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Big Mama's assistant was in her own room, standing before a body length mirror. Her mask was off and her hood lowered to reveal all her scars etched across her face. The assistant sighed and looked down at her mask, which rested on a table next to the mirror. The loudspeaker system suddenly turned on and the assistant moved her gaze towards it, but her body remained still. "Big Mama's assistant is needed in her office. I repeat, Big Mama's assistant is needed in her office." The speaker said before cutting off and leaving the assistant to look at the mirror again. So that's how everyone addresses her? The assistant couldn't help but feel angered by this, but questioned why as she reached for her mask.

It's not like she had another name or something, she was just always called by either "Ma'am" or something else. The assistant just let it go as she put her mask on and whipped her hood on as she walked towards her door. Once the assistant made her way out of the room, she walked over to the elevator. She pushed the button and waited quietly as another yokai moved towards her. She slowly moved her gaze towards him, taking into account that he was shaking and fear was etched all over his face. The assistant remained silent, as there was no need to say anything to him. Once the elevator opened up, The assistant looked at him and saw he was frozen in fear, so she went ahead and took this elevator. Once the door closed, she scoffed.

This wasn't the first time someone was scared to be next to her, so she was usually used to it. She looked up at the dial that told her when The assistant would reach the appropriate floor. It was quiet for a few moments until the elevator stopped and the doors opened to Big Mama's office. The assistant was silent for a moment as she looked down at the ground, stopping when she reached the rug in front of Big Mama's desk, saluting quietly whilst keeping her eyes on the ground. "You may rise." Big Mama said, The assistant looked up and froze a bit, Big Mama was sitting in her chair, a ring around her finger as she looked at it.

"Do you know what this is?" Big Mama asked as she looked at the assistant, a grin on her face. The assistant remained quiet as Big Mama stood up. "This little ring is the only thing controlling the shredder down below." Big Mama said and walked up to the Assistant. "Under my control, he'll do everything I want and say." Big Mama said, the assistant eyed the ring. "And he'll do it perfectly, might I add." Big Mama said, the assistant looked up at Big Mama once more.

Something you can't always do

I know this isn't the most out of a prologue, but I didn't want to write too much.

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