The hunt is on

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Both mutants remained on opposite sides on the dojo, keeping their gazes on each other. Leo then took a quick chance to grab something out of his pouch and throw it at Shadow. Her eye's turned into slits with their familiar blue as she zoomed in onto the objects, seeing they were marbles and saw Leo running in another direction. She quickly ducked to the ground and looked up to see Leo running at her. Being quick, she spun her body so her legs could take out his and cause Leo to land on the ground with a groan. He groaned as he rubbed his head and looked up, gasping when he saw Shadow's fake sword aimed at his neck. "You yield?" Shadow asked as she took a step forward, only to step on a marble and cause her to yelp as she fell onto her back. Leo looked at Shadow who scowled at the ceiling before looking at Leo.

He snickered as Shadow just blinked at Leo. "Neat trick." Shadow admitted as she sat up and heard more snickering, but it wasn't from Leo. She looked up and saw Donnie holding a phone with Raph behind him. Donnie had all his tech back on by now. "Donnie, think about what you're going to do before-" But Donnie looked at his phone in shock when he suddenly pushed something on his screen and laughed nervously, turning his phone screen to show he posted the video he had recorded to a Mystic City social media. "And you're dead." Leo said as Shadow got up and gripped her wood sword tightly. "You get a minute." She said with a scowl, even Raph ran off as he and Donnie attempted to find some place to hide. Leo than grabbed his katana, quickly made a portal and jumped through it. As this was happening, Mikey began to wake up, Casey and Sunita had just woken up.

Sunita yawned as she turned back into her more physical form and allowed herself to stretch as Casey slapped herself awake. Mikey looked around and noticed his brothers, Shadow and April weren't in the room. "Wonder where they are." Mikey asked, but that question was asked real quick when Donnie slipped and fell in front of the doorway. He looked up at the other three and quickly stood up. "Don't tell her I'm here!" Donnie said as he dove into the sofa and pulled his limbs into his shell. "Don't tell who?" Sunita asked in confusion as she tapped her lip. Mikey shrugged his shoulders as Casey got up and walked out and to the kitchen. Mikey and Sunita decided to get up and leave Donnie with his mistakes, but both froze as they saw Shadow walking around, her wooden sword dragged against the ground as Shadow looked around.

"Uh, you good, Shadow?" Sunita asked, the mutant turned to Mikey and Sunita and wiped the scary scowl off her face. "Oh yeah, I'm hunting Donnie down because he uploaded a video of me and Leo sparing. I tripped over a marble." Shadow explained before going back to hunting. Once she was out of ear shot, Mikey and Sunita walked over to Donnie how was looking around. "Is she gone?" Donnie asked, Sunita nodded as Mikey smacked Donnie's head. "You suck." Mikey grumbled and headed to the kitchen, planning on making breakfast and get some coffee. But once he made it to the kitchen, he noticed Casey and April sitting at the table. Casey trying to comfort April as Mikey walked over to the coffee machine. "Good morning, guys!" Mikey said with a bright grin, both girls waved at him before returning to their own thing.


Raph whimpered as he sat in Donnie lab. "It'll be fine, she won't find you!" Raph yelled but didn't hear Donnie's lab door open as Shadow stood at it's entrance. "Donnie, I know you're in here." Shadow said, Raph poked his head out from where he was sitting. "Don's not in here, but I am." Raph said with a bright smile, forgetting he was hiding from Shadow. "Alright." She said as she rose her wooden sword at Raph, who gulped and yelled out in fear as Shadow leapt for Raph. He kept yelling in fear as he rolled out of the lab, crashed into a wall and scrabbled onto his feet. Shadow came walking out of the doorway and watched as Raph ran out, allowing Raph a couple of seconds before she chased after him yet again. But then, the door next to Shadow slammed open to reveal a tired Splinter.

