Shadow's truth

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"Yeah, now let's get going!" Mikey said as he dragged Shadow out, but April stopped everyone else. "Why don't we stay here? Y'know, incase Shadow doesn't get the result she wants." April said, something Leo picked up on. "Besides, Mikey is basically like your best friend, right?" April asked Shadow, who looked at Mikey with slight worry before turning to April with a smile. "I suppose that wouldn't hurt." Shadow admitted, something Mikey laughed joyfully at and began to drag Shadow out of the liar. "Come on, come on, come on!" Mikey said, he used some portal balls he got from Draxum and dragged both himself and Shadow through it. The minute the portal was closed, April glared ahead and turned to the others.

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you guys something and I really need you to trust me." April said as she reached into her jacket and pulled out the file Usagi had given her. "April? Is everything alright?" Donnie asked as April looked at the file with a sad frown before looking up at everybody. "It's.... it's about Shadow." She said, causing everyone to look confused as Leo furrowed his brows. "There's something about her that she hasn't told us the whole truth on." April said, opening the file and holding it up for them all to see.


Mikey and Shadow landed with grace, Shadow reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out the vial. She checked over it to make sure it was perfectly fine before sighing in relief. "Okay, let's get this going." Shadow said, Mikey nodded, and both headed to the police station. Like before, Mikey headed to the main desk, but stood on Shadow's shoulders and looked up at the desk yokai. "Hi! I'm here to see Mona Mouse." Mikey said, the yokai pointed behind him, causing Mikey to look behind him and gasp. A small cyan orb hovering a few feet behind him. "She's been having on hovering at the main entrance ever since you left." The Yokai said, Mikey then hopped down from Shadow and gestured for the spell to come down towards him.

It did as commanded and hovered a few inches from Mikey and Shadow. "I'm back Mona! And I got the sample you wanted!" Mikey said and reached into Shadow's hoodie pocket, lifting the vial up for the spell to show to the spell. The spell stared at the blood sample before pulsing in a code of some kind. "OMW." Shadow said, Mikey turned to Shadow in confusion. "Morse code, there are different versions of it." Mikey smiled at Shadow and was sure to stay where he was. It didn't take long before Mona zoomed in front of them. "Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah!" Mona yelled as she slipped and crashed into a wall, her hair tired up in a messy bun. Shadow looked at Mikey in confusion. "That's the person who's supposed to help us find my family and my name?" Shadow asked while pointing a thumb to Mona.

"Uh yeah, guess she's been working overtime." Mikey said as Mona pulled herself from the wall and dusted herself off, her wand holding her bun together. She looked up at Mikey and Shadow and smiled brightly. "Mr. Splinterson! I'm so glad you came back!" Mona said and ran over to Mikey, shaking his hand with a giant smile. She then turned to Shadow and smiled at Mikey. "So, you're the friend that this guy wants to help out, kinda thought you'd be shorter." Mona admitted, Shadow looked at herself in confusion. "As much as this small talk is fun, me and Shadow came to find her file." Mikey said, causing Mona to smile. "Oh, so you guys already figured out her name?" Mona asked as she gestured for them to follow her. "It's a nick name they've given me until we came here." Shadow explained, Mona hummed in acknowledgement and then opened her office door.

Both walked in and headed to the giant monitor, Mona turned it on and began to type. "Alrighty then, just need the sample and we'll be able to figure just who your family is." Mona said as she looked back to the other two. Shadow reached into her pocket and pulled the sample out, giving one last look before shifting her glance to Mikey. He smiled brightly at her, and it made Shadow rethink this whole thing. The moment she had it, Shadow would leave the Hamatos in search of her own family. Meet that family and give Usagi his revenge. Shadow then looked at the vial again and sighed, handing the sample to Mona. She pushed her keyboard and a device appeared with a slot inside of it. Mona placed the sample into it and allowed the machine to suck in the vial. Everyone stood back the monitor began to scan through several files of yokai and mutants. As they scanned through, Shadow looked at Mikey.

