Who are you?

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"Venus?" The group asked as the ball turned out to be Venus, standing steady as she held back Big Mama's clawed hand. Big Mama looked at Venus with fear as Venus narrowed her eyes, sparks of lightning appeared at the edges of her eyes. She then pulled back her hand and flicked the air, causing Big Mama to yelp as she got pushed back by a great wind. Everyone watched Venus as she lowered her hand to her side and turned her head towards the others. A cyan aura surrounded Venus as she looked at them, the glowing Hamato clan symbol hovering a few inches away from her chest as she shifted gaze at all of them. "You... you reached your ninpo." Mikey said, Venus stayed silent as her form fizzled a little. Everyone was confused until their binds suddenly feel to the ground. 

Leo looked at his arms and saw the burn marks from the binds. Venus also noticed them and walked over to Leo, kneeling to him and holding his arm to inspect it. "Venus? You alright?" Leo asked as Venus stared at the burn marks. She tapped each of the marks and they glowed before disappearing entirely. "Wha?" Leo said and lifted both arms up, seeing all burns marks he was given by the binding was now gone. "Woah!" Mikey said as he stood up, Venus turned her gaze to Big Mama who grunted as she stood up and glared at the others. Venus narrowed her eyes and grabbed some of the binding, suddenly disappearing as lightning shot down again and then reappeared thanks to the lightning yet again. Venus then yanked the ropes into the air and pulled them back, commanding the binding to change its shape. Once their glow disappeared, the ropes had been turned into two fans.

The more technically name would be dual Tensens, but no one said a thing about Venus's weapon selection as she aimed on fan at the group, a dome of lightning suddenly surrounded all of them. Raph looked at it in confusion and touched it, yelping as a small shock hit his finger and quickly put it in his mouth. "You said you warned me about getting close to people." Venus spoke, the lighting causing her voice to echo as Big Mama narrowed her eyes. "You warned me about many things, all of which I avoided because I thought you knew best." Venus said, her eyes narrowing as she closed the fans and aimed one at Big Mama. "I thought to trust you, that you were helping me become strong enough where I didn't need anyone." Venus then lowered her hands again and looked to the ground. "But the one time I didn't want to heartless like you, you tried to punish me for it. But this family has known all the things I've done and yet, they never thought to hurt me. Not until they learned just what I was." Venus said and looked up at Big Mama who smiled smugly.

"What might that just be?" Big Mama asked, Venus narrowed her eyes yet again. "A solider who had no true purpose in this world. But in a single month, this family made me feel like a purpose more than you ever did in several years I stayed with you!" Venus yelled; the thunder grew more as Big Mama's grin did as well. "While your words do ring truth, what do you think will happen when this is all over? Even if you defeat me, which is very unlikely, you really think they'll take you back?" Big Mama asked, Venus stayed silent but did move her gaze to the barrier. "They trusted Usagi over you and they only known him for what, two days?" Big Mama taunted, knowing her words were affecting Venus. Then Venus looked at Mikey who stared at her. "Do you remember when I said, 'Family protects each other'?" Mikey asked with a smile, Venus remained silent but nodded. "Well, I don't plan to stop! You're my family and I'll still trust you! Even after all that's happened." Mikey said, Venus smiled a bit but frowned when she looked to the others. "I stand with Mikey." Donnie said, surprise filling Mikey's features.

The remaining other either nodded or yelled out their agreement, something that put a smile on Venus's face. "Alright, I'm done with this mush." Big Mama said, causing Venus to turn back to Big Mama and see she had jumped into the air. Venus narrowed her eyes, shifting her footing so she could launch herself into the sky and punch Big Mama far away. She then teleported to where Big Mama was and the two duked it out on a different roof. Mikey watched with furrowed brows as he began to look around for a way out. "Leo! Can you open a portal? We need to help Venus." Mikey said, Leo pulled his katanas out and attempted a portal, but gasped as the portal's energy was sucked up by the barrier and it grew a bit. "It sucked it up!" Raph pointed out, Donnie hummed as he flipped his goggles on and looked at the barrier. "Since our Ninpo acts different, Big Sis's must suck up mystic energy and run off that." Donnie pointed out, but everyone turned when they heard Usagi grunted as he attempted to get up.

Leo was quick to hurry over and help Raph set Usagi up, but the pikathrope hissed in slight pain and looked up. "What happened?" Usagi mumbled and shielded his eyes from the barriers light. "Venus is taking on Big Mama with her Ninpo." Cassandra explained, Usagi sat up and leaned forward, Leo placed a hand on his shoulder to make sure he stayed up as Usagi rubbed his brow. "How long has she had the ability?" Usagi asked as he looked around to see the barrier surrounded them all. "Just recently, she used it to save me!" Mikey said with a bright smile, but everyone gasped when they heard a massive crash and looked up, the storm had begun to grow smaller as Venus got thrown into the hotel's room. She pulled herself up from the roof hole she caused and glared at Big Mama. Spitting some blood out, Venus grunted as she pushed off and tried to fight with Big Mama yet again. "She's not use to that power yet; it's starting to get smaller." Usagi said as he pointed up at the storm that did indeed begin to grow smaller.

"Then how do we help her? The barrier shocks anyone who touches it and from what we can tell, it sucks up any mystic energy that used inside of it." Raph pointed out as he pointed a thumb to the barrier, Usagi hummed as he looked at the barrier. But as his foot was about to brush the side because he was moving to get comfortable. Leo was the first to react and try to pull Usagi away but stopped when Usagi's foot brushed the barrier, and it did nothing to him. But it did something cause Usagi looked down at his foot. "Huh, my foot stopped hurting." Usagi said and held his foot in confusion. Leo looked at the barrier and then remembered his own burn wounds, they were healed when Venus used her ninpo on them. "Hey Usagi?" Leo asked and turned to the rabbit. "Can I have your hand real quick?" Leo asked, Usagi seemed confused by this question and was about to ask something until Leo glared behind Usagi. "Donnie, I swear if you even say a single word..." Everyone turned to see Donnie had opened his mouth, but then he quickly closed it and stayed silent. 

Usagi shrugged his shoulder and let Leo hold his wrist. Then Leo guided Usagi's hand to the barrier and pushed it against it. "How does your hand feel?" Leo asked as he saw Usagi wasn't flinching or anything. "It feels better?" Usagi answered and looked up as he pulled his hand back, the barrier flickering. "If the barrier runs off De Milo's power, then it must still have its healing abilities!" Cassandra pointed out with a giant smile. "So, if I run through it, the barrier would fall after healing me." Usagi said and looked at the barrier. "I guess that would work." Donnie said with a shrug, so Usagi stood up. Well, he tried too. He quickly fell to his knees and was only caught by Leo who quickly got up and helped him up. "I'll help you." Leo said and looked at the barrier, not noticing Usagi's stare at Leo. But Usagi narrowed his eyes as he looked at the barrier.

Both closed their eyes as they quickly ran through it, Usagi's eyes suddenly opening wide as all pain and ache was taken away from his body. The barrier did fall like they assumed, both Usagi and Leo turned when they heard the others cheering from the plan working, Leo sighed in relief as Usagi looked at Leo. Usagi then looked down and saw Leo was still holding him. "Uh, you can let me go now. The barrier healed me." Usagi pointed out as Leo looked at Usagi, who yelped and quickly took his hands off Usagi. "Right! Sorry!" Leo said as he smiled nervously, Donnie saw and smirked, he was so gonna tell April this later. Mikey looked up and gasped. "Venus!" Everyone looked up as Mikey yelled, the storm now fully gone, and Venus was given a punch to her gut.

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