Warning Venus

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It had only been an hour and Usagi had searched every place on the surface he knew Venus would hide in. He then ventured into the Mystic city and sighed; know he wasn't going to get anywhere. H sighed and began to think, alright, what would Venus's family do if they wanted to find her? Usagi sighed and rubbed his brow, remembering the talk he had with Leo. Then he remembered how Leo mentioned that he and his brothers found Mikey because of his ninpo since the help button was unavailable. Usagi then remembered how April was able to contact him moments ago. He reached into his cloak and held April's help button in his hand. April had given it to him so she could contact him if her plan went through. Sadly, it did.

Usagi looked down at the help button in his hand, pushing the center and looking up as a hologram came up. The dot indicating that was him, blinked orange as a cyan one pulsed in a building. Usagi looked in the direction of the dot and furrowed his brow, sighing as he shoved the help button into his pocket. "Of course, you'd choose this place." Usagi said and headed into the building, it turned out to be a bar. Usagi walked in and made sure no one asked how old he was. Unlike human laws, you had to be at least eighteen in order to drink in here, but they did offer other drinks in case underaged yokai and mutants had business here. Usagi had looked around and noticed Venus at the main bar, hunched over as Usagi walked over. He noticed the whole bar was empty and quietly took a seat next to Venus, being sure not to seem threatening and even slouched forward as he rested his arms on the table. 

Venus was holding a full shot glass and looked up as Usagi, she grumbled as she looked away from him. "You won't even let me enjoy a glass." Venus grumbled and was about to drink the shot, until Usagi took it and slid it as far down the booth as he could. "I didn't come here to pick a fight." Usagi said as Venus glared at the rabbit yokai. "Oh, like how you made my family completely hate me?" Venus spats back as she sat up and glared at Usagi, who was slightly surprised by her reaction. "I get what I did back then was bad, and I completely agree I should die because of it, but what you did was fucked up." Venus said with narrowed eyes and looked back ahead. Remembering how Mikey just looked horrified and didn't try to stop his brothers, April and Casey from trying to fight Venus. 

While they all had full authority to do so, it still hurt that not even her biological family wanted nothing to do with her. Not to mention the disappointed look on Mikey's face just moments before Usagi had launched her far into the air. Venus was only able to get into the city because she knew a few places that allowed access to the Mystic City. "I agree, I've just been blinded with being alone." Usagi admitted as Venus looked over to him. "But even with the deal I was recently offer, I still don't know if I should hurt you." Usagi said, this caught Venus's attention. "What deal? Who made it with you?" Venus said, she knew how Usagi thought. He would only accept a deal if his family or friends were the ones getting hurt in the process.

Usagi sighed and turned to Venus. "She has them, Big Mama." Usagi said, Venus's eyes went wide at this. "She's willing to exchange them for you and promised to tell me the truth behind Ophelia's death." Usagi said and looked down at the table. Venus narrowed her eyes at Usagi. "We both know she'd never tell you the truth, what's the real reason you sought me out." Venus demanded, Usagi sighed and looked at his hands. "I know firsthand what a sibling's death will do to someone; I also know your more than willing to send back that with your skill set." Usagi said and turned to Venus, who seemed a little shocked. "You came back because you knew I cared about them." Venus said, Usagi nodded to this and stared at the wall full of alcohol. "That family is the only thing I know you deeply care about. I also know you hate Big Mama and we both know what she'll do to them if you don't show up." Usagi admitted, Venus narrowed her eyes and turned to the bar doors. She shoved off her seat and headed to the door, Usagi stayed where he was and didn't say a thing. Venus noticed and stopped a few feet from him.

