To the Mystic City!

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A/n: I tried to mention some old bands that Shadow likes, but I don't have a good history on music I like. I was gonna put down Nickelback but learned it's a very hated band, so I decided against it.

After a while, April found some clothes she knows her mother wouldn't even noticed had disappeared and some music that hadn't even been touched in several years. As April and Casey double checked that Shadow did like a few items that both had found, they noticed that Shadow liked Linkin Park, AC DC, and Eminem. They tried some music from this current year or close by years, but Shadow didn't seem to like to many. "I found this old record player that my mom was gonna throw out, so you can have that too." April said as she put the heavy object down. Shadow began to mess some of the buttons on it as Casey pulled out her phone. "I'll call Leo to get us a portal so we can just set this stuff into the lair and ask Hueso for a portal to the Mystic City." Casey said and walked out the room to call Leo. This left Shadow alone with April, who was shifting the items around and see how much she could carry in one go.

Shadow got up and helped to grab a few things, thinking Leo would just open a portal for them. Casey then walked back in with a grin and grabbed the remaining items. "Okay, he said he's actually in the Mystic City, so he'll just take us there after we drop off everything." Casey said as she grabbed the remaining things. Right when Casey grabbed the remaining item, a blue portal opened, and Leo stepped through it. "Hey guys." Leo said and the portal behind him closed. He opened another portal and peeked inside to make sure he made a portal to the right spot. "Jeez, I don't think Mikey has even stepped foot inside that place yet." Leo said once he pulled back and allowed the girls to walk in. He helped by setting most things onto the bed and ushering the girls back into the old room. He then opened another portal and helped the girls through it, surprising the girls when they saw they were just outside the shop he and Mikey were in.

"I gotta head back to Mikey before he finds the sweets section." Leo said and hurried back into the store, leaving the mutant and two humans be. April then looked around and noticed a map, so the three headed to it and made a plan of where to go. They took some pictures of each other and sent them to the brothers, heck, they even found a bag that allows infinite storage space. Shadow held onto that one, but both enjoyed there walk. They eventually found a place to have lunch and both girls took a photo of their foods. Shadow watched the girls in confusion before looking at her own food, confusion filling her mind even more. "Shadow? You, okay?" April asked as Casey was busy with typing something about her food, Shadow looked up and then back to her food. "Why are you taking photos of your food?" Shadow asked, but then froze when Casey took a photo of Shadow and her food.

"We're sending it to Donnie, so he doesn't get worried were not eating." April explained as Casey smiled at the photo. "Oh, what happens when he worries to much?" Shadow asked as Casey stopped texting and suddenly kept looking at the photo, her smile turning into a small frown. "He goes overboard, He'll literally fly here and drag us to some restaurant and make us pick something. Then if we complain about it being to expensive, he somehow picks the most expensive thing on the list!" April said as she threw her hands into the air. Shadow looked at Casey for confirmation, only to see the angered/worried look on her face. "Casey? You okay?" Shadow asked, causing the teen girl to yelp and look up. "Huh? Oh! Yeah, just noticed this guy in your photo." Casey said and held the phone screen to show a confused Shadow talking, an odd figure staring at her from a table, he wore a mask with a hood and some kind of cloak covering his body as he wrote in a book. Shadow looked behind herself and stared at the table, only to see that table was empty.

A/n: Here's a sketch of what I was thinking about, you'll get a full image with color in the next chapter

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A/n: Here's a sketch of what I was thinking about, you'll get a full image with color in the next chapter

"Maybe he wasn't looking at you?" April said with a nervous grin. Casey hummed as she took back her phone and stared at the photo. "Maybe, does the Mystic City have food critics?" Casey asked as Shadow just stared at Casey's phone with a thinking face. "Maybe, but we shouldn't stay here to long." Shadow said as April and Casey stared at their food. "Don't need to tell me twice!" Casey said, shoving her phone into her leather jacket before chowing down on her food. April followed as Shadow ate her food, but the way she kept her gaze on her food made it seem like she was on guard. April had noticed but figured it was just Shadow's nerves. Once they did finish their food, the girls got up and began to walk around. And as if some yokai thought today of all days was the best day to start a carnival, Casey begged the two girls to go. Shadow was against at first as she folded her arms across her chest and closed her eyes.

