Who is the assistant?

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Mikey laughed as he and Venus climbed up the fire escape, excited to tell everyone the news about Venus's true family and name. "They're gonna be so excited and happy when they hear!" Mikey said, but Venus frowned and stopped climbing a bit. Mikey kept rambling about all the things they'll do together and only stop when he asked Venus a question and didn't get a response. "V?" Mikey asked as he looked behind him, frowning again when he looked down and saw Venus a few levels down. He used his ninpo to sling-shot himself lower and land on the railing that Venus held as she sat on the ground. "Venus? You, okay?" Mikey asked, worried that all his rambling made Venus think something dark. Venus sighed and looked down at the streets. "Do you think the others would care if let Usagi have his revenge agaisnt me?" Venus asked, shock filling his face as he thought what Venus was saying.

"Do you not want to be part of our family?" Mikey asked, causing Venus to look up in fear of offending him. "I do want to be part of your family, but I had a whole plan! I would run away at night to go meet my family and let Usagi have his revenge! I deserve it after all I did, I'm nothing like you guys. Nice, caring and trustworthy!" Venus said, tears began to run down her face as she hit her head against the railing. "And even if I didn't run away to let Usagi do his business, he'd just come after you guys. I just... I just don't want you guys getting hurt because of the mistakes I made!" Venus said, Mikey frowned and hopped down so he could sit next to Venus. Both stayed silent before looking up. "I don't know what you did to make Usagi hate you so much, but I do know that this family protects each other. Not matter what you did to other, if your blood or not." Mikey said and looked at Venus.

"We stand by each other and help everyone grow in their own way." Mikey said, Venus looked down and ahead. She took a minute to take deep breath before looking at the city. Both stayed there until Venus stood back up and held a hand to Mikey. "Then let's go tell the others." Venus said, causing Mikey to gasp and use Venus's hand to help him up. Both began to climb up the fire escape and finally reached to the top. "Guys! You won't guess what we found out!" Mikey said as he and Venus reached the top. But then Mikey froze when he saw the glares being given to Venus. "Uh, guys? What's wrong?" Mikey asked, Raph grabbed his sais and commanded his Ninpo to surround his arms. Leo grabbed his katanas, April her bat, Cassandra her hockey sticks and Donnie aimed his staff at Venus. "Mikey, I want you to back away from Shadow." Leo in structed as Venus looked around, fear began to gather on her face.

"No wait guys, listen!" Mikey said as he walked forward, unaware of Usagi watching over them from above. Once Mikey had stepped a few more steps away from Venus, he jumped down and commanded a mass number of vines captured Venus, who yelled in pain as Mikey gasped and turned around, fear on his face as Usagi stood between Venus and Mikey. Usagi then aimed his blade at Shadow, causing the vines to tighten around Venus. Her eyes went wide for a good moment before she gasped and yelled in pain. "NO STOP! YOU'RE HURTING HER!" Mikey yelled with anger as his summoned his nun-chucks and tried to stop Usagi but was stopped as Raph bear hugged Mikey from the back. Donnie knocked Mikey's weapons from his hands and hit them into the air. April and Cassandra stood to protect Usagi as Leo teleported Mikey's nun-chucks to the lair. "Guys stop!" Mikey yelled as Usagi turned to Venus with narrowed eyes, Raph frowned as he looked to April.

"Mikey please, she's not who you think she is." April pleaded as she reached for the file Usagi had given her. "NO! You guys are the ones are thinking wrong!" Mikey yelled as he kicked for Raph to let go of Mikey. Venus opened her eyes even as she grunted in pain as April opened Venus's file. "She's Big Mam's Assistant! It's all right here!" April yelled, only by those words did Mikey stop his movements and looked at the files. Usagi stopped the vines from causing more pain than they did as Raph set Mikey down, all the brothers were frowning as Leo glared at Venus. "I mean it makes sense; the assistant did just disappear right around the time Shredder became Big Mama's new favorite. But even when shred-head was sent out against Big Mama, the assistant was nowhere in sight. Not to mention it be odd that a Battle Nexus champion would know so much about one woman." Leo said, Mikey looked to the ground and then at Venus with a shocked expression.

