Battle end

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A/n: Note to self, don't watch a Wilbur Soot "If I laugh, the video ends" video. Kinda distracting and hilarious.

Mikey and Raph came into the apartment through the hole and looked up to see April and Casey still asleep but now leaning against the couch. Donnie was scanning both of them as Leo tried his best to keep fear off his face, both kneeling to level themselves with the girls. "Are they okay?" Mikey asked as he rushed over to Casey and gripped her shoulder, Raph on April's side. "Yes, they're just asleep." Donnie confirmed as he typed on his tech gauntlet. "How do we wake them up?" Leo asked with worry, but Donnie only sighed and lifted his goggles up. "I don't know, not until I know what caused them to pass out." Donnie said as he gestured to the girls, Leo looked up at them and remembered something he learned as a kid. "Let me try something." Leo said, the three backed off as Leo crawled between the girls. He crackled his knuckles and took a deep breath, pushing the exact same pressure points Shadow did and both teens' eyes flew open. Casey yelled something as she jumped up and punched the closest thing to her, which happened to be Mikey. He yelped and hid in his shell before Casey could cause any actual damage.

April laughed for some reason and froze, confusion filling her features. Casey also seemed to calm down and help Mikey up. "Sorry about that." Casey said and quickly helped April up. "Come on, come on, come on! We gotta stop that psycho before he hurts Shadow!" Casey said and quickly looked around, seeing a bat and throwing it to April. She caught it but fumbled with a yelp at that. "What, Casey slow down!" Leo said and quickly grabbed Casey, ignoring his brothers shocked expressions from the action he had performed moments ago. "What do you mean hurt her? Shadow was taking him on like a boss!" Leo said with a smile, but Casey shook her head. "No! He's Ophelia's brother and, h-he's here to kill Shadow!" Casey said with a fearful expression, trying to push Leo's grip off. "What? How do you know that?" Donnie asked as he walked over to Casey. "Back at Big Mama's hotel, Shadow had these two friends. But Big Mama didn't want that for Shadow, so she forced Shadow to kill Ophelia!" Casey yelled, her fear growing for her new friend. With this new info, Mikey looked down in thought.

"De Milo." Mikey said, everyone turned to him. "That's what he called Shadow." Mikey said and looked up at everyone. "It could be her actual name!" Mikey said with a smile, Leo's mind slowly coming to the same conclusion as Mikey. "So, if this guy was Shadow's old friend, then that means that he not only knows her name, but maybe her actual family!" Leo said, but then cleared his throat and smiled at Mikey nervously. "Uh, sorry for taking your thunder, Miguel." Leo apologized, but Mikey only smiled with determination. "Doesn't matter. We just need to capture that guy and get some answers!" Mikey said, but Raph spoke up. "Yeah, but how do you plan on us capturing him when he can control plants? He could destroy us if we don't watch every corner around us!" Raph said, then Casey spoke up. "Miyamoto can only control plants with his katana." Casey informed, then April held her chin. "So, we sneak attack him, nab the sword and pull it as far from his as possible?" April asked, Donnie held his chin. "That might just work." Donnie said, Casey smiled and dashed to the hole.

"Then let's get going!" Casey said and jumped out of it, everyone but Raph and Donnie had jumped out. Donnie stopped his brother and pointed to the turtle tank. "Do you think the Debrees broken enough for you to move it?" Donnie asked as Raph looked up. Raph hummed in thought before turning to his younger brother and nodding. "Yeah, but I'm gonna need your help to tell me what to move." Raph said, Donnie nodded, and both headed to the tank. But back with Shadow, her emotionless face was back as she went back to attack Miyamoto, pushing him down to the ground as she pushed his own blade towards his neck. "Tell me what my name is and I'll let you go." Shadow said, Miyamoto scoffed and tried to push Shadow off him. "Even if I tell you, what makes you think I won't go after to you?" Miyamoto said and pulled his legs up to his chest and kicked Shadow off him. Quickly grabbing katana as Shadow landed in a dumpster. He spun the katana around and pointed it at the dumpster, its blade glowing bright green as vines launched out to grabbing Shadow and lifting her up into the air.

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