Meeting Miyamoto

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A/n: His weapon is just a basic katana; the handle is the same color as his wraps.

The three girls had finally finished cleaning, Casey huffed as she laid against a wall. "Remind me again why we had to clean?" Shadow asked as she plopped onto the couch, April shrugged her shoulders and sat on the ground. "Dunno, but it looks better." April said, Shadow gave her a look before sighing and just letting herself relax. Casey laughed a bit at Shadow and April before looking over, looking through the giant hole in the wall and looking out at the sea. As Casey sat there, she noticed the paper that had been mentioned several chapters ago. Casey looked at it in confusion before sitting up, ripping it off the wall and looking at it. "By the time you read this..." Casey said out loud, causing April and Shadow to look up at her. "What'ca reading Cas?" April asked as she got up, Shadow sighed and also walked over. "Oh, I just found this on the wall." Casey said as she got up and looked at the paper. "By the time you read this, you won't have any time to run, to hide or even plan for my attack. Prepare your morals, I'm coming for you De Milo. From Miyamoto?" Casey read aloud.

April looked at Casey in confusion and grabbed the paper. "You sure you read it right?" April asked, both gurls unaware of Shadow's horror-stricken face. "Nope, the hand writings even in cursive." April said and looked up, her blunt face turning to slight worry when she saw Shadow's face. "Shadow? You, okay?" April said, Casey looked up in confusion as Shadow took the paper and took it in her shaking hands. Seeing the same symbol on the paper that had been on the other guy's charm, she looked up at the two. "You two need to leave, now!" Shadow said as she threw the paper to the ground, grabbed the girls by their jackets and tried to race them to the door. "What?! Why?" April yelled as Shadow set them down and tried to open the door. But a series of green vines grew on the door, causing Shadow to flinch back. "Okay, out the hole!" Shadow said and tried shoving them out, but all three gasped as an ocean of vines grew there too, blocking any easy access to an exit. Shadow attempted to shield the girls from the vines, the vines quickly grabbed onto Casey and April, slamming them both into opposite walls as Shadow stood in the dead center.

"Three years and yet you still don't understand the basic parts of a message." Someone said, causing Shadow to look up and attempt to hold a defensive stance. The three girls looked up and watched as a large vine helped the guy from before into the room, his cloak flowing to reveal a signal hand on his swords handle. He stepped off the vine and onto the ground as Shadow attempted to keep her body still. "It literally said 'you won't have any time to run' on the paper!" The guy said and used his other hand to gesture to the message on the ground. Shadow didn't shift her gaze and only looked at the figure. "You don't need to do this Miyamoto." Shadow said, her body shaking a little as she mentioned the guy's name. He looked up at her, his anger showing as he gripped his swords handle. "Oh, like how you didn't need to kill Ophelia?" Miyamoto taunted.

Shadow looked at him with wide eyes as Casey looked at April, shifting her hands a bit to signal something to April. She nodded and turned to her own wrist, shifting her other hand and attempting to touch her help button. Casey flicked her wrist and a ninja star appeared in her hands, slowly cutting the vines. Miyamoto chuckled dryly as Shadow looked to the ground slightly. Shadow then looked back up to Miyamoto and put her hands to her side, looking at Miyamoto with a frown. "Then at least let them go." Shadow said as she gestured to April. Miyamoto turned his head to April and noticed she was struggling but didn't notice how Casey only had to cut one more rope before she could be free. "I suppose that would be fine, after all." Miyamoto said as he looked back at Shadow. "I would hate for another life to be lost because of your foolish choices." Miyamoto said as he raised his other hand.

"Get away from our friend!" Casey yelled as she ripped through the vines and threw the ninja star at Miyamoto. But he easily caught it, he didn't even have to move his head. Miyamoto then threw it back and ducked as Casey attempted to throw a kick at him. He jumped back as Casey attempted to take out Miyamoto's legs. As this was happening, Shadow hurried to April and attempted to free her. "You both are idiotic." Shadow said as she ripped the vines off April and looked up, her eyes going wide as she saw Miyamoto kick Casey towards Shadow. Shadow grunted as she easily caught Casey but had to set the teen down since she had used her bad ankle to make sure Shadow hadn't got launched into the wall. "You okay?" April asked as she and Casey looked at the turtle teen with worried eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." Shadow said, looking up upon hearing Miyamoto scoff.

"This fight is between me and you, your friends can still leave." Miyamoto said as he gestured to the three, Casey noticed how his paw never left his sword and even glowed a bit as the vines that held the two human girls, began to decay and turn into dust that blew away. Shadow narrowed her eyes but turned to April and Casey, sighing as she turned to both of them and held their shoulders.  "You two have to leave, this doesn't concern you. I have to face what I've done." Shadow said with a frown, but April narrowed her brows as Casey scoffed. "Like we're gonna leave you alone with this plant bozo." April said as she used her head to gesture to Miyamoto, who remained where he was as he waited to see what would happen. "Yeah! We took on the Shredder before and he's nothing compared to this idiot!" Casey said with a bright grin and held up her fist. "Sure, the turtle brothers did most of the work, but this Miyamoto guy is still nothing!" Casey said with a bright grin, causing Shadow to sigh. "I was afraid you'd say that." Shadow said as she looked down, quickly pushing a few pressure points on both girls and it caused them to tense. Casey closed her eyes and began to snore as she and April feel to the ground, April watched with tired eyes as Shadow stood on her own feet and frowned at both girls.

"I'm not gonna let two people who've treated me kindly get hurt because of my past actions." Shadow said as she turned with a regretful expression, her eyes closed as her balled hands shook. "I'm sorry." Shadow said and looked up, quickly jumping at Miyamoto and caused both to tumble out of the building and into the streets. "N-no." April mumbled and looked at her wrist, seeing her help button that she had yet to push. April grunted with effort as she moved her hand, several crashes and random vines appeared from the hole April could barely see through. April barely pushed the button and it already lit up, a screen with a moving phone icon and Donnie's photo on the screen.

April pinched herself as she tried to keep herself awake, waiting for Donnie too pick up. He had reprogramed the help button so that it'll just go to him or Splinter directly. Either way, didn't take Donnie long to answer. But his expression was slightly worried as a good portion of himself was covered in flower. "Hey April, can't talk right now but- what happened to Casey?" Donnie asked as he looked at April, who groaned and pinched herself. "Shadow, apartment..... ambush." April said, trying to keep herself up, Donnie looked at April with worry. "Okay, uh, just stay awake, okay?!" Donnie said with fear, looking like he began to run as he searched for his brothers. "Dunno, if I can." April mumbled as her eyes began to feel heavy. "O-okay, don't worry. We're on our way." Donnie said and began to yell for his brothers, April finally closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep. Meanwhile, Shadow jumped as a vine attempted to take out her legs, but gasped as she saw a vine and it launched her into a building.

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