Questions answered

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"Are you alright?" Mikey asked softly, the figure nodded but didn't look up. "Okay, we still have your plate of spaghetti, do you still want it?" Mikey asked, the figure remained still for a second before nodding again. "Okay, I'll be right back then." Mikey said as he stood up carefully and walked out, the other remaining brothers stared at each other in hopes of not making the figure uncomfortable. Mikey eventually did come back with the plate and placed it onto the ground, not knowing if the figure still wasn't alright with touching anyone. Once the figure grabbed the plate, Mikey asked another question. "Do you want to be alone? Me and my brothers will just be on the other side." The figure looked at her plate before nodding, causing the brother to leave the area one by one. They tried limiting the amount of Donnie's lab that could be seen while they exited and remained silent, not wanting answers for why the figure had cleaned out the room and why she had other abilities that didn't come up until now. Once Mikey was out of the curtain room, he turned to his siblings who all seemed to be deep in thought.

"That was too close, Splinter was literally a few feet from finding out she is stuck here." Raph said as he ran his hand against his head. "We need to find another place to put her." Donnie admitted, Mikey frowned and looked at Leo. Who was holding his chin and looked at the ground? It was silent for a moment until Leo finally had an answer. "I said she wasn't going anywhere until we get answers." Leo said and looked around the lab. "Maybe we can now." Leo said and turned to Mikey, seeing the disappointed frown on his face. "I won't go too far, but we can't help her if she's just taking up space in Donnie's lab." Leo said and began to look around. She had a fear of needles and a fear of labs, yet she was able to run out of her cell and make it seem like the brothers weren't hiding someone from Splinter. Leo looked at the curtain and watched as it opened, the figure's eyes closed tightly as she placed the plate outside of the room. A note on the cleaned plate. Leo walked over to the plate and picked the note up as the figure walked away from the curtain.

"What's that?" Mikey asked as Leo walked back to his brothers and flipped open the note. "It's from her, it says: I'll answer SOME of your questions. Only if I'm allowed to stay inside here while you do it." Leo read aloud and looked at his brothers, they all agreed to this and turned to the curtains. "We're coming in, alright?" Leo asked as he reached for the curtain. After a few seconds, the brothers headed into the room and made sure to give the figure her room as she was sitting against the wall, hugging her legs to her chest as the blanket was still wrapped around her body. Once they all sat up, she looked up to see who wanted to ask her a question first. "I'll go first, why did you leave the cell?" The figure sat up and looked at Mikey as she raised her hands. "Oh, yeah. She prefers sign language; I'll translate for you guys." Mikey said with a smile, the figure looked at Leo again and began to sign as Mikey stared at the figure.

"I couldn't hear what was going on. It was silent after the crashes; I was worried Mikey had gotten hurt as he didn't come back. So, I decided if I could sense him with my extra mutant abilities, I could find him. But when I heard you, all yelling at someone after the cell announced I had left it, I tried to make it seem like no one was in it to avoid you all getting into trouble."

"Aww, you were worried about me?" Mikey asked with a smile, the figure blushed a bit as she looked away. "You were the only one to give me food and try to talk to me. Of course, I'd get worried you had left." Mikey translated, Raph chuckled as the figure sighed in annoyance and rubbed her brow. "Okay, I'll stop teasing." Mikey said with a laugh as the Figure looked at Donnie. "I'll ask my question last." Donnie informed, so the figure looked over to Raph. "Okay, give me a sec...." Raph said as he held his chin and had an idea. "I don't know if Mikey has told you this, but we found your apartment trashed so much worse when we went to go find those weapons. Do you have any idea who's after you?" The figure nodded and raised her hands up again.

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