"Is.... is this all true?" Mikey asked, Venus looked away and stayed silent. This angered Mikey as he balled his hands and gritted his teeth. "ANSWER ME!" Mikey yelled; tears began to gather at Mikey's eyes. Venus took a shaky breath and looked ahead. "Yes, it's all true." Mikey froze and all of his tears ran through his cheeks. "I'm sorry I kept that a secret but everything else I didn't lie about, I promise." Venus said as she looked at Mikey who stared at the ground. His thoughts running all over on what he should do. Should he hate Venus for lying to her about a simple secret? Or should he trust Venus like he promised he would. Mikey sighed and closed his eyes as he was ready to say his last opinion. But Usagi assumed Mikey was done and rose his katana. "So I'm just gonna..." Usagi said, tilting his blade one way and then to the other way. This caused the vines to slingshot Venus into the sky and some place far from them.

"NO!" Mikey yelled as he reached out towards Venus, everyone looked at him as he tried to jump out for Venus, but April and Cassandra each grabbed one of his arms. "Mikey! Stop man!" April yelled as Usagi watched in slight confusion as he sheathed his katana. "Let me go! I promised Venus that family protects each other and I'm not gonna stop over a small lie!" Mikey yelled; confusion was on everyone's face. "What do you mean by that, Mikey?" Raph asked as he tried to help the girls lead Mikey away from the edge. "Shadow's real name is Venus De Milo! She's related to Splinter and was mutated the same day we were!" Mikey yelled; shock filled Usagi's being as the others looked to each other in slight confusion. "De Milo always said she was related to someone named Lou Jitzu but was sold at the Battle Nexus by Baron Draxum." Usagi said, the others looked at him in confusion.

"Actually...." A voice rang through, causing everyone to gasp and looked around. "Venus was left behind by Draxum." Then a can rolled over to them and filled the air with a green smoke. It caused everyone to gasp and cough as the smoke got into their system. Usagi jumped into the air and landed on a water tower, watching in fear as each of the teens feel to the ground. The gas caused them to pass out and Usagi could only watch. The gas was then swiped away, and a familiar figure walked to them all, Leo grunted as he tried to stay awake by leaning up. He gasped as he saw the figure was Big Mama, a giant grin on her face as she walked over to Leo and Kneeled in front of him. "Of course, Draxum thinks she died in one of the Battle Nexus matches, thanks to the 'Hall of Fame' I created for the fallen heros." Big Mama said, watching as Leo finally fell on his side and looked at Big Mama with a tired scowl. "I have to thank you turtlely-boo, for Venus was known to be excellent at hiding. A little to excellent, I'll admit." Big Mama said and watched with a smile as Leo then passed out. Big Mama smiled sweetly before turning to Usagi, seeing his expression of regret and fear.

"I have no intention of taking you back, dear." Big Mama promised as she put her delicate hand onto her chest. Usagi narrowed his eyes at Big Mama. "You knew, all along. You knew De Milo was their sister!"  Usagi yelled, Big Mama chuckled as she put her hands behind her back. "I knew more than just that, like the reason why Venus didn't hesitate to kill your sister." Big Mama said with a sly grin, one that made Usagi angry. "But tell you what, you know Venus on a more personal level compared to me." Big Mama said as Usagi noticed her tone. "You wish to make a deal with me after all you've done to me?!" Usagi yelled, Big Mama sighed. "I know what I've done to you is very much unforgivable, but something tells me you'll like this deal. Or Venus might, depends on how much Venus grew while she wasn't in my supervision." Big Mama said, Usagi narrowed his eyes but stayed silent.

"I have no reason to keep these turtles and their human friends." Big Mama said with a disgusted frown as she looked at the teens. "I simply want my old assistant back, especially since I plan to regrow my empire." Big Mama said as she turned to Usagi, who narrowed his eyes. "Bring Venus to me and I will exchange the turtles and their human friends for my old Assistant. No tricks, no lies and no strings attached. I will tell you the truth behind your sister's death and you will be under my protection for the rest of your life, going wherever you want, whenever you want." Big Mama said, Usagi looked to the ground in thought and looked at Big Mama. "The only reason I plan to tell Venus this is because you are putting her family at risk, not because of some stupid protection of money you can offer me." Usagi said, commanding some vines to cover himself as he disappeared. Big Mama smiled at the empty space as two large mutant dropped behind her. "Collect the turtles and their friends, be sure to use my recent do-dad to tie them up." Big Mama said, walking away as the two mutants nodded and did as she commanded.

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