Now for the final activity!

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After making sure Cassandra and Shadow were completely fine, Splinter gave each team their list. Shadow looked over Leo's shoulder as she read the list with confusion. "We shall be doing this last event in the Mystic City! Each item both me and Barry have checked should be completely harmless and easy to buy if needed." Splinter explained as Leo looked over to Shadow. "Guess it's a good thing you're my partner, 'cause I don't know where half of these things are." Leo said as he handed the list to Shadow, who scanned over the list and hummed. "I suppose..." Shadow said as Leo looked back up. "We will meet back up at my favorite wishing well at lunch!" Splinter said, everyone agreed and headed out to find a way into the mystic city. This time, Mystic abilities were allowed so long as you used them for self-defense. "Okay, first thing on our list is a 'Bottle of Hybana juice'?" Leo asked as he held the list and leaned against his sword, Shadow hummed as she held her chin. "I might know where that could be, but does it say what size?" Shadow asked, Leo looked down at the letter and shook his head. "Nope, is that important?" Leo asked as he folded the paper in his pocket.

"Sorta. The bigger the size, the rarer and more difficult it is to find. You can easily find them in the black market, but I don't think it'd be a good idea to head there." Shadow said, causing Leo to sheath his sword with a smile. "Okay then, lead the way!" Leo said, Shadow nodded and began to lead Leo. After a bit, Shadow led Leo into Witch Town. "Okay, let's just get out of her the quickest we can." Shadow said as she took to the building's shadows, something that confused Leo. "Okay, but why are we sneaking around?" Leo asked as he and Shadow made sure to stay silent when someone passed by. "Uh... no reason?" Shadow asked with a nervous grin, one that Leo raised a brow at. Shadow then shushed him and shoved him behind some barrels as a giant witch trudged by them. Shadow kept her eyes on him while Leo looked around, maybe something around here was making Shadow act off. It wasn't until he saw a wall full of posters that he suddenly got an idea. Leo got up as Shadow looked through the alley way and went to the one poster that had caught his eye. It was of three mutants, one turtle and the other three seemed to be rabbits of some kind. 

One rabbit had black fur with white ear tips, hands and some white markings on her face as her fur seemed to be styled in a pixie cut. She wore training attire as she smiled brightly. The other rabbit, who looked extremely worried, had completely white fur with black hair tips. He also had black marks under his eyes, and it made Leo realize, this poster was about Ophelia and Miyamoto. Then he shifted his gaze to the final mutant and saw this turtle was looking behind them with a nervous smile, one that a child would have if they did something they were scared to do because they would get caught but enjoyed it, nonetheless. Then Leo looked back at Shadow and the mutant's picture, shifting his gaze before he realized they were the same. Sure, the picture of younger Shadow had a lot less scars, but you could tell it was her, if you looked hard enough. "Shadow? Did you and some old friends get into trouble here?" Leo asked as he pointed to the poster, which was a "BANNED" poster.

Shadow looked up and her gaze softened before sighing. "Friends would be a unique word to describe us. But yes, Usagi, Ophelia and me got into some trouble when we were all younger." Shadow admitted as she looked at the poster with a frown, Leo looked up at the poster again but looked at Miyamoto's old picture. "Usagi?" Leo asked as he looked at Shadow, she laughed a bit and put her hands onto her hips. "Yeah, it's Miyamoto's actual name. He's just really formal and always addressed people by their last name or rank, so I did the same with him." Shadow said as she gestured to the photo of the Pikathrope. "Huh, makes sense." Leo said with a shrug as he kept looking at the photo, maybe it would help him guess why the three were banned from Witch Town. April and Donnie were already but Leo wasn't listening as to why, something about offending the witch's? Probably Donnie's fault.

"Anyways, we should get onto finding that Hybana Juice." Shadow said as she walked down the alley way towards the back of the building. "If we're lucky, the shop will be closed and can simply just buy it without talking to anyone." Shadow said, Leo looked at the poster for a moment before racing after Shadow, who seemed happy to get away from the main square. They did indeed find the shop, but it was open, so Shadow had to draw the picture of the Hybana Juice. Tell Leo where it would be and make sure not to mention April, Donnie or even Shadow. Leo looked at the photo that was drawn terribly before turning around, seeing Shadow hiding behind some barrels. She gave him a thumbs up as he sighed and walked into the shop. He was quite surprised to see the building was bigger than it was on the inside. He even had to walk in and out of the building before realizing that the shop owner might've put a spell on it. Leo closed the door behind him and walked around, finding the Hybana juice and grabbing it.

Now it did get Leo thinking, why was this thing on the list? Leo then began to look at the ingredients and side effects if used. The ingredients looked basic for Witch standards and didn't seem out of the ordinary. Then looked at the side effects and say it allowed anyone to drank it to look like a different yokai but only for a week. "Maybe it's for Draxum?" Leo asked but shrugged his shoulders and headed to the counter to buy it. The cashier did the basic thing about asking him if he found everything alright and other stuff. He answered nicely and looked around and saw the "BANNED" poster yet again. He furrowed his brows and then looked at the cashier. "Can I ask you something?" Leo asked, causing the yokai to look up. "I was wondering what got those three banned." Leo asked with a smile as he pointed to the banned poster. The cashier looked up and scoffed. "Those three use to work for Big Mama and we simply didn't want that around here. We were willing to let them in here every now and then, but they blew up one of our shops." The cashier said and made the potion turn small with his wand and placed it into a small package.

"No one was hurt badly. Those that were, were healed by that white rabbit yokai guy. He was really nice and said it was Big Mama who wanted the building to get blown up." The cashier said and handed the package to Leo, who seemed confused. "So wait, they weren't bad guys?" Leo asked, slightly confused that Usagi was so nice back then. "Oh, not by a long shot. The black furred rabbit made sure all children and adults were away from the building when it blew up. Then the turtle one made sure all children were with their parents and all healed up. Heck, she's the one who gave us money so we could rebuild that building!" The cashier said with a smile, but Leo looked at the poster. "So why keep them banned?" Leo asked, the cashier sighed and scratched his neck.

"Dunno, maybe because they were teens back then, so the mayor didn't trust them. I'm pretty sure the white rabbit said all of them were either 12 or 13 around the time. Besides we haven't seen then for longer than 3 years." The yokai said and then returned to something in the back, causing Leo to look at the box yet again. "Alright well, have a good day." Leo said and headed out with a frown, but headed over to the barrels. "Well, I got the potion. What's next?" Leo asked as Shadow held the box in her hands. "Nice job." Shadow said and handed him back the box before grabbing the paper, sighing in relief. "The rest of the items are all around the Mystic City and from what I know, none of which are owned by Big Mama and her goons." Shadow said and showed Leo the list, who only looked at it for a bit and hummed. "I think I know where a couple of these are." Leo said, causing Shadow to smile and let him lead them to the few items he knew the location of.

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