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Mikey zoomed around the table and carefully set the cloth down on the table, but looked up as he noticed the cloth was drifting a bit farther than he'd like. But S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N reacted quickly and grabbed the edge of the cloth. "Go a little bit towards your left." Mikey asked and gestured to wards the direction he mentioned. Once S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N set the cloth down in the correct position, he zoomed over to Mikey. "Anything else I can help with?" S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N asked, Mikey hummed as he looked around in thought. But then Mikey's phone went off, causing both to look at the source. Mikey grabbed his phone and rose a brow in confusion. "Huh, I thought April would be busy." Mikey said as he shown S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N that April was actually calling.

Mikey answered it and held it to his ear with a smile. "C'ello?" Mikey asked in a cheery tune. "MIKEY!!!" April called through it, a bit as Mikey pulled back his phone, even S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N winced from the loud noise. "Oh, sorry." April said quietly as Mikey rolled his eyes with a playful grin. "It's fine, what's up? Are you having trouble with your studies? I can call Don if you want." Mikey offered, thinking that April was just contacting him because Donnie was being stubborn and wasn't answering his phone. "Oh no, nothing like that." April said with a excited tone, Mikey looked at S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N who only shrugged his blades in confusion. "Then what's up?

"What's up is that Barry blew up the kitchen!" April said, sounding more excited than Mikey would think is a good idea. "What?!" Mikey asked as he grabbed his head in fear. Raph and Leo popped their heads out of their rooms in confusion. "I know right! It'll take the school weeks to clean up!" April said as Mikey looked around for his hoodie. "I'll be right over I just need another hoodie and-" Mikey was interrupted in his rush when April called out to him. "Mikey, chill man. No one suspects Draxum." April said, causing Mikey to sigh in relief, not noticing Leo and Raph were watching him. "The school board said because the school is covered in gunk, that we get several days off and another month after that to prepare for finals!" April said, causing Mikey to looked at S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N with wide eyes. "Meaning me, Casey and Barry can make it to family night!" April said, causing Mikey to smile brightly.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!" Mikey yelled as he danced in victory, his ninpo making small smiling emoji's around him. "Ohmigosh, you guys won't regret this!" Mikey said and hung up before letting April finish. "Come on S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N! You gotta help me make their favorites!" Mikey said with joy as he rushed into the kitchen, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N rushing after him. Leo and Raph looked over at eachother before Raph sighed and pulled his phone out. Leo raised a brow until his phone rang. He looked at it and noticed a text from Mikey.

I'll keep my trap shut, but only for tonight

Leo looked over at Raph again before sighing as well and returning with a thumbs up. Both agreed in silence before going into their rooms again. Skip ahead an hour or two and Mikey is back at it with zooming around the table. Placing down all sorts of things like plates, silverware and foods while S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N brought in the chairs, each were different but were usable. Once the two were done, they both looked at their work with a smile. Mikey held up his fist to S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, who pulled out a metal arm from his back and fist-bumped Mikey. "You get the guys and Pops while I make sure the others are on their way." Mikey said as he walked towards the exit. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N then flew up the stairs and zoomed into Leo's room"Huh, wha- WHOA!" Leo yelled as S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N dragged the leader in blue down the stairs and then near the table.

S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N did the same things with Raph but only knocked onto Donnie's door as Raph and Leo grumbled. Donnie's door burst opened as Donnie was on his phone. "Do we have everything prepared?" Donnie asked S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N quietly, he nodded. "I set up the precautions while Mikey was busy with making more food." S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N whispered back as Donnie put his phone back into his shell. "Good. Tonight needs to go perfect, mainly for Mikey's sake." Donnie said before S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N flew off to go and check on Mikey. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N flew through the tunnels and hid in the shadows when he finally heard Mikey. "You guys have no idea how much tonight means." Mikey said as he was giving a hug to Draxum, Casey might've been taking a picture. April smiled a bit and patted Mikey's shoulder.

Mikey also gave April a tight hug while April rolled her eyes. Casey snickered a bit as Mikey let April go eventually. "What're you laughing at? Your hug is next." April said smugly, Casey froze a but as Mikey looked at her, a giant smile on his face. "Uh, nope!" Casey yelled as she began to dash down through the sewer. April laughed a bit as Mikey dashed after the ex-ninja, Draxum just shook his head in slight disappointment. It seemed that while this was happening that Donnie, Raph and Leo were talking because they abruptly looked up upon Casey running into the commons. "HELP ME!" Casey yelled as she dashed to the opposite side the table was facing, which is where Donnie was sitting. 

"Wha-" Before Leo could finish, Mikey came in, but seemed to be crawling on the ceiling. Confused shock filled Leo's face while Raph looked more scared, Donnie was just going with it before looked under the table. Casey was holding her knees to her chest and looked at Donnie. "He tried giving you hug and you ran off before you even let him, didn't you." Donnie said with a quirked brow. "Ah, got it." Donnie said as he slowly rose up and looked up, Raph was holding up a fork at Mikey. "Casey ran away before Mikey could hug her." Donnie informed bluntly. "Oooohhhh, that makes sense." Leo said as Raph only coward into his chair.

"She's under the table Mikey." Donnie said as he pulled his phone out. "Bro!" Casey yelled from under the table as Mikey pounced onto the ground. Causing the table and everything on it to go flying into the air, Casey waving her arms in a frenzy almost. Leo and Raph yelped in fear as Mikey propelled himself towards Casey and hugged the girl. Several metal arms shot out from the walls and grabbed everything and everyone that is in the air and put them back in the correct place. Raph blinked for a moment as April and Draxum walked into the room. Raph looked over and snickered a bit as he saw Mikey drag Casey into the room. "I might've over done it." Mikey said sheepishly as he lifted Casey up, it looked like Casey's soul left her body.

"You think so?" Leo asked sarcastically with a smile as Mikey set Casey into a chair next to Leo. After the metal arms set everything back, they went back to their places back into the walls. "While watching the human girl try to run away from you, how do you plan to summon the rat?" Draxum asked as he sat next to Raph, feeling a glare that Donnie was giving him. While Draxum may be a "good guy", Donnie was still ticked off with him. April sat on an empty chair next to Mikey as he held up a giant dish that was covered. "Easy, by just doing this!" Mikey said as he raised his hand above the cover's handle. Mikey smiled brightly and opened the dish, revealing a small slice of blue cheese. Everyone seemed confused as Mikey set the dish down.

Mikey then cleared his throat and opened his mouth wide. "Blue cheese." He whispered in the most quiet voice he could muster. Splinter's door busting open and Splinter landing a bit farther away from the table. "I SMELL BLUE CHEESE!" Splinter yelled, stars in his eyes.

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