Aftermath of Movie Night

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A/n: I made this from the previous chapter and was wondering what you all thought about it. If you guys can give me any tips on how to do rendering any better, I'd love to hear them.

The next morning, Shadow groaned as she began to wake. Once she opened her eyes, she attempted to move her arms to stretch. But stopped when she felt a weight on her arm and hand. She looked down her lap and saw Mikey was holding her wrist, then she looked to her arm and saw Donnie resting on it. Shadow looked behind her and saw she was also leaning against Raph; Shadow looked ahead at the wall and saw another clock nailed on the wall. It read five in the morning, causing Shadow to sigh. She knew she couldn't get up with all this weight, not to mention was sorta leaning against her legs as he also slept. Mikey was on her lap and Donnie kept Shadow's arm still. But then again, why did she have to get up? Sure, by now, Shadow would be trying to walk around or think of a way to leave without upsetting Mikey, but these mutants, Sunita and two human girls wanted to help Shadow. Shadow looked down at Mikey as she suddenly remembered every time Mikey begged to let him help Shadow.

Shadow looked at her wrapped ankle. Donnie had done that; he was the one making sure her injuries were all patched up. She then moved her gaze to Leo and noticed just how exhausted he seemed. Being the leader must've been harder on him than the others thought. Even with all those responsibilities of being the families' leader and being a brother, he still decided to bring Shadow into the lair. Even when he knew she was being hunted! Raph was the one who actually bought Shadow's hoodie, Sunita embroidered it, Casey trusted Shadow without a single thought and April brought over all these movies for Shadow to watch. Heck, even Splinter offered to give Shadow her own room to sleep in while she healed. Shadow sighed and looked up, allowing her worries to slip away as she suddenly felt safe. Shadow didn't know why, maybe it was because of Mikey's optimism to help Shadow. Maybe because the brothers always won a fight they started, sure they messed up along the way, but they usually won. Shadow sighed yet again and looked ahead, just waiting and enjoying the silence.

"Over it." Shadow said as she looked around, she saw Donnie wasn't exactly leaning on Shadow, but the pillow he was using. Maybe? Shadow began to shift her arm around, causing Donnie to groan and shift away from Shadow. She quickly pulled her arm away before Donnie leaned back onto her. Shadow sighed in relief when her arm was free, then she turned attention to her trapped wrist. Using her free hand, Shadow carefully pulled Mikey's grip off her wrist. Mikey didn't wake up as she tried to shift Mikey up to allow her to get up as she crawled onto Splinter's sofa. Once she set Mikey down, Shadow was careful not to wake Raph as she hopped off the sofa and walked out to the kitchen. "Hmm..." Shadow said as she looked around and spotted the coffee machine. "I'm not gonna bother with that." Shadow said as she shifted her gaze around the kitchen. "Surely they have tea around here." Shadow said as she began to rummage through the cabinets. She did this as quietly as she could, sighing in relief after she found some tea bags.

After making sure there wasn't already a box opened, Shadow began to read the instructions. After finding the kettle and just putting a random amount of water into it, Shadow sat at the table and watched the kettle as an empty coffee mug with a tea bag rested in front of Shadow. As she waited for the water to heat up, words from before began to run through her mind.

"If I were to 'poison' you, it would only be like medication you refuse to take and things to help you fall asleep"

"I figured it would be easier on her."

"We promise to help you. But we can only do so little if you don't tell us who's after you."

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