The turtles meet Miyamoto

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Shadow grunted as she pushed some fallen debree off herself. She looked up at the hole in her apartment and sighed. "Maybe I should've let them help me." Shadow said and stood up, hissing in pain at the new bruises that had appeared. "I just have to direct Miyamoto away from here so when the others get here, they don't get hurt." Shadow said as she walked out of the building, eyes wide as she saw Miyamoto charging at her with his katana unsheathed. Shadow looked around and saw a stray pipe, quickly grabbing it and using it to block Miyamoto's attack. Shadow was able to block the attack but had to push Miyamoto, grunting as she bent backwards, not able to block a swung attack. Once the attack had been launched, Shadow did a backflip and spun the pipe like a staff and just used it to defend herself. Occasionally, she'd jump or deflect an attack in a direction that she hoped Miyamoto wouldn't notice.

"You're holding back." Miyamoto said and launched an attack, something Shadow blocked but grunted as both stood there. They tried to push the other, but it didn't do much. "What are you hiding." Miyamoto demanded as he tried to push more weight onto Shadow. She chuckled a little and attempted to push Miyamoto back. "Oh y'know, a little this, a little that. You know how it is." Shadow said with a smug grin but jumped back as Miyamoto tried to land another attack. "You're being smug, you're hiding something." Miyamoto commented as Shadow stretched her arms. "We haven't seen each other in a long time, what have you been up too?" Shadow asked, but Miyamoto remained silent and tried to attack the mutant. As this kept going, Shadow kept trying to distract Miyamoto. But the being seemed to notice and tried his own tactic.

"Your attacks have gotten rusty, De Milo." Miyamoto taunted as Shadow threw something at him, which he easily cut by holding his blade up. "Would you stop calling me that?! Is De Milo supposed to be some kind of taunt or something?!" Shadow yelled as she jumped onto a fire escape, the question shocked Miyamoto as he looked up at Shadow. "You... you don't remember your own name?" Miyamoto said, Shadow's eyes went wide. "You know my actual name?" Shadow asked, Miyamoto chuckled a bit. "Wow, what happened to you all these years?" Miyamoto said with a laugh. "Doesn't matter, tell me my name!" Shadow said, grabbing onto the fire escape railing and jumping over it. Throwing the pipe at Miyamoto and allowing her rage to guide her as she attacked faster. Heck, Miyamoto tried using his plant abilities but wasn't fast enough to enact them.


The turtles had rushed into the Turtle Tank and drove as fast as they could. It had been the first time in a while the turtles had used the tank since their stamina and Leo's portals had been upgraded with the ninpo. But from Donnie's extremely worried expression, none of the brothers didn't wait before rushing to the turtle tank. It was on instinct as Raph stood behind his old chair that Leo now sat in. The space was tense in some odd way as Leo held his hands, fiddling with his hands as Donnie did everything in his power to go through video files to find April. Mikey was just fiddling with his hands, being slightly worried about leaving Shadow alone since her ankle is still injured. Raph looked down and noticed how tense Leo was, keeping silent and keeping himself uptight. Raph bit his lip and opened his mouth to say something.

"DO YOU WANT YOUR SEAT?!" Leo randomly shouted, causing Mikey and Donnie to stop what they were doing and look behind them. Raph was also shocked with Leo's outburst but quickly returned to what they were doing as Raph laughed nervously. "Uh, no thanks. I'm okay." Raph said, but noticed that Leo didn't relax. "I was just wondering cause, uh, there's no other place for you to sit." Leo said as he gestured around, Raph noticed that Leo was right. But this chair was supposed to be for the leader. Raph kinda thought about it, but yelped when the tank was suddenly stopped. Everyone looked up and saw a massive amount of debree and several crashes here and there as the fight between Shadow and Miyamoto began to get more intense. "We'll have to go the rest of the way on foot." Donnie said and dashed out of the tank, something each of the brothers noticed.

"Okay?" Raph said and the others raced out, each shocked as they saw Shadow fight off Miyamoto like it was no problem. Her face emotionless and black as her sharp pupils had returned, gripping tight onto the pipe she had and using the debree to help make a dust cloud. Miyamoto jumped into the air and attack to kick Shadow, but Shadow used all her might and punched him in the gut, launching him into some buildings. It spooked Mikey as Shadow landed with ease and slowly rose, anger flaring in her eyes. "SHADOW!" Mikey yelled, causing Shadow to freeze and turn to the brothers. "Mikey?" Shadow said as the four ran to her, Shadow also jogged over to them and looked worried as Mikey grabbed her arms. "Are you okay? nothing broken, right?" Mikey asked with worry. "Where's April and Casey?" Donnie asked, Shadow took a deep breath and grabbed onto Mikey's shoulders. "The girls are in my old apartment, but you guys can't be here." Shadow said and tried to usher them away from the building. "Wha- why?" Raph said, very surprised by Shadow's strength.

But he didn't get time to answer as a giant Bussel of vines sprouted out of the ground and darted for the turtles. Shadow quickly grabbed Leo's katana and one of Mikey's nun-chucks. Shadow zoomed through the brothers and used the katana to slice up the vines, using what was remaining of the vines to jump into the air and forcing's Mikey's ninpo to extend into the building and attempt to wrap it around Miyamoto, whipping him down the street before twisting her body whilst into the air and attempt to land on the ground as Miyamoto struggled to get out of the chains. Raph was quick to catch Shadow and set her down as Leo and Donnie raced to Shadow's old apartment to find Casey and April. "Nice purse." Raph complemented as Mikey raced over to the two. "Who is that guy and why can he mess with those plants?!" Mikey yelled, allowing his Dr. Delicate Touch to materialize. "His name is Miyamoto, and I messed up bad." Shadow said as she gestured to where Miyamoto was still sitting. "Like how bad?" Raph asked, Miyamoto heard and grunted as he stood up.

"Ophelia was your friend!" Miyamoto yelled; you could feel the ground underneath them all shake as Miyamoto's katana began to glow without him even needed to touch it. "We were there for you when that yokai scientist abandoned you and yet you STILL KILLED HER WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT!" Miyamoto yelled, Raph and Mikey looked at Shadow with shock. But Mikey began to seem saddened when Shadow was shown to be shaking. "I-I didn't have a choice!" Shadow said, trying to use the borrowed katana to shield Raph and Mikey from Miyamoto's next attack. "YOU ALWAYS HAD A CHOICE!" Miyamoto yelled, more vines shooting out of the ground and broke Mikey's nun-chuck and commanded the vines to launch Shadow into the sky. "SHADOW!" Mikey yelled and turned to Miyamoto with raged filled eyes. "Hey! Nobody messes with our friend." Raph said and spun his sai's into his hands as Mikey grabbed his his nun-chuck and re-created his other one. "De Milo isn't your friend; she's only using you because of your kindness." Miyamoto said, commanding a vine to launch him after Shadow.

"We gotta go after Shadow!" Mikey yelled and dashed after Miyamoto and Shadow, but Raph grabbed his arm. Mikey was about to yell at his brother, but Raph grabbed both of Mikey's arms and turned his youngest sibling to face him. "Shadow will be fine, but we need to go help Leo and Don make sure April and Casey are okay first." Raph said, Mikey began to stutter as he turned to the place he saw Shadow launched. He finally sighed but nodded, both teens running in the direction of Shadow's old apartment. 

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