei nodded as Sara soon noticed my presence beside her.

"Oh, Y/N-sama, you're here as well."

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now