"Have you even ever been inside a Carnival?" April sassed as she put her hands onto her hips. Shadow sweat nervously as she stayed silent. "Maybe?" Shadow said, both humans looked at her with blunt looks before they dragged her in. They started off with some rides, shops and then to the games. Shadow yelped as she was dragged to a balloon popping game and watched as April and Casey narrowly missed the balloons. Shadow noticed their saddened expressions and paid for a couple darts. Casey and April remained silent as Shadow closed one eye and aimed, taking a deep breath and pulling her hands back. After closing both eyes, Shadow stayed where she was before throwing the dart and popping the balloon. Casey and April cheered once Shadow had used all her darts, each popping a balloon. Shadow laughed a bit when April was given a stuffed animal the size of her, causing the teen to fall. Casey smiled brightly when she got a ninja dressed in green and rose it in the air. "I GOT GARMADON'S KID!" Casey laughed like there was no tomorrow and began to run off. "Uh, ma'am?" The booth guy got Shadow's attention. "You still have to pick a prize." He said and gestured behind him. Shadow looked around and spotted a bunny.

She saw the area around the eyes were white, like the tips of its ears, legs and arms. "That one." Shadow said as she pointed to it, confusing Casey, April and the booth guy. "You sure? You could get that thing, if you wanted." The guy said as he pointed to a dragon mech, a remote next to it. It even opened its mouth and breathed actual fire. "I'd like the bunny." Shadow repeated herself, the guy shrugged his shoulders and head to the stuffed toy. "Why'd you guy up the dragon?!" Casey yelled in fear as Shadow was handed the stuffed bunny. "No practical reason." Shadow said with a sad smile as she walked away from the booth and kept looking at the bunny in her hands. April grunted in defeat before looking back at the stuffed animal. "Hey, can I trade this for the robot?" April asked the booth guy; he shrugged his shoulders as Casey just kept watching Shadow. The mutant had found a bench and stared at the bunny, Casey furrowed her brows and walked over to Shadow, the booth guy and April trying to drag her old prize back to the booth.

"Okay, what's the deal with the bunny?" Casey said as she sat next to Shadow. The mutant looked up at Casey and frowned, looking back at the stuffed animal again before sighing yet again. "Back when I fought in the Battle Nexus, I had these two friends." Shadow said and held the bunny to Casey. One was named Ophelia and looked just like this, yokai type and all." Casey held the stuffed bunny in her hands and began to mess with the paws. "But, one day, Big Mama decided she didn't want her personal assistant to have friends." Shadow said, Casey looked over and saw Shadow leaning forward with her arms propped up against her knees. "She said it'd just make me weak when I'd lose them. I was then forced to do something, something I could never forgive myself for doing." Shadow said as she shifted her gaze to the stuffed toy. Casey furrowed her brows and looked at the toy. "That Yokai made you hurt Ophelia, didn't she." Casey wondered, Shadow looked away and nodded.

"You... you could say that." Shadow mumbled, Casey frowned and handed the bunny back. "What about you're other friend?" Casey wondered out loud as Shadow took the toy back. "He was Ophelia's brother. He watched me hurt her and never forgave me, ran off before I could explain myself and promised me, he'd make sure I felt the same pain he did." Shadow said as she looked at the stuffed toy. Casey sat in silence at this new info, wondering to herself before April walked back to the two. "The guy let me switch my prize!" April said as she held a remote in her hands, pushing a big red button that caused the dragon to roar fire.  Shadow smirked at the dragon and put her bunny into her bag. "He looks cute, wonder if he only works in the Mystic City." Shadow wondered, April looked at her new toy and hummed to herself. She stood there silently before an idea popped into her head. "Welll, we won't know till we test it." April said as she looked at the other two.

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