She sighed and turned around, marching up him and grabbing Usagi by the back of his shirt, turning him around and glaring at his face. "Big Mama didn't liked that I was getting close to you and your sister, so she called Ophelia to decide my next opponent that was between you or her. Big Mama knew how Ophelia thinks and knew she'd never sign you up for your death. So, Ophelia picked herself in exchange for your freedom, which is why Big Mama never went after you when you ran off." Venus said and backed off Usagi, who was shocked by this info. "So when I say I didn't have a choice, I meant it." Venus said and then left the bar, already knowing where Big Mama wanted her to meet up. Usagi stared at the doors as they closed shut and looked at the ground in thought. What should he do now?


Mikey groaned as he woke, blinking his eyes as the gas's effect on him wore off. Once his vision was clear, he looked around and saw his brothers and friends tied up next to him. Mikey looked around and saw they were on a rooftop of some kind. He groaned as he looked down to what was tying them up, some kind of light violet rope tied around his waist. He narrowed his eyes and attempted to break it, only to yelp in pain as a massive shock ran through his body. His pained yelp caused the others to wake up. "Mikey? You okay?" April asked as Leo groaned in pain, Donnie bent forward a bit as Raph looked around groggily, Cassandra was shaking her head to wake herself up. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just got shocked from something." Mikey said, everyone gasped as they heard Big Mama's chuckle. She was standing in front of them, still in her human form. 

"Oh yes, I recently bought those because I had a feeling, you'd find Venus. It shocks the person that's trapped in it when Mystic energy is forced on it." Big Mama chuckled as everyone narrowed their eyes at her. "What do you want with us? We haven't done anything to you recently! "Donnie demanded as Big Mama walked to them. "I want you all to act as bait." Big Mama explained, something that confused them all. "And why is that? Pops ain't accepting any deal you make with him! Neither will Draxum and Usagi ain't around anymore so that probably means he ditched us." Raph yelled but stopped as Big Mama chuckled. "Oh deary, he didn't ditch you. He's simply playing messenger for what I really want."  Big Mama explained, Leo narrowed his eyes at the spider yokai. "And what would that be exactly?" Leo asked with a turned head. Big Mama smiled as she touched her broach, turning into her yokai form.

"My assistant!" Big Mama said as she leaned closer to Leo, her giant head forming as Leo fell backwards with a yelp. Big Mama chuckled as everyone gave her a glare. "If you want her so bad, why don't you call her up? Since she obviously still works for you." Donnie said smugly as he rolled his eyes, Big Mama huffed in annoyance. "Because she doesn't work for me, not yet anyways. She ran off when I had Shadow Fiend." Big Mama explained, Cassandra raised a brow at the spider yokai. "You mean when you imprisoned my previous master, Shredder of the Foot Clan, to do your dirty work." Cassandra sassed; another annoyed sigh came from Big Mama. "Does that really matter now? Venus has no one to run to, no purpose and nothing else to fight for." Big Mama said as she walked to the buildings edge. "Well, except for all of you." Big Mama said, a sly grin on her face as she turned her head towards them. Confusion hung in the air as Mikey gasped in realization. "YOU TWISTED, UGLY, BUG FACED-"

Big Mama interrupted Mikey's anger as she zoomed over to him, her sharp claw a few inches from his neck. "I suggest you think about your next words carefully." Big Mama warned as the brothers and girls yelled at Big Mama to get away from Mikey. "But since you obviously know something, your friends don't, why don't you explain it to them." Big Mama offered as she stepped back, Mikey's glare still on Big Mama. "What is she talking about?" Leo asked as everyone looked to Mikey. "Venus never wanted to hurt us. Big Mama knows this and plans to use us to draw Venus out." Mikey explained as his glare still stayed on Big Mama, everyone turned to Big Mama who smiled. "It was kinda obvious." Big Mama explained as she moved her hands to the side like it was a common thing to think.

"So I guess that means you knew I'd arrive." Someone spoke, everyone turned and saw Venus standing a few feet behind them. Usagi stood behind Venus, but his hand rested on his katana's handle. Big Mama smiled evilly as both Venus and Usagi narrowed their eyes at the yokai.

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