Supporting one's idea

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"I only stole them because of what those dumb humans had planned to do with them!" The figure yelled as she looked up, her eyes now had slits instead of normal pupils. "They know that Yokai and Mutant-king exist and plan to eradicate all of us, even you guys!" The figure yelled, no one had noticed that the gun had broken, the yellow color began to pulse faster. Mikey looked at the ground in thought, so no wonder she kept going back to those humans, even after they broke her leg!, Mikey thought as he looked back up at the figure.

The figure tried to get up, but yelled in pain as she grabbed her leg, Raph noticed and lowered his guard a bit. "Now that I'm weakened, I guess you'll drag me back to her." The figure said, the turtles were confused by this as the figure got on her knee. "Uh... who's her?" Leo asked, the figure looked up at him in confusion. "But I thought-" The figure stopped when they suddenly heard beeping, one that got faster as the figure looked around. The figure finally caught sight of the gun, which was now red and blinking incredibly fast. "What's going on?" Donnie asked as he stood, but the figure got up quick and shoved Raph away from her. 

"GET DOWN!" The figure yelled as she jumped for the gun, Raph dashed to his brothers and quickly grabbed them into a hug. He used his shell to protect them all as a loud and bright red explosion blasted behind them. Mikey gasped as he heard the figure yell out in pain, Raph was busy keeping his brothers safe and only let them go when he felt the wind from the explosion die down. Raph blinked as he turned his head, trying to see something before letting his brothers go. Mikey looked around and saw the room was basically trashed more, but gasped when he saw the door to the apartment had been bashed open.

"Shadowy Figure!" Mikey yelled when he saw the Figure in the remains of the door, laying unconscious with blood falling from small scratches on her head. Mikey dashed over to them and tried to pull her out from the rubble, Raph ran over and tried to help Mikey while Leo found the partially destroyed gun and opened a portal, tossing the gun in so that it couldn't cause any more problems. Once Mikey and Raph got the figure out, Raph used one of his arms to set the figure up. Donnie crouched down next to Mikey and hummed as he flipped his goggles down to do a quick scan. Mikey remained silent as he looked at the figure in concern.

"Is she..." Mikey asked in fear, Leo and Raph noticed his shaking form so Leo dashed to the empty spot next to Mikey. "No, I'm sure she's fine. Right Don?" Leo asked as he placed a hand onto Mikey's shoulder. The three looked at Donnie as he was still scanning the figure, he then pushed up his goggles. "She should be fine. We can get going now." Donnie said as he began to walk to the blown-up wall. Leo followed with a frown as Raph let the figure lay down. Mikey seemed shocked and confused as he watched his brothers go. "Wha- wait! We can't just leave her here!" Mikey pleaded, the brothers stopped and looked at Mikey.

"Why not? She was hurting you." Donnie asked as he turned to Mikey, Leo and Raph remained silent. "But she wasn't, she was the one who was hurt!" Mikey pleaded as he stood up. "I just wanted to make sure she got home. Then I stayed here because of what you guys did earlier." Mikey said, mumbling the last part to himself. But the brothers heard and either looked at the ground in guilt or tried to keep a straight face, you can probably guess who. Leo looked back at the figure and suddenly remembered how she stole the weapons from the civilians.

While she could've been lying about the humans using the weapons on mutants, Leo would prefer the dangerous weapons to be in the hands of a mutant thief than a human who's done several crimes. Leo walked over to Mikey again and peered down at the Figure again. Leo sighed and leaned down to the figure, pulling her arm over his shoulder and pulling their body up. Mikey looked at his brother in hope while Donnie seemed slightly annoyed. Raph was confused and waited to see what Leo was doing.

Leo noticed and only blinked at Donnie and Raph. "Either we take her to the lair, or Mikey ends up coming here trying to help her. A place full of weapons that only this idiot knows where they are." Leo said as he gestured to the Figure. Raph hummed in thought as he began to think. "While I still think it's a very, very bad idea...." Raph said as he closed his eyes, Mikey and Leo looked at him in either hope or waited for him to say something else. "I'm gonna follow Leo's lead." Raph said with a smirk and placed his hands onto his hips.

Mikey and Leo looked up in joy as Donnie looked at shocked annoyance. "Wha- why?!" Donnie yelled as Mikey frowned again. Raph raised a brow as he shifted his gaze to Donnie. "Uh, because Leo's the leader now?" Raph chuckled as Donnie smacked his forehead. "So we're gonna take someone who nearly blasted Mikey's head off, all because Leo says so?!" Donnie yelled, Leo smirked. "Yup! If we hurry, we can get into the sewers right when Splints is back in bed and both girls went home." Leo said as he began to drag the figure to the blown up wall. Raph took the figure from Leo and easily held the figure like a child.

"I can carry her easier than you, you and Donnie's weird bets helped a lot with that." Raph said before he hopped out of the building. Mikey seemed confused as Leo rolled his eyes, Donnie smirked and stifled a snicker at Raph's words. "Do I want to even know what the bets were about?" Mikey asked, concern filling his face. Donnie covered his face as some giggled slipped through, Leo groaned in annoyance. "We use to make bets of whoever got can convince Raph to carry whoever to their rooms fastest." Leo said as he folded his arms across his chest in a pout. Donnie began to snicker as his body shook a little.

 "And since Donnie is such a theatre kid, he always won by being annoying." Leo said as he rolled his eyes, the mention of it caused Donnie to bust out laughing. "O-only because y-you t-thought tackling Raph w-would work!" Donnie said as he fell to the ground, Mikey chuckled a little as Leo's eye twitched. "I did it one time and he never picked me up again!" Leo said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Donnie began to calm himself again as he stood back up, grabbing his staff again as he wiped a tear from his eyes. "Ooohhhh." Donnie said as he took a deep breath, Mikey smiled as Leo only glared at Donnie. "While I enjoy the little memory, we should hurry before Raph realizes he's alone." Donnie said as he leaned on his staff, which was now at full length.

"Hey guys? You coming?" Raph asked, the three could hear the worry in his voice. "We're coming big guy!" Leo said as he ran through the wall and jumped down, Donnie following not too far behind. Mikey smiled and sighed as he took in the silence again. Finally, after several weeks, his brothers were finally getting along and were even supporting each other's ideas. Mikey could use to this and he even thanked the Pizza supreme in the sky as he looked down at the street and smiled before jumping down through the wall.

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