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"So, what did I miss?" Donnie asked as he drank some of the coffee, Mikey only sighed. "I think Leo and Raph forgot it was family night." Mikey said as he leaned onto the table, Donnie raised a brow to Mikey as he sipped the coffee. "You get a pass, you just woke up." Mikey said, Donnie smiled as he set the coffee down. "Or I might just be your favorite." Donnie chuckled, Mikey rolled his eyes playfully as Donnie grabbed the fork and knife. "If Leo and Raph keep up with their act, you might just be." Mikey grumbled a bit, Donnie noticed. "Their back at it this late?"

"Not currently, they promised they wouldn't but just for tonight." Mikey said with a small grin, Donnie scoffed a bit. "That won't last long." Donnie said as he ate some of the omelette. "Hey, I have faith in them. They've never broken a promise." Mikey said with a defensive body structure. "And I don't doubt you, but they've never fought about who the leader was gonna be like this before." Donnie pointed out as Mikey sighed. "I know, I just hope they save it until after tonight's dinner." Mikey said, Donnie looked at his younger brother and saw the sad look on his face. Donnie looked back at the omelette again. "If you want..." Donnie said as Mikey looked up. "I could help you with making dinner." Donnie offered, a nervous look on his face. Mikey looked at Donnie with a blink.

"I'm thankful, but Don." Mikey said as he closed his eyes. "We both know you can't cook." Mikey said, Donnie sighed in relief as Mikey smiled. "Oh thank goodness." Donnie said, Mikey laughed a bit as Donnie sat up. "Thank you, for real though." Mikey said with a smile. "No probles." Donnie said as he shoved another piece of the breakfast into his mouth. Mikey then looked up to Donnie's monitors and noticed the time. "Speaking of which, I should probably get started if I want to decorate the lair a bit." Mikey said as he moved his chair a bit and began to walk out of the lair.

"Alright, I'll send S.H.E.L.D.O.N out when you start!" Donnie said as Mikey walked out of the room. Mikey dashed down to the kitchen and began his work, he decided to start a call with his friends. "So you guys are coming, right?" Mikey asked Barry, Casey and April as he beat a mixture together. April noticed how nervous he was and she bit her lip a bit. "I don't know Mikey, I got a load of assignments to deal with, then there's finals me, Sunita and Casey have to study for." April said as she rubbed her neck. "I agree with April, the finals will soon be eliminated but we must study our enemy first." Casey said with a dignified tone, they all looked at her in confusion. "What? You guys took me away from the possibility of being a vigilante!" Casey said, Draxum sighed.

"The janitor has also been coming into the kitchen more recently so I won't be able to leave earlier than I would like. I might be able to come, but it's a small chance." Draxum grumbled as Mikey slowed his actions down in defeat. "O-oh. Right, well I shouldn't keep you guys since you're busy." He said, April and Casey looked apologetic. "Sorry buddy, we wished we could make it." April said before she clicked off, Casey said a quiet "goodbye" before she also got off, leaving Draxum as Mikey looked down at the mixture. Draxum sighed quietly as Mikey was about to end the call.

"How has it been over there?" Draxum asked, stopping Mikey as his finger hovered over the "Hangup" button. Mikey looked up at Draxum before sighing quietly as he went back to mixing the mixture again. "It's the same. Dad sleeps, Leo and Raph fight, Don keeps overworking himself and I'm just trying to make sure this family won't tear apart." Mikey said sadly, Draxum frowned and looked around before looking back at Mikey. "I'd normally make you a cloaking brooch so you could hang out over here, but most parts are sold over in the mystic city." Draxum said, Mikey looks up at Draxum with a sad smile. "Thanks, but I wouldn't be surprised if you need a license for it." Mikey said, Draxum suddenly looked up and grumbled.

"The janitor is in here again." Draxum said, Mikey said. "Alright, I'll let you go. Please don't mutate him." Mikey said, Draxum rolled his eyes while smirking. "No promises." He said as Mikey chuckled, the call soon enough ended. Mikey sighed from his laugh and was soon enough back with the silence. "Come on Mikey, you gotta impress everyone with your food." Mikey said as he held up the spoon he was using to mix the thing in the bowl. "All they need is a home cooked meal to make them feel better." Mikey said with determination, he then looked at the spoon. His gaze moved left and right before he licked the spoon a bit. "Delicious." Mikey chuckled, unaware that S.H.E.L.D.O.N was hovering by the kitchen's opening. S.H.E.L.D.O.N looked down at the ground in defeat before he quietly zoomed off.

A few hours later...

Mikey sighed in relief as he whipped his brow of sweat. "Aw, yeah!" Mikey said as he looked at all several dishes of food all over on the table. "Now to just move this to the main area." Mikey said and walked over to the skating area. But he stopped before he reached the commons when he heard whispering. "You're so annoying, you know that?" Raph said, Mikey poked his head through the corner. Leo and Raph were left in the room but they seemed to switch places, Leo reading while Raph was with the dummy. Leo rolled his eyes as he set the comic down. "I'm only not saying anything because I promised Mikey I wouldn't say anything tonight." Leo said bluntly as he sat up and folded his arms across his chest. "Right after tonight, I plan on doing as I please." Leo said, Mikey turned away from the entrance and sighed sadly.

The two fight so much, they've resolved to fight with each other behind Mikey's back and against his word. Mikey took a deep breath, smiled brightly and began to walk out. "Hey guys! What's happening?" Mikey asked as he walked in, both brothers stopped for a moment and smiled nervously. "Hey Mikey!" Leo smiled nervously as Raph punched the dummy. "Nothing much, I just got done making dinner and decided to set the living room up. But when I was coming in here, I heard you too talking." Mikey said as he set his hands onto his hips, both brothers sweat nervously. "Now, you two weren't fighting, we're you?" Mikey asked as he cocked an eyebrow. Leo and Raph looked at eachother before looking over to Mikey again.

"Nope, no fighting here!" Raph lied with a smile, Leo nodded in agreement as Mikey's eye twitched. "Great then, why don't you two clear out and I'll start." Mikey said as he clapped his hands together. Both the brothers looked at Mikey with confusion. "You don't want us to help you?" Leo asked, Raph was about give a smug answer like "You can't even lift a table" but Mikey already had a table hovering over him, his ninpo covering it entirely. "Nope!" Mikey said as the table was slammed against the floor, knowing darn well what Raph was about to say. Leo and Raph took that as a sign to leave Mikey alone as Donnie's lab door opened. Donnie walked out the room and over to the railing.

Donnie groaned with annoyance quietly when he noticed Mikey's posture. Mikey then walked over into the kitchen as S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N flew next to Donnie. Donnie looked over to his creation as S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N looked down in worry. "Why don't you go help Mikey, maybe he'll feel better?" Donnie asked, already knowing he himself wasn't aloud in the kitchen when Mikey was cooking and that Mikey wouldn't be to thrilled to see Raph and Leo. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N looked down at the commons and saw Raph and Leo heading up the staircase. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N looked at Donnie and smiled. "Sure thing D!" S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N said before zooming off to the kitchen.

Donnie smirked and then walked to his lab again, knowing the majority of his work here is done.

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