Finally Getting Out of the Lab

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It was the next morning and Mikey was hanging out with his brothers, he told the figure he would try his best to help find her name as she got some more sleep. So, he was hanging out with Leo and Raph while Donnie tried to ask the figure a few questions. Mainly Donnie left her alone, but they were just basic questions like "Are you allergic to something? Do you know how old you are" all that jazz. While it was rude to ask a woman her age, the figure was fine with it and knew why Donnie was asking. Eventually, Splinter came out of his room with a suitcase in hand. Confused, the brothers asked the rat where he was going. "If you must know, Draxum still has some records he needs to clean out. I decided to come along so that he doesn't get arrested while he does some extra work to help him become less of a fugitive." Splinter explained, Leo looked at his brothers before looking at Splinter.

"And you're just now saying something?" Leo asked, Splinter rolled his eyes. "No, we've been working on it for a while. I just didn't want to drag any of you guys into the Mystic City since you all have a certain 'history' with the place." Splinter said as he looked at each of them with an accusing eye, Leo and Raph looked away while whistling. Mikey looked at Splinter in confusion. "So, wait, where exactly are you two going to do that?" Mikey asked, Splinter sighed as he looked at his watch. "We'll be going to the police station. It has every record of every mutant and yokai known to exist, they even have files on all four of you and me, but just don't have basic things like a name or address." Mikey thought for a second and smiled. "So, they would even know our birthnames and birthdays?" Mikey asked, Leo and Raph suddenly knew what Mikey was doing and planned to stop him, until Splinter hummed in thought.

"I think so, I was explained how it works, but it's been forever. You'd probably have to go ask them yourself." Splinter said, then a portal appeared next to him and Draxum walked in, messing with his hair as he looked beyond peaked. "Please tell me you have those papers." Draxum asked the rat, who sighed and opened the suitcase, everything inside neatly arranged. "Yes, yes, yes. Don't get your robes in a twist." Splinter said as Draxum opened a file and began to flip through it. "Hey Draxum!" Mikey said with a grin and waved at the yokai, he waved back and put the files back. "Alright, let's go." Draxum said. "Wait! I wanna come too!" Mikey said with a smile, Draxum sighed and looked at Mikey. "You're what, 13?" Draxum asked, Mikey frowned. "No, I'm 15. Donnie and Leo are 16 and Raph is 18." Mikey pouted.

A/n: Just a head cannon based of their heights

"Sorry, but you have to be at least 17 to come with us." Draxum said as he turned to the portal. "Nooo, I wanna go to the police station in the mystic city! I wanna see if they know everything about our family." Mikey said, Splinter looked at Mikey in confusion. "Why now?" Splinter asked, Leo and Raph stiffened as Mikey smiled. "Cause we always get into trouble when we're there. I'm the only one of us that technically hasn't committed a crime or got caught participating in one." Mikey said, Leo snickered at the thought as Splinter sighed. "He does have a point. Not to mention if any of him and his brothers get in trouble, it would be nice if the police called us to let us know." Draxum said, Splinter sighed but nodded as Draxum reached into his robes and pulled two purple and green balls. "One should take you to the Mystic City Police station. One will take you right back to the old lair. I haven't had the time to make one for this new lair." Draxum said as he tossed the balls to Mikey, he caught them with ease.

"Okay, bye! Have a good time!" Mikey said with a smile and waved to Splinter and Draxum as they walked through the portal. Leo and Raph finally sighed in relief as Mikey looked at the portal balls in his hands. "Okay, what exactly is your plan here?" Leo asked his brother as Raph sat on the ground. "Well, our friend had to been born in the Mystic City. They might not only be able to tell us who her family, but her legal name!" Mikey said with a smile, Leo hummed in thought as he held his chin. "Not to mention I have to fill out all sorts of paperwork now, so I technically have to go there." Mikey said with a frown. "Well, you better go tell our friend then." Raph said, Mikey agreed and dashed to Don's lab. Leo and Raph looked at each other. "Not it." Leo said as he poked his nose, confusing Raph. "For what?" Leo snickered a bit. "Oh, you know, explaining to April and Casey why Mikey missed out on their movie night." Raph groaned in annoyance as Leo laughed at his brother's misery.

"No doubt Sunita was there too." Raph said as Leo began to laugh more. "I hate you, so much." Raph said as he glared at Leo, who began to laugh so much he fell over. "Oh yeah, get it while you can." Leo began to wheeze as Raph rolled his eyes. But back with Mikey, he was explaining his plan to the figure and Donnie. The figure hummed as she held her chin while Donnie thought about it. "The plan makes sense, not to mention, you could possibly tell our friend's family that she's alive and sort well." Donnie said, the figure nodded in agreement as Mikey smiled. "Yup, I'll just not mention all that assassin stuff you use to do." Mikey said, the figure gave him a thumbs up. "Not to mention, I cleaned out my lab. Now it just looks like a giant room with some tech and giant monitors." Donnie said as he looked at the figure with a smirk. "Meaning we can try to get you out of this room and get you to walk on that ankle some more." Donnie said, the figure looked the curtains but nodded with furrowed brows.

"Alright then! I should get going, I'll text you when Splinter and Draxum go home." Mikey said as he stood up and looked at Donnie, who nodded. Mikey eventually left the curtain room and bounced the ball onto the ground, a portal to the Mystic City opening and allowing Mikey to jump through before it closed. Once Donnie did a quick check of his lab again, he walked into the small room and saw the figure standing up. She used the wall for support and stood on her injured ankle, hissing in slight pain when she tried putting some pressure on it. "I'm sure it's just sore, you haven't used it much, except for yesterday." Donnie said as he walked over to the figure, now noticing she was about a foot taller than him. Meaning she was probably two or three feet taller than Mikey, a foot taller than Leo and a foot shorter than Raph. Donnie then reached his hand to her as the figure tried to just put her foot on the ground but relieve it from some pressure.

"I'll help you walk around a bit. I have several computer chairs so you can use them if your ankle becomes to much." Donnie explained as the figure stared at his hand. She nodded and grabbed onto his hand, not putting her weight on him but using him to balance herself as she limped to the curtain. They both stopped there as Donnie reached for the curtain but stopped when he felt the figure shake in fear. "We don't have to do this; walk through the lab I mean." Donnie said as he looked at the figure, she took a shaky breath but shook her head. "Need, overcome, fear." She whispered but was loud enough for Donnie to nod. Since he had to ask her some questions, the figure answered some of them verbally, but was so quiet that S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N had to help Donnie out. Speaking of which, the flying drone was keeping an eye on the tunnels that led to the lair, just in case someone came into the lair while the figure was walking around.

Donnie made sure the figure was ready before pulling the curtain open, turning to the figure to see she had her eyes screwed shut. "Your gonna have to open your eyes in order to walk." Donnie said bluntly, the figure opened one eye to see if what Donnie had said was true about his lab. Which is was and the figure sighed a little while opening her eyes. The lab had all medical tools and objects put away and only a few gadgets and tools remained on some of Donnie's desk. But the room still had the dim setting, luckily some lights had been turned on and the figure watched the room in fear as Donnie helped her to the main door. "Okay, here's the main door." Donnie explained as he gestured to the closed door. "It's set to always remain shut but can easily be opened with a simple pass code." Donnie said and pushed in the number code: "13579" and the door slid open. The figure stared at the door before limping out of the room, seeing the massive lair and gasping in surprise. "Finally, you came out, I was getting bored." Leo said as he leaned against the wall with a grin.

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