Wake up

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It was the next day, though the figure didn't remember much as she slowly opened her eyes. She groaned as she sat up, rubbing her head as she tried to wake herself up. Once she opened her eyes, the figure saw only black walls around her, but she was still in the see through cell. A chair remained in front of the door, but that was it.The figure sat up and began to look around, finally noticing the keypad on the door. She walked over to it and peered at it. The figure was about to touch it, but she heard voices. "She did what?!" Leo's voice carried through, The figure remembered it and began to look around. 

"I know but at least she's safe there. The damage she could cause is scratches on the walls." Donnie said, the figure looked back at the key pad again. "Why would they place the keypad on the inside?" The figure asked herself as she lifted her hand to touch the buttons. But she stopped and finally noticed her hand, it was wrapped correctly. The figure looked around her body and saw she was still wearing the clothes from the night before. She then heard footsteps and looked up, now realizing the black walls were curtains as Mikey tried to sneak in. But because his shell was facing towards the figure, he failed to notice she was awake.

Once Mikey fully closed the curtains, he turned around and froze when he made eye contact. Both were silent as the figure balled her hands. "Uh, I brought breakfast?" Mikey offered as he held up the tray of food he brought in. The figure looked at the tray and then looked back at Mikey, not daring to say a word. Mikey stayed silent before walking over to the slot and opening it. The figure went into the corner farthest from Mikey as he slid the tray in. "You're probably wondering what you're doing here." Mikey said as he stepped back, allowing the Figure to step towards the food and inspect it. Once the figure broke eye contact, her pupils became slits again as she stared at the food.

After a few moments, the figure sat onto her knees and began to eat the food. Mikey sat on the chair as he patted his knees. "We uh, felt bad for trashing your place and I kinda begged my brothers to bring you here." Mikey said, the figure looked up at Mikey for a second before placing the utensil down that she was using. The figure stared at Mikey, who began to become nervous. The figure then flicked her hand, a golden coin appearing in her hand whilst keeping a straight face. Mikey seemed amazed by this and watched in silence as the figure began to tap on the dish.

Mikey watched the figure's hand in confusion. He could tell she was doing a beat of some kind, but it kept suddenly changing. It took Mikey a second before he finally figure out what the figure was doing. She was trying to communicate through morse code, he looked around and grabbed his nun-chucks, trying to say something back in morse code. Mikey knew the basics of it from Donnie, it had started as a way of getting away from Raph and Leo's fights. The figure seemed surprised at this but went back to her neutral face and began to tap again.

"I- uh, don't know all of it. Why don't you try talking?" Mikey asked as he put his weapon away. The figure narrowed her eyes and set the coin down onto the ground. She then held up her hands and began to try sign language.

'Do you understand me now?'

Mikey nodded with a smile. See, he knew sign language from April. She was taking it for extra credit and tried teaching the basics to Mikey, who ended up taking a full online class. The figure sighed in relief and began to sign again.

'Let me out of this cell, now'

Mikey furrowed his brow and began to rub the back of his neck. "I sorta can't." Mikey said nervously, the figure narrowed her eyes. "The only way for you to get out would be for you to open the cell door using that." Mikey said and pointed to the key pad, she raised a brow. "My brother made it for my other brother to try and get rid of his separation anxiety, we didn't make it too far." Mikey said as he fiddled with his fingers. The figure then looked at the key pad and then back to the black curtains. Mikey noticed and smiled at the figure.

"Oh yeah, my brother Don put those up for you. He said you might have Trypanophobia and Nosocoephobia based on how you acted the other day." Mikey said, the figure looked back to Mikey again.

'Are we still in the lab?'

Mikey frowned a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah. That's why Don put the curtains up. He said you might have had a seizure and figured you wouldn't open the door." Mikey explained, the figure nodded slowly and then looked back at the food again.

'I appreciate that you didn't put any toxins into the food.'

When the figure signed this, it caused Mikey to become confused. "Why would I? If I were to 'poison' you, it would only be like medication you refuse to take and things to help you fall asleep." Mikey said, the figure raised a brow at him. "Hey Mikey?" Raph called out, earning both turtles'attention as they looked up. "We're gonna go on patrol to find those weapons and try to hide them some place else, do you think your friend might want anything from her apartment?" Raph asked from behind the curtain. Mikey turned back to the figure who began to think for a moment. After a few seconds, the figure shook her head no.

"No, I don't think she'll want anything." Mikey said as he stood up and walked to the curtain. He paused for a moment and turned to the figure again, she got the idea and turned around. "Alright, you can open your eyes now!" Mikey called once he slipped through the curtain. The figure looked back and sighed, deciding to lean against the wall. The figure closed her eyes and began to take in the silence, that was until she heard walking. She sat up and stared at the curtain, seeing it was moving as a clawed hand suddenly grabbed the curtain and began to open it.

While the figure didn't look away but watched in silence as S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N came hovering in, something hanging from below him as he looked ahead with a blunt expression. But he froze when he saw the figure staring at him. "Oh, I thought you'd still be asleep." S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N said nervously as he allowed the curtain to close behind him. The Figure only glared at him as he came closer to the cell. "I brought you some blankets Mikey made. He would've brought them himself but he was too busy trying to make sure his father doesn't know you're in here." S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N said as he lowered what he brought it, revealing it was blankets and two pillows.

The figure remained silent as she watched S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N slide in the blankets and pillows through the slot. The figure had moved the plate before S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N did so, meaning the blankets only got dirty from the dust. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N then hovered away and began to go through the curtain again, leaving the figure alone in silence once more. The figure then walked over to the pile and held up the pillows, she punched both and shrugged her shoulders before putting them onto the ground next to her. She then unwrapped the blanket and noticed a paper fell out. She set the blanket on the side quickly and grabbed the note.

"Hope you had a great sleep! S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N will be there when you need him!"

The figure raised a brow before shrugging her shoulder, then she began to arrange the blankets and pillows in a bed form. She then laid down on it and stared above, now actually noticing the ceiling. It was covered in glow-in-the-dark stars, also noticing this slim pipe was on the roof that went to the light. The figure followed where the other end was and saw a light switch on the wall. She flicked the light off and allowed the room to become dark, some purple seeping through. The figure sighed and grabbed the blanket, whipping it around them and getting comfortable.

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