He just looked at Shadow, who looked at her wooden sword nervously before glancing back at Splinter. "Me and your sons are playing a game." Shadow said with a nervous grin and ran off, Splinter sighed, rolled his eyes and then slammed the door shut. As Shadow ran off, she sighed in relief once his door had shut. Shadow then looked around and hummed, trying to figure out where Donnie had gone. "Pssst." Shadow looked up for the source of the sound and saw Leo hanging on top of one of the support beams in the ceiling. "I'll tell you where Donnie is if you stop hunting me." Leo offered, Shadow hummed as she held her chin and made it seem like she was thinking. "Alright." Shadow said with a shrug, causing Leo to smile as he shifted around and landed on the ground with no problem.

"Great!" Leo said with a bright smile as he stood next to Shadow. "He's hiding in the living room." Leo said bluntly and pointed behind him. "LEONARDO!" Donnie yelled as he made his presence known by throwing an angry glare at Leo. "Sorry twin, but I want some more coffee before your obsessed dumb butt decides to drink the entire pot again." Leo said with a cheeky smile and scurried off; Donnie grumbled under his breath but yelped as he saw Shadow's glare. He yelled in fear as he ran as fast as he could, Leo whistled a tune as he walked into the kitchen without a care. "Oh, Shadow! Don't hit his back!" Leo yelled before he walked into the kitchen, seeing Mikey and Casey sitting at the table with April. "Hope I didn't walk into something." Leo said, giving the three a heads up he was in the room.

"Nah, just trying to convince April she didn't upset Shadow." Mikey said with a frown as April stirred some coffee Casey had made her. "Why would Shadow be mad at you?" Leo asked April as he walked over to the stove, seeing a pancake and flipping before it could burn. "Because I brought up the blood sample thing again." April mumbled as Leo began to make another cup of coffee. "Oh... yeah. I can see how she'd be a little ticked off." Leo said and turned to his human friends before Mikey could scowled him for the lack of encouragement. "But no need to worry. I found her in Splinter's dojo a few hours ago and she seemed completely fine. Maybe she just needed space." Leo said with a smirk before returning to his coffee. "Leo's right. Besides, it's not like you were commanding Shadow to do the blood thing." Casey said, April smiled at the encouragement, everyone looked up as Sunita yelped from tripping on something.

"Hey guys, I gotta go." Sunita said with a smile as she quickly got up and activated her cloaking broach. "Oh, let me get this pancake done and you can eat it on the way." Mikey said as he ran to his pancake he was cooking. Making sure it was cooked and then handing it to Sunita. Normally, something fresh off the stove would burn someone, but the broach didn't give her any nerves like that, just masking her yokai form. "Thanks Mikey!" Sunita said as she raced out the lair. Leo smirked as he drank some of his coffee, Donnie then walked in with a few bruises on his arms. "You sure I didn't break anything?" Shadow asked behind him, a concerned look on her face. "I'll admit I went a little overboard." Shadow said as she rubbed the back of her neck. "You're fine, Shadow. I'm just glad you listened to my traitor brother about my shell." Donnie said as he sat across from April, Shadow took the spot next to him.

April remained silent as she turned back to her coffee, Casey remained silent as she knew it wasn't her place to say anything. Donnie noticed how tense Casey was and how silent April was being. Shadow looked at where Donnie was looking and noticed April. A frown came upon her face. Shadow took a deep breath and looked at April. "Sorry for leaving the conversation so abruptly earlier." Shadow admitted, causing April to look up at Shadow. April smiled at Shadow's apology and laughed a bit. "It's cool, I shouldn't have pushed you to do something you didn't want to do." April admitted, causing Casey and Donnie to sigh in relief. April laughed at their reactions as Shadow seemed confused at this. "Breakfast is served!" Mikey said, causing the four to look up and their eyes going wide. He had a plate on his head, two on one arm and was holding a single one. Leo then quickly grabbed the one on his head and the extra plate on Mikey's arm.

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