One amend fixed

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The brothers walked through the lair quietly, noticing the room's lights were off suspiciously. Leo held up his finger to silence his brothers before peeking his head through the entrance. He narrowed his eyes and saw Splinter's silhouette, Splinter seemed to be sitting on his chair as he waited for his sons. Leo slipped back and turned to his brothers, they waited for him to say something. "Pop's is waiting for us, I'll make a portal for Don's lab. Once I make one, I'll bring Raph with me, and we'll try to convince him that everything went smoothly." Leo planned, Raph and Mikey gave a thumbs up while Donnie looked at the entrance with uncertainty.

"I don't know about this plan, what if Pops decides to try and come into my lab while I'm checking on our Shadowy Figure here." Donnie said as he pointed his thumb to the Shadowy figure, who groaned quietly and shifted her form a bit. "Oh, you'll be fine. We'll just use the secret stash of cake and Milk Mikey made a few days ago." Leo said, Mikey seemed surprised by this. "How do you know I made that?" Mikey asked, Leo rubbed the back of his neck. "I was going to see if you want to do anything like play 'Skate-ball' but you were baking and I decided to leave you alone." Leo said, Raph then let Donnie grab hold of the figure.

"That checks." Mikey said, Leo walked away from the entrance and quickly opened a portal. He watched the entrance as Mikey helped Donnie get the figure through the portal. It was a little difficult, but both did so. The portal closed behind the two as the lights in Donnie's lab lit up, the room being illuminated by purple and blue as Donnie dragged the figure to a table, Mikey helped by hoisting the Figure onto the table. "Okay, let's get these splinters out of her skin." Donnie said as he grabbed some tweezers, Mikey ran to grab some bandages. While Donnie did his work, Mikey remained silent. The silence was tense, Donnie could sense it and shifted his gaze to Mikey, who was staring at the ground with a sadden expression.

Donnie finished wrapping up some injuries before setting back to see if he missed anything else of the Figure's body. He had already taken care of the Figure's ankle, it wrapped in a thin cast, but one she could use nevertheless. Donnie flipped up his goggles and looked over to Mikey. Donnie got up from his stool and walked over to his younger brother, remaining silent as he hugged Mikey from the side. Mikey was surprised for a moment before hiding his face in Donnie's arm, Donnie only remained silent. "I'm sorry we acted like dumb-dumbs tonight. Especially me, I should've kept a more open mind on Draxum. It's just hard to trust him." Donnie said, trying to makeup with Mikey.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have expected that everyone's fighting would just end before tonight." Mikey said quietly, his body shaking a bit. Donnie frowned and let go of Mikey, grabbing onto the box turtle's shoulders and looking at his younger brother. "That doesn't mean we couldn't try to work around those issues. I'll try to trust Draxum but I can't promise it'll happen overnight." Donnie said, trying his best to smile. Mikey laughed a bit and tried to hide his view of Donnie's face. "Stop forcing yourself to smile, you're going to break something!" Mikey laughed a little, Donnie sighed in relief upon this.

"Thank you, my face is too tired to change from it's usual blunt frown." Donnie said as he gestured to his face, Mikey only chuckled at this. Both heard groaning and turned to see the figure's eyes began to twitch. Donnie stepped away from Mikey and walked over to a tray of needles. They were painkillers, Donnie usually kept them out when his brothers refused to take the actual medications like ibuprofen. The figure tried to sit up while rubbing her forehead, her eyes still remained closed. "Are you alright?" Mikey said, causing the figure's eyes to snap open and turn her head to Mikey. "Wha- where-, why am I?" The figure said and looked around, Mikey looked at her confused as he saw the anxiety in her rise.

"A-are we in a lab?" Venus asked, her voice quietly like a whimper. "Yeah, are you okay?" Mikey asked as he raised a hand to Venus, who's head wiped around everywhere. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not again." The figure said under breath, Mikey opened his mouth to say something, but Donnie beat him to the punch. "Alright, we're all set. This should make her feel better." Donnie said as he flicked the needle to get rid of excess air. The Figure finally snapped as she jumped off the table and kicked it to trap Mikey. "HEY!" Donnie yelled, but got hit with a punch to the stomach from the figure. "YOU'RE NOT USING ME LIKE THAT AGAIN, I WON'T GO THROUGH IT AGAIN!" The figure yelled as she began to run deeper into the lab. "Shadowy figure wait!" Mikey said as he pushed the table off him. But the figure was deep in the lab, her fear growing more and more.

She stopped for a moment and held her head, which caused her to bend down a little and try to take deep breathes, her pupils going everywhere. She kept repeating "No's" and "Not again!'s" over and over again. "Shadowy figure!" Mikey called again, causing her to gasp as she looked up, seeing Mikey running towards her. She looked around and saw a cell of some kind, the corners made a a metal while the walls and door was made of a see through material. She ran to it and grabbed the door, slamming it shut as Donnie and Mikey tried running to her.  She closed the door, causing Mikey to run into it and watch as the figure backed away to a wall, allowing herself to curl up into a ball once her shell hit the wall.

"Shadowy figure, we can explain! Please! We don't want to hurt you! I convinced my brothers to bring you here to help you!" Mikey pleaded as Donnie looked at the cell in thought. He noticed a keypad on the door but it remained inside, much different compared to actual cells. Donnie looked at his tech gauntlet as Mikey's pleas fell on deaf ears. Finally, Donnie did some digging and eventually pushed a button. Green smoke starting to fill the cell, causing the figure to freak out more. She began to look around rapid as Mikey watched in horror, the figure then began to get tired and fell over.

"Donnie?!" Mikey yelled as he turned to his brother. "Relax, I just put a non-toxic chemical in there to put her to sleep before she had a seizure or something." Donnie reassured, even showing Mikey his tech gauntlet to calm the box turtles' nerves. "I didn't hurt her, I promise." Donnie said as Mikey tried to relax himself. He looked over to the cell and saw the smoke had now disappeared and the figure was now sleeping. "Can you get her out?" Mikey asked as he looked back to his brother. "Sadly, no. I made this box so that the person inside can only open the box. I made for when me and Raph tried working on his separation anxiety. It didn't go far but I figured I'd use the cell for something else." Donnie said as he looked at the giant device. Mikey sighed as he walked over to the cell and sat in front of it, watching the figure.

"The only thing I can open is this opening on the side." Donnie said as he began to type on his tech gauntlet. A small hatch then opened, Mikey crawled over to it and peered through it. "it's not big enough for you to slip through, even if you completely went into your shell." Donnie said as he rubbed the back of his neck. The hatch then closed as Mikey got up. "What if Leo uses one of his portals?" Mikey asked, Donnie shook his head. "I had Draxum work on it with me. He suggested to put this spell on it that stops any mystic energy from going in or out of it." Donnie said as he gestured to the cell, Mikey sighed in defeat as he looked back at the figure. "I suppose we have a new house mate." Mikey mumbled, Donnie groaned. Boy was this going to be werid.

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