Chapter 41

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                                 [𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

I am here, standing still and looking up on the sacred sakura for more than an hour, waiting for Miko to arrive from the place they're going to visit and the person they wanted to see along with Lumine and Paimon.

I just sighed and speak to myself.

"If you were here right now... I've been already eating those delicious fried tofu and the sweets that you made Kitsune..."

"Sasayuri would already asked me to have a sparring match with him and Chiyo just wouldn't stop teasing me about Ei and myself..."

"If only time...would stand still on that very moment..."

I just sighed again and keep looking at the sacred sakura until I heard footsteps on the back of me as I then turn around to see who it is.

"Y/N, are you bored waiting for me?"

I crossed my arms on my chest and reply to her.

"Yes, I am. It took you long enough to get back here. I was waiting for you for more than an hour. But aside from that, what is it that you wish to discuss with me?"

"It's about her."

"Who? The Raiden Shogun?" I asked.

"I'm not talking about the puppet, I'm talking about her, the real Ei."

"About that... Why did she even create the puppet for?"

Miko then replies to me.

"Because this is the Raiden Shogun's eternity. Before persuing the eternity of her nation, she had to reach eternity for herself."

"Since the physical body will evetually turn to dust, she replaced hers with a puppet."

"And since the spirit is easily affected by erosion, she place her consciousness inside her sword, where she remains in a meditative state, free from all disturbance."

"The Plane of Euthymia. Essentially, the world inside her mind. A place that typically only allow her existence."

"She shut herself off in her inner world, leaving all the affairs on the outside world to be dealt by a puppet who has a singular focus on the pursuit to eternity."

"This is the approach Ei has come up with for realizing eternity."

"Or you could take the view that she's acting like a little child, throwing temper tantrum and locking herself on her room, don't you think?"

I just chuckle at her words as she then continued to talk.

"The grand notion of eternity she once held has long since given away to the eternity of her own definition."

"And ultimately, her eternity is now defined by fear... the fear of loss."


"Remember that she led you inside of her Plane of Euthymia even though you did hide your face to her and the fact that she still didn't know that it was you all along."

"This tells me one crucial thing. You have piqued her interest. Perhaps, that she also sense that your inside appearance are alot like you from the past and your aura that also seems familiar to her."

"But one question that came to my mind earlier is that, why you didn't take off your mask when you saw or battling her?"

I just crossed my arms on my chest and reply to her.

"You do know that I lost all of my memories from the past. I can't just take off my mask and say to her that 'hey Shogun, I'm your dead lover from five hundred years ago' directly in front of her."

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now