Her frown deepened as Mikey's eyes was full of stars. Memories of the turtles, Casey, Splinter, Sunita, and Cassandra rang through Shadow's Mind. Times when the brothers attempted to introduce her to something. The board games and video games they played and a few times the girls had brought Shadow out of the lair to play basketball during the guy's patrols. Shadow couldn't help but smile but gasped as she heard a sound, everyone looked at the monitor. An image of a young Shadow, one without scars and a bright smile on her face. Next to her picture was her First and Middle name, including her birthday.

"Venus De Milo." Mikey said, confusing filling his features at the lack of a last name. "According to this blood test, you have only one family member and no one has seen him in several years." Mona said sadly, putting the file up and Mikey gasped gleefully while Shadow, now labeled as Venus, looked at the monitor with shocked anger. "Lou Jitzu's your dad too!!!" Mikey said brightly fully and hugged Venus. "You're our sister!" Mikey said as Shadow looked to the ground. Mona noticed Venus's expression and carefully pulled Mikey off her. "What? What's wrong?" Mikey asked as he looked at Money and then at Venus, seeing her shocked expression. "Draxum wasn't lying...." Venus said as she hugged herself, her body began to shake. Mikey realized something as Mona let Mikey go. If Venus was his sister, then that means she was mutated the same time as Mikey and the others. Meaning that Splinter had left her behind on accident, that she was stuck with Draxum since she was a child and that even Draxum left her behind.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, he was supposed to be lying." Venus said as she held her head and looked up at the monitors. Mikey then walked over to Venus, hugging her and staying silent. Venus gasped as she looked down, tears beginning to pour out from her eyes as her arms hovered around Mikey. "I'm sorry you had to go through all those things, I'm sorry Draxum did all those things to you, but I promise we'll be better. We'll help you deal with Usagi and make sure Draxum apologizes to you. We'll make sure you know what it feels like to be a sister in our kind and loving family." Mikey said, Venus stared at Mikey with a frown and sighed. She hugged him back and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself as Mona stayed to the side, a sad smile on her face.

"Alright, I'm okay now." Venus said as she patted Mikey's back, which he backed off and looked at Venus with a sad smile. Venus whipped her eyes free of tears and took a deep breath. "If it helps any, Pops never mentioned us having a sister, so he probably didn't even know you were there." Mikey said, Venus looked at the monitor and sighed. "I guess you're right." Venus said, but then Mikey's phone went off. He grabbed it and smiled brightly. "It's Leo! Do you think I should tell him the good news or wait till we get back?" Mikey asked, Venus looked at the phone and smiled. "I think we should wait until we get back." Venus said, Mikey gave a thumbs up and answered his phone.  Mikey and Leo talked for a bit as Venus looked to the monitor and walked towards it. Mona looked at Venus with a frown and put her hands to her side.

"Are you okay?" Mona asked, Venus sighed and looked to the mouse yokai. "Honestly I don't know, I did something and thought this plan I had could work." Venus said, Mona frowned yet again. "Well maybe whatever happened you can still work out." Mona said, Venus looked at the monitor again but turned around to Mikey after he hung up. "Okay, everyone wants to meet at April's apartment. Let's hurry so we can tell them the news!" Mikey said, Venus smiled and nodded. Both thanked Mona for her helped and promised to visit again before heading out and made there way to April's apartment.


Leo frowned as he hung up, turning to the others. Everyone had guilty looks on their faces or were angered. "Okay, he's heading this way with Shadow." Leo said, turning to his other side to see Usagi sharpening his katana with a stone as he sat on the building's safety rails. "You remember our plan?" Leo asked, Usagi looked at Leo and nodded. "Wait until he's farther from De Milo and then attack." Usagi said, spinning his katana and sheathed it as he stood up. Leo nodded and everyone looked ahead, waiting for Mikey and Venus.

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